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Changing Concepts Of Health And Disease With Reference To Psychosomatic Medicine

Diseases with physical manifestations could be divided into organic and functional. Organic diseases were regarded as real, objective, and the proper object of study by scientific medicine. They had physical causes, which either had been or would be elucidated as a result of increasingly thorough study by physical chemical, and bacteriological methods.

Editorial – Obstacles To The Spread Of Homoeopathy

The so-called Allopathy still occupies the dominant place in any country, even in the land of birth of Homoeopathy. It is no wonder that Homoeopathy, being a discovery of merely a century and a half still lags behind its rival school. But it is a wonder of wonders that Homoeopathy has already encompassed the whole world with in such a short period since it was ushered into existence by Samuel Hahnemann.

Homoeopathists And Homoeopathy

A Fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians or of the American College is indicative of excellence and high medical attainment anywhere in the civilized world. Is it really impossible to do something similar for Homoeopathy, if we put all our sincerity and will into the effort? Surely such a type of qualification in Homoeopathy should carry due weight and do away with much of the miserable misrepresentation of this finest of therapeutic sciences.

Remedies Indicated in Coryza

Pulsatilla. Indicated in coryza with fluid discharge which soon changes to stopped up nose with loss of appetite and smell; discharge thick-yellow or greenish or foetid odor. (Hering.). The patient with fluid coryza feels best in open air, worse entering warm room; evenings the nose is stopped up. When the inflammatory stage of coryza is passed and frequent mucous discharge has set in, Pulsatilla often relieves in a few hours.

What Is Homoeopathy

In this confusion of unscientific balderdash there came upon the stage a remarkable and wonderful physician, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, who was born in Meissen, Germany, in 1755. Hahnemann was a very highly intelligent and remarkable man, and a profound student. He studied medicine at the Universities of Leipzig and Vienna.