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Editorial – Medical Conference And Homoeopathy

Our business year closes with the March issue of this journal. We extend our earnest greetings and best wishes to all our readers and supporters and we beg to be pardoned for all our omissions or commissions made in the past. It makes us very happy to think that our journal has rendered splendid services to the cause of homoeopathy even in the face of adverse circumstances which often impeded our activities.


The chief aim of a Medical Conference is to find out means and ways of improving the Health Services of the country. In the conference eminent and experienced physicians and surgeons meet and discuss the problems of efficient medical aid which can be brought within the easy reach of the suffering humanity. They are to consider in their annual or six-monthly conference how they can remove death and disease and establish healthy surroundings in our towns, cities and villages. There they are to think how they can help their ailing brothers and sisters who die everywhere without efficient medical treatment. There they are to relate their individual experience which other young professional brothers may carry home to enrich their previous lore of knowledge. In short, they meet there with a noble aim of finding out greater possibilities of bringing quick relief to those who groan and cry with an unending suffering, with dismal fear and utter hopelessness.

But unfortunately they often forget their sense of duty and waste their valuable time in discussing matters which are of no interest to them or to the general public. It will be to the best interests of all concerned that these learned physicians should restrict their utterances to matters which relate to their own subject.

We are extremely sorry to learn from responsible sources that some renowned old school physicians made silly remarks on Homoeopathy of which they do not possess any knowledge. We fail to understand why homoeopathy should enter into their discussions and why homoeopathy should cause any irritation in their mind. The most irresponsible statements made by them in the conference have caused great dissatisfaction and resentment in the homoeopathic circle of India. We hope the learned gentlemen in future should be careful in restraining their tongue from making any ugly reference to homoeopathy in any conference which may hurt the feeling of their professional brothers in the other camp.

The U.P. Homoeopaths are doing their best to improve their position in that state. Strenuous labour and tenacious efforts have enabled them to secure government aid and support in their acts of propagation of homoeopathic system of treatment.

Our business year closes with the March issue of this journal. We extend our earnest greetings and best wishes to all our readers and supporters and we beg to be pardoned for all our omissions or commissions made in the past. It makes us very happy to think that our journal has rendered splendid services to the cause of homoeopathy even in the face of adverse circumstances which often impeded our activities. With the advent of the new year we will make our best endeavours to improve the quality and efficiency of this journal so that it may enjoy greater popularity and greater reputation.


1. Chest and throat symptoms worse from talking and singing: Dros.

2. Face ache and asthma, after disappearance of tetters in face: Dulc.

3. Spinal meningitis during scarlatina or measles, eruption does not develop: Dulc.

4. Diarrhoea, with sudden cessation of the menses: Glonoinum.

5. Hands constantly busy: Kali Brom.

6. Tumours with sticking like needles: Kali-c.

7. Irido-choroiditis, especially syphilitic: Kali-iodatum.

8. Epilepsy comes on during sleep, from jealousy, onanism, loss of fluids: Lach.

9. Apoplexy, with paralysis: Laurocer

10. Great dryness of hands, especially palms: Lycop

11. Red inflammatory swelling of fingers: Mag-carb

12. Bubo, discharging for years: Merc-iod-rub.

13. Emaciation of diseased parts: Mez.

14. Atrophy of the mammae: Nitric-acid

15. Hands tremble when writing: Oleander.

16. Imperfect homoeopathists, who think themselves monstrously clever, not infrequently deluge their patients in difficult diseases with doses of different medicines, given rapidly one after the other.

17. Every part of our body that possesses the sense of touch is also capable of receiving the influence of medicines, and of propagating their power to all other parts.

N C Das
N C Das