Drugs Cause Disease

To put in a simpler way what Hahnemann did was that he administered material doses of any drug or chemical to a set of HEALTHY human beings including women and children and the diseased conditions created by the drug throughout the body were carefully and minutely recorded by him. These symptoms then become the guide for future treatment of any person exhibiting similar symptoms by the same drug which had caused the disease symptoms in the healthy person during the course of provings.

The fact that every drug produces some kind of its own disease in healthy body is amply proved by Hahnemannian provings. The theories based on the fact that “WHAT IT CAUSES IT CURES”. The only difference is that the crude drug when given in material doses causes drug disease while the same drug when Homoeopathically potentised is purged of its poisonous element and becomes curative of the disease caused by it. This is the Triumph of Homoeopathy.

The very fact that every drug caused disease enabled Hahnemann to establish his provings. If drugs did not create disease, there would have been no Homoeopathy nor Homoeopathic Materia Medica. This is why Homoeopathy cures and cures radically every diseased condition of human body and mind.

If you sow poison in the human body, you have to reap the poison harvest.

Chugha B R