
Pain: Stitching in left chest, through to left scapulae, worse lying on back, when moving the arm, from the least motion. Chest walls sensitive. Sore spots in the chest especially over apex of left lung; soreness in upper part of the left lung; going through to scapulae. Stitch from right side of chest into the scapulae. Pain in scapulae and inner costal spaces when coughing; contractive, bandlike around chest. Sensation of coldness in chest, a lump of ice in right chest. Stitching pain shooting through back worse lying on back or breathing deeply, chest feels heavy. Burning sensation in chest; heat throughout chest.

Sensation of weakness in chest when talking. Sensation as if the lungs were touching the back. Pain in chest. Sensation of fulness in chest. Pain when coughing or sneezing as if chest were shattered or bursting. Painful obstruction in the left side of the chest with anguish and inability to lie on side affected. The pains in the chest chiefly affect the left side. Pain worse coughing, lying on back, least motion, inspiration, lifting arms over the head. Pain in chest after pneumonia.

Pulse: Pulse full, hard and quick, at times intermitting. Pulse more rapid in morning than in evening.

Patient: Infants and old people. Scrofulous patients. Lean stoop shouldered persons who walk and sit stooping. Dirty, filthy people, emaciated and big-bellied children. Patients with a history of suppressed eruptions. Irritable, depressed, thin, weak.

N C Das
N C Das