Epigastric pain. Pain in right hypochondrium. Belching.

Modalities: Better when resting; worse when moving, bending forwards, lifting sight.


Crawling on scalp.

Scalp sensible to touch.

Sensation of scalp drawing.

Sensation of skin drawing at left temple and at right frontal region.

Sensation of burning, burning pricking and burning present in small spots.

Itching without eruption, changing spot rapidly.

Sudden pruritus on scalp, ceasing at once by scratching, being replaced by throbbing synchronic to heart beat in a small spot on the vertex, lasting for a few minutes.

Fall of hair.

Hair and lanugo dry and rough.


Pain all over the head, propagating to ear, lower jaw and spine.

Unilateral headache, on right or left side, propagating to neck, ear, half of face and upper molars; to lower canine; to lower canine and ear; to lower jaw; to half of the face; to half of the face and ear of the same side.

Occipital headache, propagating to vertex; in an arch to frontal region; to neck; to both mastoid regions.

Headache, frontal and supraorbital, propagating to ears; to both zygomatic regions.

Frontal headache, above root of nose.

Headache, unilateral, propagating to border of orbit and eye; to lower canine; backwards.

Headache at temples, propagating to vertex, both orbitae and eye – balls; to supraorbital region.

Unilateral headache at temples, propagating to upper maxillary; to neck; to ear and half of face and molars; to the face; to eye; to the eye and neck; to both mastoid regions.


Fugitive pressing pain, in antero – posterior direction, in a small spot of right frontal region.

Lateral compression of head at the height of both ears or of both mastoid regions.

As if a bathing – cap was compressing the lateral part of the head, especially at the height of the ears.

Painful compression at right temple and occipital region, with dizziness.

Painful pressure, from inside outwards, at right side of head, preceded by buzzing and obstruction of ears.

Burning occipital pain.

Burning occipital pain with dizziness, like balancing, making walking insecure.

Burning pain, stretching in an arch of heat from occipital region to forehead.

Burning occipital pain, simultaneously burning pain in left testicle, upon increase of occipital pain relief from testicular pain and viceversa.

Stitching pains, or as caused by a nail being driven in.

Stitching pain in right half of head, from neck to right supraorbital region.

Pain, from right occipital region to right eye, as if a hard object was perforating this zone, causing an intensive and continuous pain.

Pain, as if a nail was driven into temple.

Pain in right temple and right eye, as if eye was stabbed, propagating to neck.

Stitches in right superciliar region.

Heavy headache, in frontal region, in supraorbital region and temples.

Heavy pain frontal region and in eyeballs.

Frontal headache with painful retro – ocular heaviness.

Throbbing headache at temples to vertex, with pain in both orbitae and eyeballs.

Painful throbbings in temples, preceded by darkening of sight with nausea.

Head stunned.

Stunning by lateral compression of the head at the height of ears.

Cranial tension, like benumbedness, with state of giddiness, and belching.

Need to shake, in order to get rid of a kind of dullness.

Sensation to empty head.

Sensation of brain beating against walls of skull.

Sensation of fullness in head.

Concomitants: Difficulty to concentrate upon or to follow conversation. Bad humour, desires to be left alone. Superficial burning in various parts of face and lips. Nasal and buccal pricking. Tickling in various parts of face and lips. Numbness of lips. Muscles of face feel stiff. Fibrillar jerks visible in various muscles of face and periorbital muscles. Itching in various parts of body and in external auditive ducts.

Burning dryness of rhino – pharynx. Sensation of nares being dry and widely open. Painful pinching at root of nose. Red face with erythema, as from first degree burning. Face feverish. Mastoid compression. Toothache. Drawing in eye. Giddiness. Belchings and gastric anxiety. Prostration. Weariness and weakness, chiefly in legs.

Modalities: Better by cold, compression, free air. Worse by movement, bending head, by exposure to sun.

Heat in the face.

Face like feverish.

Red face, with erythema like in a first degree burn.

Sensation of scorched face.

Unilateral superficial burning, in zygomatic region; zygomatic region and temple; zygomatic region and lower part or orbital border; zygomatic region to whole cheek; whole cheek; cheek and half of upper lip; external half of cheek; upper lip.

Pricking and superficial burning pricking in small spots in face.

Itching without eruption, changing place rapidly in small spots of face.

Picking at labial commissura; in the middle of upper lip; in zygomatic region; on cheek.

Tickling, crawling, on both sides of face; one cheek; both cheeks, and tip of nose; central part of upper lip; at one labial commissura extending at once to the whole perioral region; half of upper lip.

Numbness in one or the other cheek or lips.

Fugitive numbness at right cheek with difficulty to open mouth. Numbness at one or the other cheek; left labial commissura; lips; left half of upper lip.

Face feeling stiff and lips benumbed.

Muscles of face feeling stiff and benumbed, more on lips, quite evident on stretching them.

Drawing or tension in parts of face.

Painful drawing on left cheek more severe at zygomatic region and temple of the same side, increasing with chewing movements, when closing eyes and by pressure. Hyperesthesia in the same spot.

Drawing at both zygomatic regions; at one zygomatic regions; at one zygomatic region and temple of the same side.

Drawing and numbness of one cheek.

Drawing in perioral muscles of one side.

Jerks and drawings in muscles of face.

Drawing in perioral muscles of one side and internal region of orbital border of the same side; in the muscles between nose and cheek; of the zygomatic region.

Sensation of something moving under the skin in zygomatic region.

Lineal depression on right side of face, stretching from temple to chin.

Sudden and fugitive sensation of antero – posterior compression, simultaneously on both superior maxillaries.

Tensive, dull neuralgic pains on one half of face, propagating to superior or inferior maxillary and to teeth.

Pain in upper jaw of one side and in molars and premolars of the same side; and in posterior teeth of this arch.

Pain in one side of lower jaw and ear of the same side; and on half face of this side.

Pain in zygomatic region and inferior canine of this side; and in half of lower jaw of this side.

Pain at height of left temporal – maxillar joint; at the angle of lower jaw; at ascendant process of lower jaw.

Concomitants: Superficial burning sensations in different parts of body. Itching in external auditive duct. Burning in mouth. Picking mouth. Food tasteless. Dullness of head. Burning occipital headache. Ears obstructed. Otalgia. Toothache. Sensations of nostrils being dry and wide open. Painful pinching at root of nose. Pressing precordial pain. Myalgiae and arthralgia. Zone of burning hyperaesthesia limited to left forearm. Partial numbness of section of upper limb. Nausea.


Superficial burning on eyelids or parts of them; on parts of orbital border; at one palpebral commissura; at one half of eyebrow.

Pricking and burning pricking on lids and brows.

Picking on lids.

Itching without eruption on both lids; on one upper lid; on edges of lids; at one half of lids; at internal angle of eye; on one brow.

Tickling on lids of one eye; on upper or lower lid of one eye.

Involuntary jerks and drawings of muscles visible under skin, of inferior orbicular; at the height of internal part of orbital edge; at the height of the external angle; on one or the other of the upper lids.

Perspiration on left brow.

Tension in eyes and heaviness of lids compelling to shut them often like from a “tic.”

Pain at upper lids when looking upwards, with pain in eyeballs.

Small abscess on palpebral edge.

Injected conjunctivae.

Reddening of eyes, like after having slept badly, with slight photophobia.

Injected conjunctivae without secretion, intolerance to drafts of air or wind.

Palpebral edges reddish with oedema.

Scarce yellowish secretion making lids stick together slightly when waking in the morning.

Burning in eyes.

Sensation of foreign body or sand in eyes.

Dryness of conjunctivae.

When moving the eyeballs they are felt like two foreign bodies moving within the orbitae; with mild pain in ocular balls and superior lids.

Sensation of dryness of conjunctiva, exaggerated upon being touched by air draft.

Stitching pains, as if nail was driven into the eye.

Stitching pain in both eyes or one of them; at internal angle of eye; on brow.

Pain as if right eye was stabbed, propagating to temple and neck of the same side.

Dull pain in one or the other eye.

Pain in both eyes with headache and toothache in both maxillaries.

Sudden pain in left eye, propagating as if it was by means of a cable downwards following the left side of the face to the clavicular bone that would hurt intensively.

Jacob Gringauz