3. Usual subjective symptoms of the provers pervious to the experiment were registered by means of a special questionnaire.

4. Provers did not know each other. Exceptions: Provers Nos. 2 and 3, 9 and 10, husbands and wives respectively as well as the group of the Chillean provers: Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38.

5. Provers were informed separately about the general conditions of the proving, warning them about the fact that there would be test – provers, who were to receive papers, tablets or drops not containing any drug and without anybody knowing their identity aforehand.

6. Provers had no knowledge of the drug to be tried out Exceptions: No.2 (who prepared the drug) and prov. No. 39 (director of the experiment).

7. Provers had no knowledge of the dilutions that were to be tried out. Exception: No. 39.

8. Nos. 3, 22, 27, 28 were test provers; Nos. 22, 27 and 28 took the drug later on. None of them had any knowledge of their condition as test – provers; nor of the fact of being given the drug later on.

9. Each one received a note – book bearing the individual number of the prover. Each page was divided into two columns; the first one for the day and hour of the intake of the drug as well as for the day and hour of onset of symptoms. The second column adjoining to the first one, for the description of symptoms in case of their appearance.

10. Each note book carried a leaf with the following instructions: “Dont trust your memory. Write down every symptom in this note – book as soon as possible, each one on a separate line. Take note of day and hour, every time you take the drug. Describe what you feel without sing any technical terms and take note of hour of onset.

Try, being complete in description of your sensations, state localization, viz., write down the exact place of appearance; the kind of sensation, experimented, stating what you would compare the feelings to (for instance, if it was a stitching, throbbing, burning, tearing, sensation); modalities of sensations such as, (a) if it started suddenly or gradually, if it stopped gradually or suddenly, (b) hours at which the sensation experimented was felt most intensively; (c) influence of rest, movement or any other determined position such as standing, sitting or walking; (d) what effect is produced by being exposed to free air or closed premises; (e) What effect is produced by rubbing or pressing the part affected; (f) what sensations preceded, accompanied or followed upon the symptoms described.

Please make it clear in every case, if the improvement or aggravation experimented by any of the above circumstances might be considered as improvement or aggravation of local symptoms or of the organism as a whole. Describe way of sleeping, dreams occurring (write them down immediately upon waking). If there is any perspiration, describe where it appears, whether it is cold or hot, its odour, whether or not being irritant, if you feel better or worse after sweating or if it does not change your condition.

State your mood, whether there are feelings like anxiety, desires to weep, your reaction in front of company or loneliness, as well as every change in character. Moreover women will describe date of onset of menstruations, their duration, colour, aspect (whether fluid, coagulated or mixed), hours of most abundance, if there is an interruption for days or hours and anything that might call their attention in comparison with their previous menstruations and genitals.”

11. Provers reported news by telephone, one or various times a day. According to circumstances they were seen and examined by the director of the experiment every time it was considered necessary.

12. The rate of laboratory examinations was graduated in accordance with idiosyncrasy of every prover. The laboratorist ignored in all cases whether the results reported by him had any bearings upon the experiment.

13. In order to explore the susceptibility of the provers to the drug, proving was started with a 30th c. dilution. Those presenting symptoms upon 30th c., went on experimenting with 200th c., and 1000th c. and afterwards with 12th c., 6th c., and 3rd c., in the order mentioned. That means that every prover was trying a successive series of dynamizations. Exceptions: Provers Nos. 9, 23, 24, 28, 32, 39 who started directly at 200th c. Prov. No. 1 proved only the 30th c. and provers Nos. 24 and 39 only the 200th c. Provers not showing any symptoms with 30th c. continued provings with 12th c., 6th c., and 3rd c. (Till 30th c. inclusively, preparations were made according to Hahnemanns method: 200th c., and 1000th c., were prepared according to Korsakows method, but starting from Hahnemanns method : 30th c). In all cases the experiment started by taking only lactose not containing any drug. Exceptions: Nos. 10, 37, 39.

14. In all cases the oral way of administration of the drug was used.

15. During the experiment prov. No. 11 lived at Villaguay (entre Rios), No. 33 at Vera (Santa Fe) Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 at Santiago Chile (Chilean Republic). While proving the drug prov. No. 39 travelled fortnightly to and from Mar del Plata, stayed some days at Santiago de Chile and for two days at the Pacific Coast.

16. The task of control and surveillance of provers resident in the Chillean Republic was entrusted to Dr. Antonio Morales Delpiano.



Fits of irritability.

Irritability on account of trifles with a sensation of uneasiness and impatience.

Irritability, not desiring to be talked to, or to talk.

Desires to fight and argue.


Anxiety with restlessness.

Anxiety clearing when walking rapidly many blocks, reappearing when at rest.

Anxiety mixed with gay excitement, improving upon a hard walk.

Anxiety with sensation of lack of air and oppression on chest.

Restlessness, urge to go from one place to another without any determined purpose.

Mental symptoms improving upon a hard walk.

Alternancy of bad humour and irritability with a state of gay excitement at noon with sensation of euphoria that prevents from concentrating on work, going from one place to another.

Gay excitement, at afternoon, that prevents from concentrating on work, going from one place to another, with anxiety.

Sadness, depression, tendency to melancholy and feelings of unhappiness.

Mentally sad and worried about his troubles.

Desires to weep.


Waiting makes extremely nervous, walking up and down, being unable to stay out.

Desires to reproach.

Reproaches for trifles, selecting the bad things in order to protest.


Easily offended.

“Nervousness” at epigastrium when receiving news or remembering disagreeable happenings. Happenings “are felt” in stomach.

Forgets names of persons.

Difficulty to find the adequate words during conversation.

Difficulty to comprehension and memory.

Slowness of mind.

Mental symptoms appear during day – time.



Tiredness as upon unusual physical exercises, like after having walked or performed excessive exertion.

Tiredness with bruised sensation, of generalised contusion, desires to be sitting or lying.

Tiredness with general lassitude as by flu.

Generalised asthenia, without will nor strength for work.

General lassitude with weakness for walking.

Impossibility to walk as quickly as usual.

General weariness.

Weakness with heat all over the body, dizziness and generalized perspiration.



Fugitive circles of superficial burning.

Limited regions of hyperesthesia with ardor or burning sensations.

Paresthesic sensations of burning, pricking and burning picking, tickling, crawling, numbness and sensation of electricity.

Involuntary spasmodic jerks of groups of muscle fibres.

Muscular drawings and jerks.

Myalgiae, generalised, and arthralgiae in large and small joints.

Pruritus without eruption.

Pains, oppressive, constrictive, tensive.

Pains, contusive, bruised and sore feeling.

Burning pains.

Dull pains.

Pains, stitching and pains as produced by a nail being driven in.

Pains, drawing, tearing and throbbing.

Sensation of compression, bandage, belt, cuff, in small zones.

General modality: Better by cold, worse by heat.


Vertigo with balancing feeling with instability.

Dizziness with balancing sensation and darkening of sight.

Dizziness with lack of balance produced upon increase of burning occipital headache.

Dizziness with generalised heat and weakness.

State of giddiness with sensation of cranial tension as from benumbedness, belchings with gastric anxiety.

Concomitants: Weakness, generalized heat and perspiration.

Weakness in lower limbs. Nervousness. Difficulty for reading, comprehension and memory. Sleepiness. Generalised tremor. Nausea followed by heat and perspiration. Arch of heat stretching from occiput to forehead. Throbbing in occiput. Cephalic tension.

Frontal heaviness. Painful tension in neck. Stitches in throat.

Pain in the back. Sensation of empty head. Pain in chest wall.

Breathing difficulty. Toothache. Pain in eye. Testicular pain.

Jacob Gringauz