Mr. Dsouza came to me for treatment of Asthma with Appendicitis on 11-7-50.
Details of symptoms:- Asthmatic patient for the past 4 years. The attack occurring at irregular intervals, mostly during night time after going to bed. During rainy season it used to continue both day and night. Of late he was feeling pain in the Appendix region, and was advised by his family doctor to get himself operated in some hospital. He was always having constipation and was taking laxative pills every night to make the bowels move.
Having strong desire for sour things. Even during very cold wind he likes to keep himself exposed to fresh air. He is the youngest son. Age 19.
Tongue – Big and flabby, yellowish coating mostly at base.
Mucus – White and sticky, tasteless.
Urine – Not tested, but clear in appearance.
Family history – Father is suffering from rheumatism. He suffered from jaundice and convulsions in childhood. He has had scabies too in childhood.
11-7-50 Sulph. 200 – Lach 200 – No relief of Asthma but the pain in appendix region was better, he got clear stool.
12-7-50 Lyco. 200 – Nat-s 200 – Little relief. Had good sleep at night.
14-7-50 Sac. Lac. – He got attack after midnight.
15-7-50 Nat-s 1M – No relief
16-7-50 Lach. 200 – Medo. 10M gave him good sleep No Asthma but there was dull pain in appendix region.
1-8-50 Sulph 1M.
9-8-50 He came with severe attack I gave a dose of Lach. 1M which gave him prompt relief. There was slight pain in the liver region, but no pain in the appendix region.
25-8-50 Lach. 1M – The end of Asthma here.
19-3-51 Slight pain in the appendix region. No motion for the last two days Lach. 1M did no good.
22-3-51 Lyco 200 gave him good motion within 3 hours. The pain was stopped completely.
17-4-51 Medo. CM for constipation. Sycotic history
1-6-51 Medo. CM for same.
3-7-51 No asthma. Little attack of cold and cough. Lach. 10M
27-7-51 Lyco 200 – For gastric trouble.
4-8-51 Feeling too hot at night, restless sleep, cough only at night, worse lying on the right side. Syphilinum CM.
29-8-51 Kali sulph 1M – For skin eruptions with yellowish tongue.
30-10-51 Kali sulph. 1M.
18-12-51 Pulsatilla for constipation, when a man is treated by allopaths with iron tonics and purgatives he becomes a patient of chronic constipation which can be cured by Puls. only. Nux-v. does not help much I find.
In this case Lach. 1M failed to give relief for the second time and Lyco. 200 gave prompt relief. Some others would have given Lach. 10M or Medo. CM but I did not. The reason is sometimes repetition of very high potency brings terrible reaction on the sick. So it is better to give temporary relief with some suitable complementary in medium potency and then administer the higher potency of the former one which acts like a miracle.
Some would have started the case with Kali-s, because of yellowish tongue, aggravation during later half of the night, no symptoms are alike suppressed eruptions, etc. But relief by discharge, sleeps into aggravation, better in sea climate, etc. These were the prominent symptoms for me. Fathers rheumatism helped me to prescribe Medo.
One thing more to be mentioned here. Lyco. 1M, 10M increase pain either in the stomach or in the intestine but 200th gives quick relief. Whereas Lach acts in all potencies, better to start with 30 and finish in 10M. Lyco. Lach. can be used advantageously as the first remedy in appendicitis and I have cured several cases with these two.
Even higher potency relieves dyspnoea of an asthmatic patient within an hour. So we should not wait more than two hours after giving a dose of any potency, if there is no relief, a change of medicine is required.