Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Superficial knowledge of Materia Medica can never aid a cure; on the other hand, it brings Homoeopathy into disrepute. It is not true that the advent of certain new drugs of the Old School has crippled our therapeutic activities especially, in the field of acute diseases. We must admit that our frequent failures to give satisfaction to our clients have brought us to this state of uselessness.


There are several causes of our therapeutic failures. The first and the chief cause is our lack of knowledge of the facts of the Materia Medica and of the laws of the homoeopathic prescribing. Materia Medica is a vast source of knowledge and to be fully acquainted with this, one must toil as hard as one can. Without diligence and ceaseless labour no one can expect to gain even a fraction of this knowledge.

Superficial knowledge of Materia Medica can never aid a cure; on the other hand, it brings Homoeopathy into disrepute. It is not true that the advent of certain new drugs of the Old School has crippled our therapeutic activities especially, in the field of acute diseases. We must admit that our frequent failures to give satisfaction to our clients have brought us to this state of uselessness.

Hence if homoeopaths want to recapture their lost ground, they must work hard to be familiar with the symptoms of our Materia Medica. The knowledge of these symptoms alone will lead us to success and the ignorance about them will cause many lamentable failures and bitter disappointments. Every Homoeopath, must not only study his Materia Medica with care and patience but he should also carefully investigate the causes of his failures. This will enrich his knowledge and increase his experience.

N C Das
N C Das