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Cough with excessive lachrymation has been cured with this drug. All diseases with watery symptoms from eyes or mouth or from other orifices of the body, should always invite our attention to this great drug. Watery discharges from any part of the body should always guide us to the selection of Natrum Muriaticum. All skin diseases with watery exudation or watery vesicles are likely to be cured with Natrum mur.


A single symptom when wellchosen can lead us to success. A few years ago a woman patient narrated to me that her ear was discharging water for a period of seven months. According to Dr. Schuessler watery secretions form the keynote for Natrum Mur. A dose of Natrum Muriaticum C. M. curd her very quickly. The prescription was made on the strength of this single symptom. A young girl was suffering from hysteria with profuse flow of saliva. Taking salivation as my guide I gave her a dose of Natrum Mur 10M which made her free from the trouble.

Cough with excessive lachrymation has been cured with this drug. All diseases with watery symptoms from eyes or mouth or from other orifices of the body, should always invite our attention to this great drug. Watery discharges from any part of the body should always guide us to the selection of Natrum Muriaticum. All skin diseases with watery exudation or watery vesicles are likely to be cured with Natrum mur.

N C Das
N C Das