Case Report

Aggravation: – early hours of the morning, after sunset, serious on a cloudy day and during rainfall. Nux-v., Carbo-veg., Causticum, Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Sulphur failed to give any marked relief. Natrum Sulphuricum;- 200, three doses every 4 hours for three days brought most satisfactory results. Natr. Sulf. 1000 removed all his troubles.

Mr. D.N. Singh, aged 35, years, of Kalimpong, was suffering from Asthma (hereditary). He was treated by many eminent allopaths for a long time and applied many injections without getting any relief.

At last he came under my treatment on 18th. June, 1952 with the following symptoms:-

1. Symptoms always worse in the early hours of the morning and just after sunset. Worse when walking.

2. Marked flatulence, diarrhoea.

3. Extreme weakness.

4. Chronic Broncho-Pneumonic condition was also detected at his right side with serious pain.

5. Headache, neuralgic.

6. Relief from hot bath and on sunny day.

7. Severe pain in the bones of the body.

8. A feeling of vomiting was present all the time.

9. Anxiety on face, restless feeling.

10. Tendency of suffocation during attack.

11. Tremendous appetite.

12. No sound sleep at night.

Aggravation: – early hours of the morning, after sunset, serious on a cloudy day and during rainfall.

Nux-v., Carbo-veg., Causticum, Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Sulphur failed to give any marked relief.

Natrum Sulphuricum;- 200, three doses every 4 hours for three days brought most satisfactory results. Natr. Sulf. 1000 removed all his troubles.


My dead doctor Sahib.

“I am feeling perfectly well this morning, all signs of my illness have mysteriously disappeared. I had a most restful sleep last night. I really must say your treatment is wonderful.” Yours sincerely, Sd/- D.N. Singh.

Niyogi J K