
Head: Vertigo on sitting, standing, lying, on closing eyes.

Copious, perspiration of head.

Delirium interrupted by sudden shrill cries.

Boring of head deep into the pillows.


Grinding of teeth.

Brain feels tired.

Burning and throbbing in head worse motion and stooping, better by pressing.

Aching in occiput. Pain in occiput.

Fullness in head.

Head feels swollen.

Puffiness of scalp, forehead, and around eyes.

Musk-like odor of sweat of head.

Eyes: Squinting. Trembling of eyeball, worse at night.

Rolling eyes.

Burning, stinging, shooting pains, sensitiveness to light.

Eyes red with hot head.

Upper lids swell and hang like little sacks over eyes.

Lachrymation hot and scalding.

Ears: Hardness of hearing.

Raises the hand to the back of ears with each scream.

Nose: Tip of nose cold.

Face: sunken; pale; sickly; features distorted; happy expression; dark and much swollen.


Red and hot. Pale and waxen.

Puffiness about the eyelids.

Oedematous swelling of the face and puffed eyelids.

Dark red face.

Swollen, red and hot.

Burning cheeks, with cold feet.

Purple colour and burning heat.

Roughness and tension in lips, especially upper.

Upper lip swollen, hot and red.

Lower lip chapped.

Bluish lips.

“The face is either flushed red or more frequently, pale and waxen, wearing a look of anxiety or a happy expression.”.

“Face puffed and dark red, lips dry, covered with a brown crust; tongue feels as if wooden, studded around the edges with blisters and catches between teeth.”.

Tongue: Dry cracked, red, catches on the teeth (Lach) when the attempt is made to protrude it; trembles; whitish or darker coating on the dorsum of the tongue, the edges and tip are red and covered with little blisters and vesicles.

Inability to talk and put out the tongue which is cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles.

Trembling tongue which is blistered, can hardly protrude it, dry cracked or ulcerated.

“Prickling sensation in tongue and fauces and very tenacious tough mucus in throat.”.

White dry tongue with diarrhoea. Viscid, tough, frothy saliva.

Fetid breath.

Dryness in throat without thirst.

Burning, stinging in throat.

Dryness of tongue; fiery redness of buccal cavity with painful tenderness.

Rawness, burning and painful.

Stinging blisters along the edges of the tongue.

Tongue red at the tip; swollen, looks dry, glossy; cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles.

Dryness of mouth and fauces.

Very tender dry tongue.

Tongue hangs from the mouth.

Tongue red, hot, burning, particularly the tip.

Tongue, dry brown streak down the middle, sides being moist.

Grinding of teeth.

Teeth covered with yellow mucus; brown sordes.

Dryness of tongue mouth and throat (Nux-Mos).

Stomach: Thirstlessness (Puls).

Great soreness of the pit of stomach when touched (Bry).

Soreness of the bowels and abdominal walls, mornings when sneezing or pressing upon them.

Soreness in stomach and abdomen.

Thirst, absence of; insatiable or for little and often.

No thirst with heat, mouth dry.

Craves milk which relieves.

Appetite for sour things.

Sensation of fullness and distention of abdomen.

Abdomen extremely tender.,.

“Bruised soreness of the swollen abdomen.”.

Abdomen sunken in.

On pressing ileo-caecal region gurgling as from fluid.

Stool: Watery foul smelling diarrhoea or constipation.

Constipation or frequent painful foul, bloody and involuntary discharges from the bowels.

Diarrhoea, yellowish-green with mucus especially in the morning.

Stool watery and foul smelling.

Throbbing in rectum.

Stool watery, copious, black.

Slimy mucus and blood.

Frequent, bloody, painless.

Stool with every motion of body.

Anus constantly open.

Olive-green stool.

Urine: Unconscious flow of urine.

Incontinence of urine.

Urine scanty and high coloured.

Red, bloody, hot and scanty.

Scanty, fetid.

Scanty reddish brown.

Scanty, milky, albuminous.

Dark with sediment like coffee grounds.

Cough: Moist cough, but can raise sputa only to the tongue whence it must be wiped away.

Pulse: Weak, intermitting.

Weak, full, soft.

Full and rapid.

Small and trembling, intermitting.

Hard, small, quick wiry frequent.

Intermittent, imperceptible.

Feeble, can scarcely be feet at wrist.

Sleep: Great inclination to sleep but cannot, from nervous restlessness.

Continuous deep sleep.

Restless sleep and incessant dreaming.

Screams during sleep.

Sudden starting during sleep.

Dreams of journeying.

Sleepy but cannot sleep, shrill outcries, finally stupor, as deep as under Opium; but happy strange expression of face during muttering delirium.

Limbs: Muscles relaxed so that patient slides down in bed.

Nervous, restless and fidgety.

Head and whole surface of body hot and dry.

Skin burning hot in some places and unnaturally cool in others.

Skin mostly dry or transient sweat.

Bruised sore feeling of skin.

Roseola on chest and abdomen.

Trembling or jerking of the limbs.

Great weakness.

Cannot retain his position on pillow. slides down.

Pains better while moving or walking.

Trembling, nervous restlessness.

Tired as if bruised in every limb.

Great prostration.

Left side motionless (moves the right).

Closed room especially if overheated are insupportable.

Inclination for open air.

Cold washing relieves.

Pains suddenly migrating from one part to another.

Burning, stinging like bee-stings and soreness.

Numbness of external parts.

Skin very hot and red.

Red spots on abdomen and other parts; burning, stinging.

Skin; pale, waxy, almost transparent; dark blue almost black.

N.B. Those predisposed to miscarry should not receive Apis except in high potencies.


Swelling or puffing of various parts, oedema, red rosy hue, stinging pains soreness, intolerance of heat, and slightest touch, and afternoon aggravation. Extreme Sensitiveness to touch, general soreness, constrictions.

Aggravation: Heat, touch, pressure, late in afternoon, after sleep; closed heated rooms. Right side. Morning. Evening. Night. From getting wet. Lying down. closing eyes (vertigo). About 5 P.M.

Amelioration: Open air. Uncovering. Cold bathing. Pressing (Headache). When sitting erect. After sleep.

Compare: Ars. A. Arn. Bell. Gels. Lyc. Lach. Phos. Rhus t. Puls. Sulph.

Dose: 30th, 200th, 1000th.



(1) A peculiar sensitiveness of the surface of the body. Even if the patient is lying in a stupor and you touch him, as when you try to feel his pulse, he will show that he is disturbed thereby. Oversensitiveness to touch, to clothing.

(2) All symptoms are worse during or after sleep.

(3) Worse on left side of the body.

(4) Troubles at climaxis.

(5) Suppression or non-appearance of discharges always aggravates.

(6) Patient nervous, anxious, loquacious, jumping from subject to subject.

(7) Fear of being poisoned, refuses the medicine when offered.

(8) Sleepiness and yet inability to sleep.

(9) Vertigo, on closing eyes, on sitting or lying down; with paleness.

(10) Delirium of a low muttering type.

(11) Coldness of the extremities and trembling of the hands and body.

(12) Tongue comes out trembling or catches in the teeth; coated dark brown; blisters on tip of tongue.

Tongue dry, red or black, cracked on tip and bleeding.

(13) Dropping of lower jaw.

(14) Lips crack and ooze dark blood.

(15) Delusion that they are under some super human power.

(16) Diarrhoea with horribly offensive stools. Hard formed stools are also very offensive. Putrid, offensive, yellow, watery stools which are often involuntary.

(17) Lies in a stupor with lower jaw dropped.

(18) Dark haemorrhage from bowels or nose. Thick, dark blood from nose.

(19) Distention of abdomen with extreme sensitiveness to all pressure.

(20) Tongue red, dry and tremulous.

(21) Rapid, prostrating cases with extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen and the loquacity. Later stages of typhoid.

(22) Haemorrhages from any orifice of the body; blood dark; with general hypersensitiveness.

“Lachesis is useful in typhoid with epistaxis of dark blood mostly in the morning.”.

Mind: Loss of consciousness; muttering; stupor.

Sunken countenance, dropping of lower jaw.

Loquaciousness with mocking jealousy, with frightful images, great tendency to mock, satire and ridiculous ideas.

Want of self control and lasciviousness.

Felt as if she was some body else and in the hands of a stronger power.

Distrust, easily affected to tears.

Thinks herself under super human control.

Complete insensibility.

Quick comprehension; mental excitability, with almost prophetic perceptions.

Delirium, fears she will be damned.

Delirium at night, muttering, drowsy, red face; or slow difficult speech and dropped jaw.

Great loquacity, frequently jumping from one subject to another.

Delirium worse after sleep; cannot bear pressure of neck-cloth.

Thinks she is dead and that preparations are being made for her funeral; thinks herself pursued by enemies.

Fears the medicine is poison.

Talks, sings, whistles, makes odd motions.

Proud, jealous, suspicious.

Fears being poisoned.

Dread of death, fears to go to bed.

Restless and uneasy, wants to be off somewhere all the time.

Nightly delusion of fire.

Derangement of the time sense.

Repeats same thing.

Complete insensibility.

Delirium at night.

Much muttering during the evening fever.

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