He neither knows his relatives nor the most familiar objects.

Stares on surrounding objects with watery eyes, without comprehending what occurs or recognizing his relatives.

Head: Headache worse moving eyes.

Vertigo, must lie down.

Head heavy.

Weight in occiput.

Bursting feeling in head.

Fainting and vertigo with every attempt to leave bed.

Eyes: The pupils are dilated and insensible to light. Contracted pupils.

Eyes feel too large for orbits.

Eyes glassy, protruded, immovable.

Staring look.

Red, half-closed eyes, dilated, immovable pupils.

Eyes burning, hot and dry.

The lids hang down as if paralyzed.

Eyes half-open and turned upward.

Sensation of dust in eyes.

Lies speechless with open eyes.

“Open eyes.”.

“Watery eyes.”.

Ears: Acuteness of hearing.

Nose: Loss of smell.

Face: Face besotted, dark (brown) red, hot, dark red and hot. Red. Pale; clay-coloured, sunken countenance and eyes with red spots on the cheeks.

Bluish, purple swollen face.

All the muscles of the face are relaxed and the lower lip hangs down.

Trembling, twitching and spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face. Corners of the mouth twitch; distortion of mouth.

Hanging down of the lower jaw.

Veins of the face are distended.

Red puffy face.

Red bloated, swollen, dark suffused, hot.

Looks intoxicated, besotted.

Hanging down of lower jaw.

Flushed; pale; earthy.

Mouth: Tongue: paralyzed, difficult articulation, purple; black; white.

Black dry tongue without thirst.

Tongue quivering, coated dirty yellow.

Ulcers in mouth and on the tongue.

Tongue almost clean, with hard, bright red edges and cracked lips.

Tongue dry without thirst especially in the morning; black tongue; paralysis of tongue; difficult speech, stammering.

Mouth dry. Saliva lessened. Dry throat.

Stomach: Distention of the abdomen: hard, with tension and pain from pressure.


Hard bloated tympanitic abdomen.

Stool: Diarrhoea, extremely offensive or water; involuntary stools.

Constipation; black fetid stool; no desire to go to stool; round hard, black balls; feces protrude and recede (Thuj. Sil).

Urine: Retention or suppression with somnolence.

Breathing: respiration slow, deep drawn and sighing; stertorous, rattling or loud and difficult; interrupted, intermittent, with moaning.

Profound sleep with loose rattling respiration. Rapid, oppressed and anxious respiration.

Pulse: Slow; or suppressed.

First rapid and strong, then weak and intermitting.

Rapid and weak.

Limbs: Veins of hands distended.

Twitching and movement of arms, legs and hands.

Feet heavy.

Extremities cold.

Must lie down.

Numbness and insensibility.

Body cold; stupor.

Motion of body and uncovering head relieves.

Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it; better from cold, worse form heat.

Dryness of skin.

Blue spots on skin.

Paleness of skin.

Unconquerable weariness or weariness like intoxication.

Uneasiness with sense of illness both of body and mind.

Heaviness of limbs.

Weakness with aversion to all external objects, persons and things.

Great prostration and depression of spirits.

Weakness with inability for any work.

Marked sinking of strength with inability to move himself.

Emaciation of body.

Small, red itching spots here and there on body.

Heaviness of head.

Great heaviness of occiput, like lead, so that head constantly falls backward.

Inability to hold up the head.

Hot sweat of body.

Sleep: Heavy stupid sleep with red face.

Drowsiness or sopor, stertorous breathing; hot sweat.

Sleepy but cannot go to sleep; face bloated.

Coma vigil.

Stupefying sleep with eyes half open and snoring.

During sleep, picking of bed clothes, groaning.

Stupid sleep, with unconsciousness.

Stupid comatose sleep; with stertorous breathing; half open mouth; distorted open eyes; red puffy face; hanging of lower jaw.

Sleeplessness, with restlessness and delirium or with incomplete visions and fantasies.

Impossibility to sleep, though feeling very sleepy.

Nocturnal alternation of coma vigil and coma somnolentum, with delirium, hot skin, and stupidity.

Stupid sleeplessness with fantasies of dragons skeletons, horrible spirits, ghosts, in a state of half-sleeping and waking.

After morbid sleep stammering; difficulty of moving the tongue; nausea; anxious and frightful dreams.

Stupefying sleep, stertor, especially during expirations; whimpering, sighing, and moaning; suffocative nightmare; insensibility of the organ of touch, sight and smell.

He sits in silence, absorbed in himself; loss of consciousness; dullness of senses; with heavy eyes and extreme weakness.

Internal dullness as if sleepy and drunk; sensibility entirely benumbed.

Delirium: visions; frightful fantasies of mice, scorpions, etc., with desire to run away.

Delirious talk of ghost, devils, spirits, which he says surround his bed and afflict him.

Generalities: Pupils dilated. Hardness of hearing. Hunger without desire to eat. Blackness of outer parts. Blueness of the whole skin or cyanosis.

Blue-black swelling here and there over the body. Hot sweat. Bed feels hot. Drowsiness; deep and heavy sleep with stertorous respiration; with open eyes. Stools of hard round, black balls., Bluish appearance of the face. Face very red, bloated, distorted.

Painlessness, complains of nothing, asks for nothing. Ailments accompanied by sopor.

Reappearance and aggravation from becoming heated.

Bad effects from fright. Fever with sopor.

Fever with stupor, snoring with mouth open; twitches through the limbs and perspiration on the hot body. Hot sweat.

Cold sweat on forehead.

Perspiration of the upper part of body with dry heat of the lower part.

Profuse hot sweat with desire to be uncovered.

Sweat with sleep and snoring.

Heat with inclination to be uncovered.

Coldness only of the limbs.

Rigidity and coldness of the whole body.

Trembling of the whole body with external coldness and twitching of the limbs.

Numbness and insensibility of the body and limbs.

Aggravation: During and after sleep. (Apis. Lach) while perspiring; from warmth. Stimulants. anxiety; fear; reproaches; during respiration; moving, touch; on becoming heated.

Amelioration: From cold. Constant walking, drinking water (dryness and cough).

Compare: Lach. Hyosc. Helleb. ph. ac. Ars. A. Bell. Bry. Carb. V. Gels Lyco. Nux.v. Puls. Rhus.t. Stram.

Dose: 30th, 200th, 1000th.



(1) Abdomen swollen and extremely sensitive.

(2) Hands and forearms cold.

(3) Involuntary stools and urine.

(4) Happy strange expression of face.

(5) Nervous fidgetiness with sleepiness and inability to sleep.

(6) Muttering delirium.

(7) Trembling tongue, dry shrunken tongue covered with little blisters esp. along borders. Patient cannot put it out.

(8) When coma fails to yield to Opium.

(9) Sliding down to the foot of the bed.

(10) Apathic conditions, unconsciousness, stupor, with muttering delirium, hardness of hearing, inability to talk and put out the tongue which is cracked sore ulcerated or covered with vesicles. Apathy and indifference bordering on unconsciousness.

(11) Tendency to oedema.

(12) Heat with inclination to uncover.

(13) Heat with continuous deep sleep.

(14) Chilliness on moving or uncovering during heat.

(15) Burning hot dry skin all over muttering and unconsciousness.

(16) Alternate dry and hot skin, or cool in some places and hot in others, with occasional spells of sweating.

(17) Heat of room is intolerable.

(18) Oppression of chest with smothering.

(19) Extreme sensitiveness to touch surface of body; very sensitive to touch.

(20) Afternoon aggravation.

(21) Aggravation from heat and amelioration from cold or cold washing.

(22) Red, rosy hue.

(23) Sore feeling of parts. Soreness of all limbs and joints.

(24) Burning stinging pains.

(25) Constipation, sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort were used.

(26) Want of sweat is characteristic. Partial sweat.

(27) Craves milk which relieves.

(28) Rapid onset.

(29) Sudden shrill cries. Sudden piercing shrieks.

(30) Rolls the head.

(31) Cold nose.

(32) Red mouth or tongue.

(33) Thirstlessness.

(34) Feels as if every breath would be his last.

(35) Air hunger.

(36) Palms hot.

(37) Kicks cover off.

(38) Heat of one part with coldness of another.

(39) Dark haemorrhages.

(40) Restless moving about.

(41) Lassitude and trembling.

Mind: Delirium with or without muttering. Shrill, sudden piercing screams, sleeping or waking. Cannot bear to be left alone.

Premonition of death, thinks it is about to transpire.

Dread of death, sensation as if could not breathe again.

Unconsciousness, absent-mindedness, impaired memory; slow march of ideas.

Dullness, stupor, stertor.


Things fall from hands.

Cannot help crying.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

Very jealous.

Vertigo on closing the eyes or when the sight is obscured.

Inability to fix thoughts on any subjects.

A stupid, unconscious state, with muttering delirium.

Great weakness (physical) and sliding down in bed (Mur-ac.Zinc).

Feels as if every breath would be his last.

Sopor interrupted by piercing shrieks.

Dullness of head, indifference.

Busy, restless, changing kind of work.

Apathy; hardness of hearing.

Happy expression.

Violence, amounting to frenzy.

“In typhoid types of fever Apis is to be selected primarily by the mental state.”

N C Das
N C Das