(10) Hydrastis canadensis (3x to 6x). This is a very different picture of trouble, though the diagnosis is identical. This leucorrhoea is profuse, yellow, of an extremely tenacious character; frequently it contains long shreds, it hangs down from the vagina in long strings, hard to detach (you will note the same character of discharge as in coughs with much phlegm (see article “Coughs”).

The type of the mucus decides the choice of the drug. Sometimes the leucorrhoea has a strong odour; all such patients will be weak and faint with, oftener than not, some digestive trouble; skin has usually a yellow tinge. Such cases have some ulcerations of mouth of womb (cervix), and in the vagina, but Hydrastis cures this disease-picture.

(11) Helonias dioica (1x, 3x to 6x). Here again we have another clearly defined disease-picture, so clear that any lay reader cannot fail in a decision. For this remedy to be indicated the leucorrhoea will be dark, offensive and constant; it flows more profusely with every exertion. Outer parts are swollen, red and feel hot even to burning at times; local irritation very great caused by superficial ulcerations; will scratch or rub until parts become raw. There is much curdy secretion noted.

Abdomen bloats up every evening when clothes feel too tight. The great keynote of this remedy is-the consciousness of a womb because of its weight and soreness (if your or any other organ is normal you practically dont know of its existence).

There is very often some prolapse (sagging of the womb from atony of the muscular ligaments holding it in position; menses of such subjects are too frequent and too profuse and the breasts often swell with nipples painful and tender (this is uterine reflex irritation), urine generally in excess of normal amount and over-charged with waste products, but dont worry too much about its analysis at this time, though analyses have their uses. Helonias will cure many matters along with the leucorrhoea.

Anyhow, the urinary analysis changes from day to day, any from meal to meal, and I have seen people kept ill and nervous by too frequent urinary analysis. These patients can outline their kidneys by some burning sensation, they are nearly always melancholy with great general debility and anaemia very marked, pains in the back are very low down, the patient always feels better when hard at work, or fully occupied, shall I say. For such cases clearly pictured, Helonias is a direct womb nerve tonic, but it does not follow that all the symptoms enumerated must be present.

Get these “friends of women” clearly in your mind, they will save many from an operation. The foregoing are clear, concise homoeopathic indications for these special and particular remedies. No wonder our methods are styled “the New Art of Healing,” though we have had these helps for over 140 years. These special ailments are all called leucorrhoea, but note how they differ in character. You cannot think that any one drug will fit and cure all these types. Any school girl can make a choice of the correct remedy and so can you, my unknown lay reader. They are present to you because orthodox practitioner wont study same. This is your distinct loss.

Also note well that the German Government has commanded that this New Art of Healing, Homoeopathy, shall be taught in two of their universities, at Berlin and at Frankfurt. So in the words of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, I say, “Wake up John Bull.” I am sure that the laity can arouse public opinion so that Great Britain does not lag behind Germany in this endeavour to give the best treatment to all sufferers.

I suggest that you follow the German idea a step further by establishing lay societies for the propaganda of homoeopathy. In that country they have two main societies which have some hundreds of branch societies, holding public meetings regularly when speakers instruct the members in the simpler rudiments of this safe and exact method of dealing with sickness. Why cannot Great Britain follow so good a lead? I am sure that there will be rush for homoeopathy sooner or later. “HEAL THYSELF” is giving you the helping hand. The rest lies with you!.

This journal, “HEAL THYSELF”, is fighting your battle. With Homoeopathy we are trying to save you from operations and even worse, for in private practice I have heard confessions which proved to me that many intercepted conceptions have ended in diseased conditions which were classed as malignant and inoperable, being so diagnosed by the many well-known instruments of precision known to all the profession. So it is that poor woman has to pay with compounded interest, the end of which is a terrible death. Homoeopathy can save many, but it cannot mend the unmendable and utterly doomed. god puts a limit to every mans skill. Employ homoeopathy in time.

Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle
BIO: Dr. Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle 1861 – 1955 was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He served as editor of the International Homeopathic Medical Directory and Travelling Secretary to the International Homeopathic Society.