(2) Calcarea carbonica (6x, 12x or 30). Here, as everywhere, the general personal symptoms are of the highest importance. The constitutional type of all patients is ever to be considered. The leucorrhoea is milky and at times profuse, but the type of patient leaves no doubt as to which drug to employ. This type is prone to flabby fat, to enlarge glands, acidity, very cold and damp feet and with fingers cold and waxy-white which go dead half-way up the elbow or knee. They may have profuse local sweats over the body, but especially about the head and nape of neck. They are pale, over-plump, too fat, and have very soft tissues.

The menses are generally very profuse to flooding and they also occur at too short an interval between periods. This leucorrhoea is worse just before the menses (Pulsatilla during menses), and it is often accompanied with itching and burning or shooting pains through the parts. Hahnemann said, “If menses are on time and flow normal Calcarea carbonica will do not good.” Very often the body odour is sour (which shows the folly of trying to cure symptoms with local chemicals). Nature speaks thus with peculiar symptoms to suggest the internal curative remedy. Can anyone, professional or lay, mistake these two remedies?.

(3) Iodium (6x, 12x or 30). This is better for chronic leucorrhoea which stains the linen yellow; the flow is abundant and so corrosive as to eat holes in the garments; the type of patients is pale, cachectic (waxy-white to greenish-yellow skin), the breasts often waste away with the general bodily emaciation. The leucorrhoea is yellow, thick and so acrid as to excoriate the limbs and is worse at time of menses, which it does not displace. It is sometimes thin and very offensive, with swelling of the deeper structures, even to a hardening of various deeper structures behind the mucous membranes.

Both these conditions will be known by the sensation of local fullness. Patients are generally ravenously hungry, yet remain thin or are getting thinner all the time, and they generally feel better whilst eating or when the stomach is full. Such is the curative drug- picture of Iodum, but only very minute quantities of this drug will cure. Large orthodox doses which are to be tasted and which can be seen will end in making symptoms worse every time.

(4) Kreosotum (6x, 12x or 30). Here is another corrosive type of drug for comparison. Kreosotum has won many laurels for Homoeopathy when used in our minute dosage. The leucorrhoea is worse between menses (Iodium worse during menses). This leucorrhoea is acrid, corrosive and very offensive. The type of patients are dark-skinned poorly nourished, ill-developed, whilst children and young people are overgrown, and they look old and with some wrinkles. In these leucorrhoeas there is violent itching of outer parts and in vagina, all symptoms are worse in open air (Pulsatilla better in open air), all symptoms worse from cold weather, from washing or bathing with cold water and are worse at rest and especially when lying down.

(5) Mercurius solubilis (6x,12x or 30). This leucorrhoea is yellowish with great local soreness and itching, at first it is thin, unhealthy-looking, excoriating, later becoming thicker and less irritating. All symptoms are worse at night, in chronic cases the discharge may turn green and corrosive to the parts it touches, when there will be tiny ulcerations on internal and external parts of the vagina; breath has bad odour as of old cheese, great weariness, sallow complexion, general coldness. Such is this distinctive drug-picture of this valuable remedy if used in minute doses.

(6) Sepia (6x, 12x or 30). No list of remedies for leucorrhoea would be perfect without this drug, which is quite unknown to orthodoxy. It cures venous congestions. The discharge is yellowish-green and often very offensive, milky at first, it is worse before menses. Uterus enlarged and cervix hardened (indurated), just the sort of thing a surgeon would call “ripe for operation.” You may know that the womb is enlarged because you are aware of it and it feels as if it would fall out and you are more comfortable when you cross your legs, which pressure supports the womb in place. When an organ is healthy, you never think of it, or know you have it.

There is much irritability of the bladder, with frequent urging to pass water in a great hurry. There may be many discolorations of the skin, especially just over the bridge of the nose, called butterfly-wings because of the symmetry, there my be very dark rings round the eyes and even patches of brown on chest and abdomen and generally discolorations in the flexures of the big joints; great backache low down (sacro-lumbar region) much sadness and inclination to weep, yet dreads to be alone; empty all-gone sensation round stomach; tongue foul but becomes clear at each menstrual period to become foul after menses; urine deposits a reddish clay-coloured sediment, which adheres to the vessel and which is very foetid, even so offensive that it must be removed from the room, urine often rottenly offensive after standing. That periods are painful.

This gives a brief but comprehensive disease-picture of what Sepia will cure, but one need not have all the symptoms before beginning this drug, which has the power to cheat many a surgeon of a contemplated operation. In fact all homoeopathic help will reduce the chances of operations. Nothing like this was ever written in an allopathic standard work to guide their men and to save womanhood. All medicines enumerated above certainly go deeper than can be reached by any local douche. How can such things be cured by injections?.

(7) Stannum 6x must be in trituration form made into tablets; 12x to 30 in liquid or in pill form; if the 6x trituration is used as a tablet, place one or two tablets dry under the tongue and forget them there. Repeat as for other medicines.

Leucorrhoea cured by this remedy is clear, transparent or tinged yellow,, and at times even watery, with great bearing down sensation; menses too early and too profuse. This type of patient complains of terrible weakness and an empty sensation proceeding as from the stomach or chest, so weak she cannot walk, so weak that “she drops into a chair” Whenever possible. Sensations of, or actual falling of, the womb (prolapse).

Some of these patients declare that they have great weakness in the chest. She says she is more fatigued on going downstairs than when ascending. She says she is very sad and wants to cry all the time and any odours from the kitchen cause desire to vomit. With this leucorrhoea there are generally cramping pains around the navel, made temporarily better by strong pressure.

Face pale, with dark circle round the eyes. Headaches worse in forehead and temples. Practically all these sensations are related voluntarily by these patients, often using the exact words given above and such women have generally some actual womb displacements with this leucorrhoea. Can any vivisectionists obtain such word- pictures from their super-science?.

(8) Xanthoxylum fraxinum (1x, 3x to 30). This type of patient is a bunch of fighting nerves and she will fight hysterically at times. Leucorrhoea takes the place of menses, at first like serum from wounds, being slightly sticky, or like meat scrapings and washings. The leucorrhoea is variable but not excoriating. The guiding-key-note for this remedy is the terribly neuralgic pains proceed from the ovaries, going down the front of the thighs to the knees; the neuralgic pain is stated to be terrible, pain so severe as to end in pure hysterical symptoms and general loss of self-control, fighting the family and throwing things about as I have actually seen and cured thus.

(9) Actea racemosa. Also named Cimicifuga racemosa (3x, 6x or 30) with preference for the lower strengths in acute attacks. The leucorrhoea here is chiefly bland and thin, but the guide for this remedy is a rheumatic-neuralgic base or subject. With the leucorrhoea there is bearing down and sensation of weight in the womb region; great pain in one or both ovaries, shivers, nervous shuddering, menses tend to being delayed or suppressed, some hysterical spasm at time of menses, but not nearly as violently so, and nerves out of control, as with Xanthoxylum.

For this remedy to be of use we find that the womb pains fly transversely across the body from hip-joint to hip-joint; patient often complain of severe pains under the left breast, they fearing that it is the heart which is diseased, headaches are worse above the nape of neck, alternating with top of head, which feels as if would fly open, often with lightning-like pains in upper part of spine, sudden great flow of water-clear urine, with mind very disturbed during sleep.

Again I challenge any vivisectionist to trot out their “dog-symptoms” and relate their “dog-sensations.” Have the vivisectionists ever recorded one subjective dog symptoms? All the above knowledge would have been lost to the world had but vivisectionists been working with this remedy on their dogs.

Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle
BIO: Dr. Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle 1861 – 1955 was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He served as editor of the International Homeopathic Medical Directory and Travelling Secretary to the International Homeopathic Society.