Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Excerpts from Clinical Experiences

Following an attacks of facial erysipelas in a boy of eleven, which also involved the interior nose, leaving the mucous membrane swollen, closing the nostrils entirely. After the accompanying headache and fever were cured homoeopathically, a painless swelling protruded from the left nostril . Using the triturated fresh leaves of Teucrium as local application the trouble was remedied in six days.


Calcarea carbonica

1. For five years a man had suffered from this disease which closed both nostrils; the growths had been removed surgically often, but always returned. Frequent sneezing with copious mucous discharge; nose completely obstructed, making breathing very difficult. Calcarea carbonica 30C. cured completely in ten days, and there was no recurrence for thirteen months.

2. Year -old child had a polypus in the left nostril of strawberry size. Calcarea carbonica 18c. in three doses cured within five days, After a year another polypus appeared in right nostril, and was cured by Calcarea carbonica 18c., a daily dose for four days.

3. Boy of fifteen suffered from a “big nose”and bloody nostrils with masses of polypi the size of sparrows eggs, preventing nasal breathing completely. Calcarea carbonica 18c., a daily dose for four days, reduced the size of the nose and of the polypi. After four more doses of the same remedy a cure was obtained completely in two weeks.

4. Woman of 50, of weak constitution, had ceased to menstruate, suffered for years from a left-sided nasal polypus, aggravation at full moon, filling the nasal cavity completely, protruding, the color of white mucus; she always had chronic coryza.

After three doses of Calcarea carbonica, repeated in twenty- one days, she was entirely cured.

Kali bichromicum

5. Man of 50 had been operated on for nasal polypi three times. Now, the fourth return of the trouble, Kali bichromicum 10:90 internally and externally cured the condition in a week.

6. A young girl suffered from a nasal polypus which had developed for a few months; she had an operation, but the growth was not removed completely, and the old complaints persisted. Kali bichromicum cured in a short time, and during the following one and a half years not a trace of a nasal polypus recurred.

7. Woman of 34, blonde, sensitive, of weak constitution and lymphatic-nervous temperament, suffered from a polypus following a severe attack of coryza. Located in the right nostril, it is spongy, partially carcinomatous, very vascular, bleeds from touching, the size of a large horse-bean; ichorous discharge has odor of old herring; breathing on right side impossible; right nostril much dilated.

Through Lachesis 30C. the bad odor was over come; the polypus was unchanged for two weeks, and then increased in size; nose much swollen, red, with sensations of burning heat and stitches in nose. Patient now was given Phosphorus 200c. For ten days there was no change, but after that time the polypus decreased in size; after 25 days the discharge was cured. The polypus was still the size of a medium strawberry; the spongy part had disappeared, leaving the livid fleshy portion. Arsenicum 200 c. was given, after which the polypus became smaller, the color dark red, and after six weeks Silica 200 c. produced a complete cure.

8. Dr. Tietze cured a polypus by daily spraying the same with Phosphorus 3c.


9. For years a man of 27 had suffered from a polypus in left nostril for which Sulphur Phosphorus and Calcarea carbonica had been given without result. On account of a severe mortification about which he brooded much, he was given Staphysagria 30c. to smell, which cured not only the results of his brooding, but within two weeks the polypus was diminished half, and disappeared entirely in a few weeks after two doses of Staphysagria 30c.

Six months later the polypus reappeared, but twelve doses of Staphysagria 30c. failed; however, three doses of Sulphur (60c., 30c., and 2c.) produced a complete cure in four weeks.

Since then Staphysagria has served me well in many cases of polypi.


10. A man of 18 had two polypous growths of pea size in his nose; touching them caused stitching pain.

Sulphur 30c. cured the pain, and in three weeks the polypi disappeared.

Teucrium marum

11. Snuffing it cured a polypus of one year standing.

12. Following an attacks of facial erysipelas in a boy of eleven, which also involved the interior nose, leaving the mucous membrane swollen, closing the nostrils entirely. After the accompanying headache and fever were cured homoeopathically, a painless swelling protruded from the left nostril . Using the triturated fresh leaves of Teucrium as local application the trouble was remedied in six days.

13. After repeated attacks of coryza I detected a nasal polypus of greenish-white color which was totally without sensitiveness, filling the nose entirely, attached to the upper turbinate, obstructing the cavity, Teucrium 1c. three times daily, four to six drops, was used , From the diseased nostril, which previously was dry, there now was much discharge of a watery mucus, and after six days the polypus began to shrink. The grayish-white color changed to red, and the polypus became more firm. In six weeks it was cured completely.

14. A strong man of 60 had suffered nasal polypi for thirty years, which were surgically removed every two or three years. The nasal bones on the left side were wedged apart. His symptoms suggested that the polypus had spread to the ethmoid, the posterior nares and even into the antrum.

He was given Teucrium 3c., a drop daily for a week, then after a few days pause the same doses were repeated, and he was instructed to smell of the tincture every morning.

After two months he could breathe freely through the nose, and after inability to smell for twenty years, he regained this faculty again.
