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In Calcutta and old Brahmin widow of seventy, as diagnosed by a prominent allopath, was showing signs of uterine tumour. Her suffering was unspeakable, she was constantly experiencing a burning sensation in her uterus for over four years. The writer gave Myristica Sebifera 3x (liquid). Within fifteen days of the application of the medicine, the patient began to show clear signs of improvement.

[Dr. Boericke, in his Pocket Manual of Materia Medica, speaks of Myristica Sebifera as a remedy of great antiseptic powers and that it acts more powerfully than Hepar or Silica. Mr. Chakrabartys clinical reports are indeed encouraging. Ed. N.C.B.].

MYRISTICA SEBIFERA is a miraculous medicine. If properly administered, it cures abscess, tumour and piles. It can cure many other disease, but the writer has been amazed to see its effectiveness particularly in abscess, ulcer and piles.

In Ranaghat he had the good fortune to cure a boy of twelve who was suffering from an abscess on his right thigh and who was advised by an allopath to go to a surgeon for cure. His parents, before going to the surgeon, came to writer and requested him to give some medicine. Sebifera 3x (liquid) was administered. The patient was asked to take the medicine four times per day for the first two days and twice daily from the day. Within two days, the patient reported improvement and after five or six days the boy actually began to frisk about as before.

Calcutta : The writer came across a Behari porter, aged twenty eight, who had old ulcer on his left cheek and who had vainly tried many medicines of allopathic, homoeopathic, kabiraji, unani schools. Here also the writer successfully applied Sebifera 3x (liquid).

In Calcutta and old Brahmin widow of seventy, as diagnosed by a prominent allopath, was showing signs of uterine tumour. Her suffering was unspeakable, she was constantly experiencing a burning sensation in her uterus for over four years. The writer gave Myristica Sebifera 3x (liquid). Within fifteen days of the application of the medicine, the patient began to show clear signs of improvement.

A person aged about thirty who was showing signs of piled cured by the writer with the help of the same medicine.

All these cases have impressed the writer so greatly that he has been actuated to published his experience.

Garth Boericke
Dr Garth Wilkinson BOERICKE (1893-1968)
American homeopath - Ann Arbor - Michigan.
Son of William Boericke.
A Compend of the Principles of Homeopathy.