Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The husband of the patient was transferred to same other place & he left with his family. The attacks increased. I learnt from the husband that she was not prepared to leave her own house & go with her husband only because she had one intimate female friend. She was not prepared to part with her. Hearing the above statement.


Mrs X aged 25 years-Normal Build, Married at 18 years Had one daughter who dies of Pneumonia. abortion (one child)


Father & mother both alive and healthy. One brother alive & healthy. Health of husband alight. No hereditary disease in family i.e. T. B. etc.


At the age of 8 years she suffered from Typhoid. She used to suffer from frequent tonsils & also throat trouble. When 12 years old she had severe eczema-like eruptions over the legs cured with some external remedies. She has suffered frequently from chronic nasal catarrh with frequent sneezing & profuse watery discharge from eyes. She had also suffered from dysentery & colic many times. At the age of 20 she developed ringworm under the arm pits in spring which was burnt with acetic acid glacial.


After the suppression of ringworm and the death of her only child (daughter), she developed a strong type of Hysteria so much so that she used to have fainting fits several times per day & lasting for hours together. After the fit she used to weep loudly. She felt a sensation of a ball rising to the throat.


Gloomy, sad, indifferent, weeping when relating her trouble. Like company, dread of being alone. Indifferent even to husband.


Vertigo all the time especially before attack. Headache when catarrh was present.


Frequent nasal catarrh with sneezing, watery eyes, headache & pain in chest.


Foul odour from mouth, Gums bleeding, Bitter taste in mouth in the morning.


Colic sometimes. Loss of appetite. Aversion of milk & bread.


Constipation, Bleeding at stools (sometimes), stools large & hard.


Burning during micturition.


Late menses lasting long. Profuse & dark clotted blood. Leucorrhoea, offensive thick, milky, sometimes yellow & green.

The case was repertorized on the following symptoms from Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book.


The following rubrics were selected.

1. Female organs.

2. Menses Late.

3. Long.

4. Profuse.

5. Clotted. 6. Leucorrhoea. 7. Offensive. 8. Milky. 9. Thick. 10. Burning during micturition. 11. Constipation. 12. Hard stools. 13. Aversion to milk. 14. Aversion to Bread. 15. Loss of appetite. 16. Bitter taste in morning. 17. Sensation of ball in throat. 18. Vertigo. 19. Hysteria. 20. Gums bleeding. 21. Suppression of itches and ringworms.

Of the 21 rubrics used, the following remedies ranked.

Ars. Alb. 14/48

Calc c. 15/50

Lyco. 14/53

Merc. 13/48

Phos. 13/52

Puls. 16/68

sepia. 21/90

Sil. 15/50

Sulph 14/53

NOTE: As Sepia covers all the the rubrics & highest rank so it was given in 1000 potency.


22.5.37. Sepia-1000. 2. doses, as per repertorization.

Result-The patient shows a slight improvement as number of attacks reduced.

20.6.37. Sepia-1000. 2. doses. Finding no further improvement.

Result: The case improved much again. Still one attack daily.

6.7.37. Nat Mur-1000. 2 doses.

The husband of the patient was transferred to same other place & he left with his family. The attacks increased. I learnt from the husband that she was not prepared to leave her own house & go with her husband only because she had one intimate female friend. She was not prepared to part with her. Hearing the above statement. I prescribed Nat. M. on the following reasons. (1) Because of its complementary action (2) Unfailing strong love with her own sex, a lady without whom she cant live.

Result: improved much but she needed the first remedy. Love was curtailed.

5.8.37. Sepia-10000. 2 doses, for Relapse of symptoms.

Result: She was improving.

On 6-10-37. I learnt she had strong sexual desire & she was proud & haughty. The Hysteria less when leucorrhoea was more. Therefore I gave on 6.10,37. Platina-200. 2. doses.

Result: became calm & desire vanished as reported.

2.11.37. Sepia-10000 (10M). 2 doses. Repeated as she was not improving further.

Result: Improved much. Leucorrhoea less, menses better. Hysterical attacks stopped.

13.1.38. Sepia-50M, 2 doses. Repeated as she got two-three attacks after 2 months.

After the last of dose of Sepia 50M she is quite alright up to time.

Pohumal I. Raney