Aggravation from wet cold weather and cold baths and from all reflected heat, also from direct rays of sun; from overeating and acid food or drink in spite of craving them. Worse nights. Better in open air. Warm baths are tolerated.


Patients of blond type, light hair, blue eyes, pale (anemia, chlorosis), bloated, sickly looks; tender, fine, white skin; soft feminine or heavy teeth; large, thick pouting upper lip; crenated teeth; large, thick head; flabby, spongy tissue; muscles lax; bones weak, soft, delayed growth; fat body; bloated abdomen (scrofulosis, rachitis); patient is lax, slow, lazy, easily discouraged; sense of fear; good natured; tearful, peevish, dejected, phlegmatic, apathetic; memory poor; tires easily to body and mind; has no endurance.

Hands are usually cold and perspiring; feet moist and cold; feels usually chilly, but perspires nights, especially on head; disturbed sleep; takes cold frequently; suffers from obstinate, often recurring gland and skin-inflammation (eczema); catarrh of the respiratory system (lymphatismus), exudative diathesis; inclination to long tuberculosis and rheumatism.

Aversion to milk and meat, but craves egg. Frequent pyrosis with watery, sour diarrhoea, especially evenings.

Aggravation of troubles from cold and wet, after meals and exertion; amelioration in open, dry air and in early morning.


Patient of brunette type, hair and eyes dark; skin pale, waxy or gray, delicate, veins show through; anemic (chlorosis); poorly nourished, lean ; has grown up quickly, narrow, tall (asthenic); flabby, sunken abdomen; lively disposition, restless, fidgety (nervous), irritable, easily excited (erethism); can not concentrate, is absent-minded; flighty, has poor memory and comprehension; is easily fatigued physically and mentally; poor appetite; disturbed sleep; talks in sleep and grinds teeth; often vexed and and annoyed especially by problems.

Suffers usually from cold, wet hands and feet leading often to frost-bite. Dentition slow. The rapid growth of body causes pains. Fractures heal with difficulty. Aside from lack of appetite (neuropathic dyspepsia) with stomach troubles and (nervous) insomnia, there are often congestion; sudden turning pale with syncope. Patient tires easily (backache), and the quick exhaustion causes being tired in school, “school head-ache” with congestion to head while feet are cold; nervous (habitual) vomiting during or after studying. Stool green with much flatus. Inclination to colds (recurring), tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils and swollen lymph glands, exudative lymphatic diathesis, chronic catarrh of nasopharynx; scrofulosis, chronic catarrh of naso-pharynx; scrofulosis. Late rachitic manifestations. Patient desires fatty, salty, smoked food.

Aggravation from changing weather, motion, mental work; amelioration from rest and in the morning. GRAPHITES.

Patients are corpulent, clumsy of action; slow metabolism; skin dry, rough, cracked, without inclination to perspiration; phlegmatic; always tired and sleepy; timid, depressed, doleful, melancholy, indifferent, hypersensitive to changing weather; women of this type are thought of as blond, fat, frosty, lazy, sexually frigid, and sad.

Slow metabolism is manifested by chronic skin diseases and stomach trouble.

The skin inclines to cracked eczema with viscous, honey- colored secretions forming crusts, especially on auricle, eye lid margins (stays) and between toes and fingers. Sore and cracked nipples surrounded by eczema and rhagades on fingers, corners of mouth, anus, etc.; skin lesions heal slowly; scars get hard or proliferate (keloids) instead of disappearing; the nails are very brittle; hair dry, brittle, falls out.

Digestion suffers from lack of acids, leading to gastritis with full feeling and foul eructations; obstipation with knotty stool mixed with mucus (intestinal atony).

Aggravation of all symptoms from cold and light; amelioration from motion in open air. NUX VOMICA.

Thin, slender, generally dark haired men of yellowish, sallow face, or red cheeks on yellow background; of sedentary habits; mentally overworked, often addicted to stimulants (alcohol, tobacco, coffee): women of masculine, energetic, fiery temper. These people have an irritable, choleric, impetuous, and especially cross mornings; touchy to all external influences, get into bad temper or are depressed easily (hypochondriacs), tolerate no contradiction are often selfish. (Whew ! S.W.S.)

Most of their troubles are due to wrong mode of living and disturbed circulation, overheating or drinking, insufficient physical exertion, abuse of stimulants, especially alcohol. They incline to headaches (confused, stupefied), often periodical headaches or migraine and especially mornings in occiput, in forehead and over eyes; better in warm room, often accompanied by nausea. Palpitation of heart, congestion to head; epistaxis. Storming ideas and fears prevent sleeping.

Patient awakens before daylight, drops off again to catnap doze, awakens with headache, and feels more tired than went to bed. The muscles are cramped, the joints stiff and painful; the small of back feels as if broken, especially while sitting. Disturbed digestion; taste sour or bitter, metallic, tart; acid eructations, pyrosis, feels full after eating with desire to vomit; stomach sensitive to pressure; spastic constipation with ineffectual urging to stool, and after evacuation sensation of some remaining stool. Hemorrhoids. Skin sensitive to touch and cold air, burning evenings; formication, numbness, as if “asleep”; aversion to open air and uncovering in bed.

Aggravation mornings, cold, touch, motion, after meals, from excitement, from stimulants and long siting. Amelioration evenings, in rest, warm room, when in good humor.


Especially in anemic, nervous children, young girls and women of blond air, blue eyes and pale face; changeable moods, generally of mild disposition, gentle and yielding (phlegmatics), often depressed, melancholy and despondent, lamenting, weeping, easily aggrieved, misanthropic, inclination to hysteria.

Practically all symptoms based on the anemia and venous engorgement. Patients incline to heart palpitation, congestions and restlessness, anxiety and pulsations all through the body; bursting and wandering headaches (migraine) amelioration in open air. Vertigo and nausea especially while sitting and lying or stooping.

Tired, sleepy and exhausted during the day, chilly, cold hands and feet, but craving motion in open air and light clothing; evenings they are wide awake, hard to go to sleep; restless sleep, uncovering, awakening unrefreshed, exhausted. Inclination to rheumatic pains and catarrh (lymphatism); all secretions are like the expectoration: mild, bitter, thick, though, yellow, purulent. In recurring, vicarious bleeding the color is dark. The pains are usually tearing to stitching, wandering jumping. Taster bitter, flat. Tongue coated thick, yellow or white coat; mouth dry, but no thirst. Pyrosis after fatty or sour food; frequent dyspepsia. Diarrhoea slimy or watery and usually after midnight or in early morning. Enuresis often in girls.

Aggravation evenings and nights, while resting, from warmth of bed and after eating. Amelioration from motion, in open air, cold. SEPIA.

Long, narrow, thin, dark haired women who have contracted pelvis, of yellowish (jaundiced) complexion and (liver) spots on skin with yellow saddle over nose; this remedy acts best in the climacteric, in hysterical persons; but it is also valuable in nervous men of these prominent traits : moody, irritable, one time angry and stormy, the next melancholic, sad, full of fear; generally indifference to duties, family and friends.

Disturbed circulation and blood engorgements are the cause of most complaints, among which the flushes and pulsating all through the body alternate with chilliness cold hands and feet. These people are always tired and exhausted, lifeness and unable to work; sleepy all day, but sleepless nights. Much backache and chronic headache (migraine); dullness beginning mornings and increasing during the day; poor memory, vertigo; spells of exhaustion and perspiration. Inclination to skin affections, especially itching vesicles on lips and chin and joints. Uric acid diathesis, rheumatism with sour perspiration.

Habitual constipation, often accompanied by hemorrhoids. Taste: sour, bitter or foul. Tongue coasted white. Expectoration purulent, bloody, fetid, often salty. Vomiting sour, bile. Empty feeling in stomach not ameliorated by eating. Desires sour things. Aversion to meat. Nauseated by sight or smell or food. Milk, alcohol and tobacco aggravate all symptoms. There is either lack of desire or urging to stool, or there is ineffectual urging on account of weakness of peristalsis. Stool is hard, dry in lumps, feeling of ball in rectum. Urine acid with red, bloody, clay-like sediment; stinking.

Aggravation early, evenings and nights, while resting and sitting still, after meals. Amelioration at noon, in open air, and gradually upon brisk motion.


Emaciated patients of pale, yellowish face, sunken countenance and dark rings around eyes; chlorosis (anemia, leukemia); chilly with cold hands and feet; intense nervous irritability; hypersensitive to cold drafts, to being touched, even the hairs hurt”; extreme weakness, feeble, inclination to profuse perspiration also night; periodic recurring throbbing headache (as if head would burst) due to anemia of brain and weak eyes. Ear noises, vertigo, syncope, congestions with throbbing vessels and anxiety; palpitation of heart (flutter); pulse usually weak, but accelerated by least excitement with suddenly red face.

R Bahmann