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The Nitrogen

Cardiovascular symptoms appear early in antimon. tartar. in exactly the same way as in arsenic. But in this field antimon. tartar. holds practical preference over arsenic when the cardiac stasis is combined with stasis in the pulmonic circulation and also when the failure of the heart is associated with the previously described severe disturbances of the respiratory organs. From antimon. tartar. D 3 at times one sees

an astonishing change appear in these extremely severe pictures of disease. It is assumed that the action occurs reflexly through the vagus; and if it is precisely antimon. tartar., which so favorably influences this syndrome of the respiratory passages and heart, then the potassium fraction is not without importance.


Likewise the arsenic like gastro-intestinal symptoms offer scarcely independent symptoms for antimon. tartar. However nausea, also retching and more rarely vomiting, often accompanies the antimon. tartar. picture. The broncho-pneumonia of drunkards is considered a special indication on this account. The vomiting which occurs in antimon. tartar. is accomplished only with great effort and relieves in so far as it assists the evacuation of tenacious mucus but it leaves profound exhaustion behind. An uncertain modality attributed to antimon. crudum is: desire for acids and fruits but still aggravation from acids. In this respect the gastro-intestinal symptoms without pulmonary or bronchial symptoms give preference to either arsenic or antimon. crudum and the selection is made easier through definite symptoms and yields better results.


Likewise the pustular, variola-like skin affections scarcely have an independent therapeutic significance. Old homeopathists, the Swedish Liedbeck for example, however, have extolled antimon. tartar. in smallpox, in varioloid and varicella. In chronic skin maladies antimon. crudum more often comes into question.


The lassitude in the extremities which has also been observed in the provings with antimon. tartar. and the muscle pains and stiffness throughout the entire musculature, but particularly in the back which are noted as untoward action in the intravenous injection of antimonial preparations give some support to the indications for antimon. tartar. in rheumatic affections, particularly in the back and arms, in lumbago with marked aggravation from each movement. For this special localization perhaps the potassium fraction is also not without significance. A general connection with rheumatic gouty maladies will also be encountered in antimon. crudum.


The mental symptoms and the headache of antimon. tartar. have in and of themselves nothing characteristic, except the previously mentioned peevishness of children. Anxiety, restlessness, melancholia, fear of being alone, are similar to arsenic and can be utilized just as the final stupefaction, only as accompanying manifestations of the severe diseases for which antimon. tartar. is suitable. Besides the general dullness the headaches are said to be predominantly localized in the frontal region and of a contractive type.


Chief Trends: 1. Respiratory passages:

Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia (especially of small children and old people), stasis in the lungs.

Mucous rales in the trachea with difficulty in expectoration.

Dullness, malaise, cold sweat. Alteration of coughing with yawning.

Precordial pressure, cardiac palpitation, dyspnoea, cyanosis, failure of the right heart.

Bronchial asthma, emphysema.

2. Stomach-intestine: Action similar to arsenic.

Nausea, retching, frequent accompanying manifestations.

Vomitimg very exhausting, but alleviates through evacuation of mucus.

Desire for acids but aggravation from them (better for ant.crud.).

3. Skin: Pustular eruptions (variola, varioloid)

4. Rheumatic muscle pains;

Lumbago worse from movement.

Guiding Symptoms and Modalities:

Mucous rales in the air passages.

Desire for fresh air.

Peevishness in children against being held, etc.

Better from erect position.

Worse from movement (muscle pains).


In threatening cases the D 3 is often helpful. I have not seen injuries from it. Otherwise the D 6 is most often employed, although the high potencies have also been recommended.


Provings of Antimonium crudum are found:

Hahnemann: Chr. Krkhtn, 2 Aufl. Bd. 2, p. 190, 1835.

Of the antimony preparations the sulphur compound, Sb2 S3, in which antimony usually appears in nature and for this reason bears the name antimon. crudum, practically considered, has the organ trends for the gastro-intestinal canal and the skin. Indeed symptoms in the respiratory tract are also observed but they are less expressive than in other antimony preparations.


In gastritis and gastro enteritis antimon. crudum has as a leading symptom a thickly coated white tongue which looks as if painted. Vesicles on the tongue and wrinkled angles of the mouth can be further indications. The taste is pappy (the metallic constructive taste on oral administration is locally conditioned.). There is nausea from all foods, constant qualmishness with a feeling of an overloaded stomach; violent retching leads finally to the vomiting of the gastric contents, then of fluids tasting of the food eaten and of tenacious mucus or bile. Severe thirst with dryness of the lips is present, but water, even in small amounts, will be vomited. The vomiting does not relieve but only exhausts the patient. Burning and crampy pains in the gastric region appears in attacks, pressure

on the epigastrium aggravates. Sour wine is particularly aggravating also vinegar and sour fruits, however, there is still a desire for acid foods. Cold bathing and washing are also said to aggravate.

The same modalities are decisive for the diarrhoea: many urgent, thin stools with tenesmus and finally exhaustion. Considerable admixture of mucus in the stool refers to the proctitis. Aethiops antimonialis, a mixture of antimon. crudum and mercuric sulphide, HgS, has been recommended by A. Stiegele in membranous colitis and ulcerative colitis. The outpouring of mucus from the anus can also make antimon. crudum suitable in the hemorrhoids of old people with morning diarrhoea. The heat of the sun aggravates the acute intestinal manifestations. This has given occasion for its use in the summer diarrhoeas of children. In nursing, milk is vomited in a curdled state. Antimon. crudum moreover, has a chronic intestinal symptom: diarrhoea alternating with constipation, particularly in old people. Likewise the variable stool which can consist of fluid with solid particles is given as characteristic.


The headache and mental symptoms in antimon. crudum are associated with the gastro-intestinal disturbances. The headaches are mostly in the frontal region, also unilateral, and the aggravation from the direct rays of the sun, from cold water and from washing may be mentioned here. Of the mental symptoms the irritable fretful peevish behavior of children, and here also in gastro-intestinal disturbances, are to be stressed; the child will not rest, not mind or even look. In the adult the absence of desire for work is worthy of mention as an indication. Sleepiness during the day and after eating characterizes the sluggish malaise. The modalities mentioned also hold for the general state.

The rheumatic muscle and joint complaints of antimony, soreness and stiffness will be found in this remedy in association with gastric disturbances and are said to alternate with the gastro- intestinal symptoms and to be aggravated by the same external states (over-eating, acids, cold baths, radiant heat). That a gouty disposition and manifestation of antimon. crudum actually prevails is doubtful. Even less well founded is the report that antimon. crudum is a remedy for obesity. This report “becoming obese” is taken over in the Hahnemann protocol from Kunkel v. Lowenstern. It may be that a similar increase of weight occurs from antimony as from long continued small doses of arsenic although in acute and chronic intoxications, only emaciation is otherwise reported, so that such a constitutional indication must still be established by practical observations in order to awaken trust.

Among the symptoms in the respiratory passages which are given especial mention, the cough on entrance into a warm room is not based on the provings.


On the skin the acute pustular eruptions of the antimonials are even less suited for antimon. crudum than chronic alterations: rhagades at the muco-cutaneous borders and itching eczema, but especially thickening on the epidermis, wart-like, callous, horny formations, particularly on the soles of the feet which makes walking painful. The similarity with the hyperkeratosis of chronic arsenic poisoning is obvious here. Likewise the growth of nails is disturbed, the nails grow long slowly, are split and discolored. Furthermore antimon. crudum will be seen as a suitable remedy for urticaria which is dependent upon gastro- intestinal disturbances.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,