All about Aluminium metallicum as a Homeopathic medicine, its appearence and significance in animal body, toxicity and it’s action on various system of human body….
All about Aluminium metallicum as a Homeopathic medicine, its appearence and significance in animal body, toxicity and it’s action on various system of human body….
Otto Leeser described the Meaning of various terms he used in his homeopathic Materia Medica. Experimental therapy, Walbun’s Stimulation therapy, Humanization of materia medica etc….
Concept of Constitution described by Otto Leeser in the text book of Homeopathic Materia Medica. He explained history of consitutional therapy, types of constitutions, Rademacher’s universal remedies, Grauvogl’s costitutions and in last superiority of observation over constitutional therapy….
Indications about how to study Mineral substances as a medicinal agent with the help of Periodic system of elements, Geochemic distribution and Cosmic frequency of elements by Otto Leeser….
How to study Homeopathic medicines derived from Alkalies, their common characters by Otto Leeser in The Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica….
Geochemistry of Halogens used as Homeopathic medicinal agents, their appearance and distribution in organism by Otto Leeser in the text book of Homeopathic Materia Medica….
Scientific study of Sulphur, it’s pharmacology, results from trials with chronic use, it’s action on Metabolism and Skin presented by Otto Leeser in The Text book of Homeopathic Materia Medica….
Study of Homeopathic medicines derived from Nitrites and Nitrogen and their drug pictures resented by Otto Leeser in the Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica….
The Carbon. or the O- side). Carbon is the pole which lies diametrically opposite to the fixed, stabile elements of the noble gas series (lik…
Heavy Metals. 4 H2O), its sodium salt, AuCl3. NaCl + 2 H2O) and aurum sulfurat. + gold sulphide (Au2S3) are proven, one has attempted to accelera…
Docterine of the mineral medicinal substances by Otto Leeser in The Text book of Homeopathic Materia Medica….
Earthy Alkalies.
From the group of earthy alkalies we can exclude the first and last member: beryllium, a rare element in the earth which has no phys…