The Nitrogen

In any case the old clinical observation that impotency is favorably influenced by phosphorus and by phosphoric acid belongs to the picture of psychic excitation, and perhaps depending upon a similar action are cheese and egg yolks, these foods being particularly rich in phosphorus contents.


If now one glances over the facts known up to now, then the old question, in what form does phosphorus come into action, can no longer be answered either or, and particularly neither as pure phosphorus or in the form of an oxidation product (phosphites or phosphates). Much more we shall say: phosphorus can act damaging in the body-foreign, elementary forms as well as in phosphites and under certain conditions even in the physiologic form of phosphates.

After its resorption phosphorus goes through oxidation steps to phosphates. The reverse way to PH3, which one has assumed for toxic actions, can be designated today as practically excluded. Current pharmacology makes a sharp line of difference between pure phosphorus and phosphoric acid in respect to action on the organism. But we have seen that the middle position of phosphites offers a point of departure for this difference is not a fundamental one, but one of degree and action severity. Phosphorus can act in the type of phosphites or even by a more protracted course under small doses in a manner approximating phosphate action. (For example, the bone effects.) In the last case the phosphate action appears in the foreground in the ion synergism and antagonism, in particular in connection to calcium. In carbohydrate, lipoid and protein metabolism the phosphorus, as well as its oxidation steps, seem to be used as the physiologic phosphates.

The phosphite step still has a very acute toxic action; still in minimal doses the functional increase experimentally comes into appearance. A stepladder of actions leads from the promotion of cell respiration to its suppression with the end result of fatty degeneration. For the toxic action one must consider that the phosphites also press forward to further oxidation and to draw oxygen on themselves energetically, and thereby apparently anoxybiotic, fermentative destruction of cell nutrition material and eventually also protoplasm is effected. This is correct only when pure phosphorus in quite considerable amounts enters into reaction before an oxidation can be accomplished. It is very probable, because primarily the phosphorus-containing constituents, the phosphatides, are attacked and because in the attempt to reach physiologic paths, the lipoids with phosphorus affinities, the cells are more or less damaged, whereby the lipoids are increased or are transformed into another colloidal state.

That poisonous action occurs through combination to the phosphatides is also made very probable purely chemically. Willstatter and Sonnenfeld have shown, for example, that the olefines (unsaturated open carbon with a double C bond) appear in the phosphatides and unite with oxygen and phosphorus to phosphorates. Initially this reaction occurs very slowly, and this agrees with the pseudo-incubation stage of phosphorus poisoning.

We found in phosphoric acid the conception repeatedly lying near that the “action in” and “action out” go parallel or much more the pathologic actions stir up physiologic traces, but that the phosphorus compounds peculiar to single organ systems are still determining for the trend. Since we can further make plausible a natural graded effect connection between phosphorus, phosphites, and phosphates, so the stronger actions of phosphorus can be followed in the same paths.


Provings on the healthy are found in: (1) Hartlaub and Trinks: “Reine Arzneimittell”, Bd. 1, 1828.

(2) Hahnemann: “Chron. Krankheiten” 2 Aufl Bd. 5, 1839.

(3) Sorge: “Der Phosphor ein grosses Heilmittel” Leipzig, 1862 (p. 115 older provings and p 123 personal provings on 15 people).


To phosphorus corresponds the slender, rapidly growing, delicate man usually of light complexion with delicate transparent skin, blue, often glistening eyes, delicate, silky blond or reddish hair. The development of the internal organs and of the connective tissue often does not keep pace with the rapid growth, so that an easily crumpling type appears. We have also the asthenic type before us, as it unfolds itself preferably at or after puberty. In the morbid increase of this type we see consumption, increased tissue destruction and hectic type of fever. To the asthenic body build corresponds the manner of psychic reaction. Psychically phosphorus belongs to the schizothymic group of Kretschmer and indeed with special stress upon the hyperesthesia. The phosphorus type is also sensitive and delicate psychically; also supersensitive toward sensory impressions, against light, noise, music, odors, perfumes and contact. Such people are also sensitive to personal influences. In general they are in need of support, they feel badly when they are alone and they welcome moving around and contact with healthy people. Dahlake’s view that the desire for massage and the improvement from it may be explained from this psychic situation is quite enlightening. The great sensitivity for improvement from it may be explained from this psychic situation is quite enlightening. The great sensitivity for impressions permits such people to proceed in an animated manner; indeed, it approaches ecstasy and clearsightedness which signifies the extremely fine sensitivity. To these corresponds the alert, animated facial expression; the psychic processes are found without difficulty in the gestures and mien. On the other side, from the intensity and the tempo of their experiences, these delicate people become easily fatigued, become tired and indifferent and ever demand rest. Memory fails; sleep improves. The conversion from the animated, indeed excited, and at times vehement, state to fatigued, indifferent, and anxious picture is sudden. Usually the phosphorus patient has many fears, fear of being alone and of homesickness, dismal forebodings and fantasies which make him anxious in the evening, at night, and particularly before and in storms. Thereby cardiac palpitation and trembling can appear. The excitation goes in morbid instances to delirium as in a dynamic fevers and drinkers; manic states and delusions such as appear in paralytics are cited. On the other side goes the depression from in-difference to the environment to a depression with disgust for life, apathy and stupor. Tension and relaxation alternate suddenly.

To the psychic picture also belong the increased libido and erotic dreams; however, there is sexual weakness. By the paradox of sexual excitability in these sensitive people many symptoms of anxiety may be explained in the phosphorus type.

According to the classification of v. Grauvogl, phosphorus corresponds to the oxygenoid constitution because characteristic for this is the consumption and hyperesthesia and moreover the aggravation of complaints from alterations of air electricity, particularly the weather. This modality is especially characteristic for phosphorus. Nevertheless, v. Grauvogl does not include phosphorus under the remedies for the oxygenoid constitution.

Increase of tissue destruction with insufficient building up, unnatural hunger, ravenous hunger at night, sudden congestion and sweats, hectic types of reaction show, if one seeks an exponent for the phosphorus type, from the endocrine system that there is a predominance of the thyroid. That there is a close connection between the thyroid and phosphorus should not be surprising.

The sudden alterations in blood distribution, the tendency to congestions and vertigo, may possibly be associated with the acceleration of metabolism under the leadership of the thyroid. Naturally, a direct action upon the vessels and the arterial blood may explain such symptoms. Here belong rush of blood to the head, congestion, pulsation and burning headache, which are improved by cold; warmth in any form (room, food) aggravates the headache; the face shows circumscribed redness and heat. All sensory impressions and mental efforts aggravate the headache.


It is chiefly the behavior of general sensation, hunger and thirst that are characteristic. The marked hunger has a certain spasmodic nature. Soon after eating, the hunger returns. The patient must arise at night to eat. Before or during the headache ravenous hunger exists. Many complaints, especially the nervous, are improved by eating but improvement does not last long. The patient can sleep better when he has eaten something. The hunger is spasmodic and at other times there is an aversion to food, or the patient desires food but will not eat it when it is brought to him.

The severe thirst for cold water is similar in nature. The quenching of the thirst relieves only momentarily; the thirst reappears when the water has become warm in the stomach and then vomiting often occurs. Correspondingly there is a desire for cold, refreshing, moist food.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,