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Metal catalysis is a surface action, a so-called adsorption catalysis. It is favored through increase of the surface, also by the uttermost subdivision. And that this subdivision of the elements of the accessory group can be carried so far, without the particles losing their independence, depends upon their small atom volumes with high atomic weights. Their atoms are very small in comparison with their charges, the power of electric attraction from the nucleus out is great. They hold their several positive charges, very firmly; their tendency to dissociation, to the formation of free ions, is slight. Here they stand in strongest contrast to the alkali metals which have the largest atom volume, distended atoms, with slight attraction to the nucleus for which reason they easily give off the outer electron and dissociate free ions. Also the halogens of Group VII still have a fairly large atom volume of the heavy metals is an important expression of their nuclear structure and the common properties of this accessory group. Likewise this small atom volume has been replete with significance geochemically for the deposition of the metallogenous elements in the earth.

The strongly charged, relatively small atoms of heavy metals adapt them very well as drugs, through their catalytic properties when the necessary dispersion is given. Because medicinal actions in the sense of stimulation of reactions the exciter is not used up, has a great similarity to catalysis. But on the other side the chemical mass action of the heavy metals is less suitable for a stimulation effect. Because the firmness with which the heavy metals attract and chemically bind other atoms in their vicinity leads easily to irreversible reactions which are incompatible with the dynamic equilibrium of vital processes. So far as a chemical energy exchange with the organic structure occurs, the poison threshold for the heavy metals is low. Also with these unnatural materials it constantly depends upon the conditions (amount, state of form, local and temporal circumstances) Whether they will be poisonous or promoting to the organism.

The accessory group are indeed a special class among the elements but they show distinct transition to the chief groups. With the increase in the atomic weight, the metallic character increases also in the chief groups of the electronegative side, so that bismuth is entirely designated as a heavy metal. So horizontal membership on the basis of nuclear structure also passes over into the neighboring chief groups. This can also be followed in the drug pictures.


We have up to the present looked at the elements as the ultimate carriers of material properties and have found in their natural order, the periodic system, an accessible point of departure and a good guide through the properties of the mineral materials, as must come into evidence in their action upon the organism. But our mineral medicinal substances are for the most part not simple elements, but combinations of two or more elements. And even if this is concerned only with a quality of substances, still the action on the organism is by no means unequivocally determined. Of the complicated conditions which the organism presents to the medicinal substance, nothing need be said here. But of the influence which the position of a molecule of an elementary substance has, is shown by the modification of the same substance; one need only think of the yellow and red phosphorus.

In compounds of two or more elements there is a new power system. But it is still permissible to evaluate the actions of elementary powers within the new structure through comparative consideration. So in one salt the cation, in another, the anion will be recognized as the chief carrier of medicinal effect, and in another salt the accent will be equally placed. Under the simple conditions of the test tube this is, for example, nothing else than the relation of the salt to water. Only the physiochemical analysis of elementary actions under the extremely complicated reaction conditions of the organism is more often a conjecture than an absolutely certain determination. In the following presentation, the drug picture of the compounds will be arranged where it seems best from these reflections and from didactic reasons.

An anticipation and a postponement in the discussion cannot be avoided for the reason that many elements cannot be discussed in their relation to the organism without taking other natural elements or compounds into consideration, for example, calcium not without phosphates


Finally the periodic system of elements is not a simple series but a system of groups. For this reason it is somewhat arbitrary with which group we begin. If we begin with Group I, then it would not be so suitable if we discuss schematically the groups according to the series. It is much better after discussing Groups I and II which contain the essential cation formers, to go over to Groups VII, VI and V which contain the chief anion formers. In this way we obtain more rapidly a survey of the electrolytes whose constituents have the least independence and require an opposite supplementation. We find a common basis of explanation of these compounds in the theory of ions. After the short third group, then the amphoteric Group IV follows in which the analysis of actions leads to colloidochemical considerations. A few lower carbon derivatives form an appendix to this.

Finally will the accessory groups as a composite class be discussed after the above represented mutual and arranging viewpoint is presented.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,