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Biochemistry of Bowel Organisms

The Biochemistry of Bowel orgnisms and their associated remedies from homeopathic materia medica….


I would ask you now to refer to the list before you and to note the group remedies which have been found associated with each type of non-lactose fermenting organism of the bowel.

B. MORGAN (Bach)

In this group two elements are outstanding, i.e., Sulphur and Carbon. In this group also there are complex remedies from the plant world, e.g. Lycopodium and from the venom of a snake, i.e. Lachesis.


Here the outstanding element is Chlorine.

BACILLUS No. “7” (Paterson)

Bromine and Iodine.


Silicea; Phosphorus; Fluorine; Mercurius viv.

From this list it will be evident that each organism is associated with remedies which have a central element with which other elements may combine to from remedies of varying chemical complexity. The practice of Homoeopathy is founded on the hypothesis that the true simillimum (the homoeopathic remedy) is related to the disturbed metabolism (the disease) and now it can be demonstrated that the non-lactose fermenting organism of the bowel is biochemically related to the disease and the homoeopathic remedy.

The potentized vaccine-the nosode-prepared from culture of the organism can be considered to be a complex biochemical substance having the characteristic of the disturbed metabolism, and thus to be similar to the disease and according to the law of similars, to have specific therapeutic power to restore balance, a condition of ease-i.e. health.

The individual members of each group may have some therapeutic action in a specific disease, but the action of the simpler elements may be incomplete and require the assistance of the more complex remedies, and on this hypothesis one can formulate a series of working rules for the use of the remedies and the nosodes and in actual practice demonstrate how one may complement the action of the other.

John Paterson
John Paterson 1890 – 1954 was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. John Paterson was a Microbiologist, who was married to Elizabeth Paterson, also a Microbiologist. They both worked at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
John Paterson was President of International Homeopathic Medical League in 1939.
John Paterson wrote The Bowel Nosodes, and he was responsible for introducing them into British homeopathy n the 1920s.