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Psychic Medicines

The homoeopathic doctors who, in their experiments of medicines on healthy man, have noted minutely their psychic properties, should have utilised them for the moral and intellectual amelioration of defects of their clients. …

The number of psychic or moral and intellectual symptoms described in the pathogeneses is very considerable and however, out of the 20,000 homoeopathic doctors who are dead or who are living, only six among them who are dead now Hahnemann Hering, Bourgeois, the count of Bonneval, Charles Ozanam-have utilised, according to the law of similars, the psychic symptoms in order to modify or ameliorate the character and the intelligence of some of their clients. All the other homoeopathic doctors are satisfied themselves using only the somatic symptoms of our medicines; and they have thus practised, following the example of allopathic doctors, a kind of veterinary medicine applied to man, in whom they have only treated the body except in the cases of mental derangement.

In my book on the Treatment of Alcoholism (page 29-41 of the French edition and pages 13-26 of the English edition) I have shown by some examples that all the civilised or uncivilised men in every have utilised, and still utilised the psychic properties of medicines, and this in an empirical way.

The homoeopathic doctors who, in their experiments of medicines on healthy man, have noted minutely their psychic properties, should have utilised them for the moral and intellectual amelioration of defects of their clients. These doctors would then practice the psychic medicine no more empirically like the common people, but scientifically, according to the law of similia similibus curentur. Homoeopathy will became a powerful agent of civilisation, moral and intellectual, because it will contribute:

1. To the development of intellectual aptitudes, so which the Creator has put the seeds in us.

2. To the amelioration of characters which would bring a greater peace between the individuals, in the families and in nations; to the development of morality and as consequence the diminution of criminality.

What a great preponderance will acquire thus, amongst the civilised people, Homoeopathy, if it is utilised in this way and this because it is only by the help of this therapeutic one may obtain numerous good results to its infinitesimal doses.

While waiting to publish all the facts that I have gathered since 22 years on the psychic medicine, thanks to my private and to my clients of my polytechnic. I am going to make known the indications of some medicines.

1. For the development of intellectual faculties.

2. For the amelioration of characters.

Article I

Development of Intellectual Faculties

Like the gardener who inspite of his good knowledge, can not cause to germinate but the seeds that are in the soil of his garden the psychic doctor cannot, by the help of his remedy, develop but the intellectual aptitudes, of which God has put the seed in the brain of the subjects treated. If the germs of those aptitudes are not there all the medicines are useless for developing them because Hippocrates was right when he said: Natura repugnante ommia vana.

By the help of methodic muscular exercise, one can develop the four limbs of man. Similarly by the help of education and by a methodical intellectual work one may also develop some of the aptitudes but all the aptitudes existing in germs in man. This is what experience teaches us; it teaches us that some of these aptitudes cannot be developed but by appropriate medicines. This is what I am going to show by facts:

Case I


Inaptitude for Mathematics

In order to develop the taste and aptitude for the mathematics I am very often consulted and I am successful at least in seven cases out of ten.

A single dose of Calcarea carbonica 200 or 300, given once develops habitually the taste and the aptitude for mathematics at the end of three, five or eight weeks.

It is preferable to administer this remedy without the knowledge of the subject treated, because the intellectual evolution is spontaneous and more natural.

If, on the contrary, the subject knows that he is being treated, he is preoccupied and anxious; sometimes he wishes to help the treatment and he helps awkwardly or rather hamper it by a mentality of opposition and in that case he does not say clearly the effects of the medicine.

As there are very few clients who are disposed to believe six or eight globules of a 200 dilution may develop their action during 3,5 or 8 weeks, one should give from time to time some plain globules of Saccharum lactis: this pseudo medicine is very often useful because it gives to the real medicine the time to develop its full action.

When the medicine is used without the knowledge of the person treated, 5 to 8 globules of this remedy is to be dissolved in 2, 3, 4, 6 teaspoonful of pure water; then that solution is to be poured in coffee, tea, milk, chocolate, cocoa, wine, rhum, beer, or in a soup, but in a manner that the remedy is taken only once.

The diluted medicines, from the 4th to the dilution, can no more undergo any chemical reaction and consequently is not weakened because they are in a radiant state i.e.the 4th state of the matters, discovered by the English physicians Faraday and William Crookes. So the diluted remedies may be shown in a memoire published:

1. In the Homoeopathic populaire of Paris, No. of 1st July, 1891.

2. In the Allgemeine Homoeopathische Zeitung of Leipzig, number of 19th March, 1892.

3. In the Homoeopathic World of London, number of the 1st December, 1892.

I have spoken of the radiant state of the medicines in my book on the treatment of alcoholism.

In the case IV, I will indicate an other way of administering the medicines without the knowledge of the subjects.

Case II

Inaptitude for the study of Law

A young man of 21 years came to my chamber, and said: I have studies the medicine for a year. I have left it because I had neither taste, not aptitude for that science. I have begun, this year the study of law but I have not taste and aptitude for this new subject. Please find for me a remedy which will augument my memory for the ideas and develop my taste and the aptitude for the study of law.

I put on his tongue 6 to 8 globules of Staphysagria 200, which at the end of the first month, has doubled his memory for the ideas; at the end of the second month, the memory became as it was before. But from this time, the taste and the aptitude for law developed gradually to such a point that this young man obtained a prize at the end of the first year, and another prize at the end of the second years.

On may see here that a single dose of Staphysagria 200 developed its action only at the end of the second month. It is a lesson for the busy doctors regarding the repetition of the medicines.


Want of Analytical Mind

An old missionary for the blacks of Central Africa, aged 40 knew several languages and he was always the first among his class friends, and although very intelligent, had not an analytical mind. But this was however indispensable for him because he was just appointed Professor of Moral in a big seminar. I proposed to develop in him the analytical mind, if the Creator has given in him the germ for it. He accepted my proposal, and I put on his tongue, 6 to 8 globules of Sulphur 5,000 of Jenichen.

Two months later, he came to tell me that remedy had, at the end of three months, developed his analytical power to such a point that he was surprised, and he never had it before.

One will note this singular fact: For thirty years, some different and continued studies had not developed his analytical mind and a single remedy, given at the age of 40, developed it in three weeks.

No doubt in may persons one may developed thus some intellectual aptitudes, which, without this, would have slept during their whole lives. This is a lesson for men obliged to give themselves up successively to several professions during the course of their existence.

Case IV

Inaptitude for the Study of Theology

I gave to a Professor of Theology some remedies in order to develop the aptitude for theology in four less intelligent students. Among the following remedies which develop that aptitude: Platina, Lycopodium, Calcarea carbonica, Natrum muriaticum, Selenium, I selected the appropriate remedies for each subject. Putting between each remedy an interval of 5 to 8 weeks, I gave successively three remedies to each of these students and always without their knowledge. These remedies developed the intelligence in such a notable way in the two students and in really an extraordinary way in the third. But there was not result in the fourth. If the treatment were continued a much longer period, the remedies would have been well successful in the two students whose intelligence was ameliorated and in the fourth there was not effect.

The professor, had not been able to go neither to the kitchen not to the dining room to put the respective medicine in their foods or in their drinks, found an ingenious means for administering the remedies in a ball a gum in which he introduced the globules of a remedy and afterwards stopped the hole. As as sweet, he used to give thus to each student a ball of gum containing the medicines.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.