Psychic Medicines

One sees that this remedy cured rapidly the delirium of the persecution and the repulsion for women and for marriage.

Theory was not able to help me to foresee these unexpected results: Staphysagria caused a husband to leave his mistress, and who was brought back to his wife; this remedy decided a young man to leave his mistress and to marry. In these cases, the passion is not extinguished-which would be against nature-but directed probably because this remedy develops the sense of duty and the will to do it.

Case IX-X


Adultery. Masturbation. Debauchery. Pederasty. Sodomy. Tribadism. Bestiality.

(I) A husband of 40, having a mistress, had not met his wife since one year. The latter gives him a dose of platina 200 every six days for 18 days, after which he met his wife many times a week.

(II) A husband lying by the side of his wife, did not see the latter but masturbated, which procured him a very bad figure. Platina 200 was given to him 10 times in 20 days i.e. every two days. Since then, he did not masturbate, but meets her wife and he had a good character.

Platina, similarly Staphysagria, turns away a husband from his mistress and bring him back to his wife and besides they cure the vice against nature and re-establish the natural passion, which is normal. Also Platina is useful generally, against abnormal passions: Masturbation, pederasty, sodomy, tribadism and probably in men having sexual relations with female animals.

(III) I have often given platina 200 to mothers for their daughter or for their sons who are already debauches or only disposed to debauchery, and this always with success. This remedy cured at the same time indocility, impertinence and insolence of these children towards their parents. Many Anglo-American families wanted me to indicate to them this remedy which may be often useful to them. And it is not the only remedy useful in similar case.

Case XI


Woman Coquettish and Expensive

A young women, having an unexpected good marriage, loved much her husband and her child. Nevertheless she experienced almost and irresistible desire to throw herself through the window. This morbid impulse disappeared two days after she has taken a dose of Belladonna 300. Her husband was very much surprised seeing to disappear coquettishness of a woman which made her expensive.

There are many other remedies which may cause to disappear the exaggerated coquettishness, as there are also some which may develop in woman a certain coquettishness without which she is no more a woman.


Genital Excitation. Genital Weakness. Priapism. Lost Love.

Here is a triple observation, three members of the same family, in which my treatment has probably checked different scandals or crimes: adultery, divorce, shooting, poisoning.

A young and beautiful woman of 32 years came to consult me for herself, her husband and her father-in-law.

Since many years, she had such a great passion, up to such a point that she masturbated after which she used to shed warm tears. It is true that her husband satisfied her in an insufficient manner, as I am going to describe. I gave her every three weeks a dose of Pulsatilla 200 which calms her down but without extinguishing her genital passion.

To her husband who turns his back on the bed and meets her only once in nine months although he is 40 years old, I gave him without his knowledge one dose of Lycopodium 200.

Since then he did not turn his back to his wife on their common bed and meets her twice in a month.

The father-in-law of that young woman, although 68 years had always erection and wanted to have her as mistress: To this lascivious old man I gave successively a dose of Causticum 200 then Cantharis 200, which calmed down gradually his erections.

This triple observation shows well the services that may give Homoeopathy to keep up the peace, the morality in some families.

The young boys and girls may be checked from being too much eager to marry or toe develop in them the taste (not the vice) of marriage, when there is every ground to be married.

I have even been very much astonished to be able to dissipate love that such a young girl or a young boy had for a boy or a girl. And also to dissipate the love of a young girl for a young man who was recently married, and all this when there is the necessity.

The ancients had perhaps found some analogous remedies, when they used their philtres (from the greek word philienlove to provoke or to extinguish love.

Some clients and specially some clients who have the nativity to ask me if I am able to direct the affection of such person on such an other, or if I can direct the generosity of subject so that he does his will in he favour of such an individual. I reply that I am not at all capable for doing so. I do not do hypnotism, but I gave remedies which develop the good senses which are natural, the natural sensations, the reason, the sense of duty and the will to do it. The subjects treated act then spontaneously directing at their will, their sympathy on such persons whom they prefer. The medicines develop, I repeat, the good natural sentiments, the reason, the conscience, and then the subjects treated act as a consequence at their will.

The important condition and almost indispensable for the success of the psychic treatment: when I have to treat without their knowledge some clients for their passions or defects of character I recommend expressly not to reproach them nor to give them any advice, because the former and the latter put their character on edge and force them often to stick to their errings, while the remedies soften their character, develop their reasons, their good sentiments which are natural and thus led spontaneously to cure them of their passions and defects.

I have often refused consultations and medicines to persons who could not check themselves from reproaching and advising the subjects treated. I used to say: “You thus prevent me to cure them”. In this way you lose your time and your money, and besides, you believe that I am able to cure similar cases and this is wrong you do towards me.

Many women come to me for the treatment of their husband without their knowledge of their vices and defects. To these women I say: “Be amiable, coquettish, attractive-it is your conjugal duty-but not obliging. And, besides, always lie with your husband and it is best means to maintain intimacy, your attraction, your domination. Many husbands have become debauches because they have ceased to lie with their wives”. My clients finally recognise that it is the best diplomacy that I recommend to them.

It is impossible for me to relate the more and more numerous psychic cures that I have done since 22 years. But while waiting to make known the indications of psychic remedies, I may affirm that one may arrive at the cure of his clients of their vices and defects of character as easily as pneumonia, pleurisy, dyspepsia, dysentery etc., etc.

Thus for example, one may generally cure the man of their vices and defects of character is seven out of ten cases.

The vice of alcoholism is curable at least five out of ten cases specially when it is not hereditary which is less easily cured than other vices because it is constituted of two diseases:

1. By a natural disease, the impulsion of drinking.

2. By a medicinal disease, alcoholic intoxication.

Also while, to cure the other vices, it is enough to give not more than only one dose every 8,5, or 3 weeks, it is necessary to give for curing alcoholism one dose every 20, 10, 5,4,3,2 days and this for dissipating the alcoholic intoxication which caused the impulse to drink.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.