Psychic Medicines

This method of using medicine may be used for the treatment without the knowledge of the subjects, for the somatic or psychic diseases of persons to whom one wishes to render service and who refuse all treatments.

Case V

Inaptitude for the study and the practice of medicine. Means to change sometimes the profession of a young man.

A young man who desired to become an engineer and had a repulsion for the medicine for which his family destined him. His father asked me if I could make of him a doctor by modifying his intellectual aptitudes by the help of medicine. “Yes,” I replied, “if the Creator has out in his brain a germ of medical aptitude”.


Among the remedies that follow: Silicea, Calcarea carbonica, in this order develop the taste and the aptitude for the study of medicine. I gave him without his knowledge and successively the first three remedies.

The first cured his of his repulsion for the medicine.

The second made him hesitant between the two professions.

The third made him decide for the medicine.

The doctors, who will desire to develop the taste and the aptitude for the study of the medicine in one of his sons, will give them the five remedies cited above in the indicated order. They will have the chance of success by giving the five remedies than only the 2, 3 or 4.

In the case where the young student of medicine will experience a repulsion and nausea at the sight of patients, they would be given a dose of Nux vomica 200 every 21, 14 or 7 days; and sometimes even Staphysagria; if the first remedy is not sufficient.

The aptitude for the practice of medicine is developed by Hepar, Nitric acidum, Ammonium carbonicum, Selenium.

The following remedies are indicated for curing the repulsion against the high dilutions: Causticum, Sepia, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, m Hepar, Nitri acidum.

The aptitude for the Pharmacy is developed by Bryonia, Lycopodium, Silicea.

Case VI

Besides in the cases of very much developed intellectual aptitude, it is generally advantageous that one of the sons follow the profession of the father, because the latter may transmit to him the results of his experience, his knowledge acquired and his clients. This is advantageous, for the sons, for the clients and for the development or the maintaining of professional knowledge.

As it has been shown in the case V, some remedies may develop in the son, when he has the germ of it in his brain the professional aptitude of his father.

In the case, where this treatment would not be effecacious, it would not be injurious. And how much it would be useful to the son if he would have been successful! It is always preferable to treat the latter without his knowledge.

Later on, I would be able to make known some useful remedies for developing the taste and the aptitude for the different professions: Industry, commerce, financier, engineer, chemist, physicist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, literary, journalist, operator, advocate, notary, geographer, astronomer, mechanician, metallurgist, military, navy, etc.. etc.

One sees how the homoeopathic doctors could utilise their remedies like the agents of culture of the intellectual; civilisation.

Article II

Medical Treatment of Passions, Vices, Defects of Character

One may also use the remedies like the agents of culture, of the civilisation and this by dissipating, very often, if not always, not only the passions and the vices, but also the simple defects of character which disturbs the peace, the mutual assistance between parents or citizens. This is what I am going to show by some facts.

Case I-V


Aptitude. Not well wishing. Not serviceable. Refuses to do his will.

One finds some example of non-motivated antipathy in all the families and classes of the society, even in saints who were not able to live together, as for example:

St. Paul and St. Barnabas.

St. Augustin and Tertullian.

St. Bernard and Pierre the Venerable, Abbey of Cluny.

The saintliness cannot transform a man who is brown into a blonde one, a bilious temperament into sanguin and modify other dispositions which are organic, which hygiene and the medicines may modify in some cases.

(I) A woman came to my polyclinic, saying: I live with my daughter aged 19, my husband and an old aunt. The latter has against me an antipathy which she has communicated to my husband and to my daughter. Thus all the three are not well disposed against me. Have you some remedies for curing this antipathy? I gave her three doses of Calcarea carbonica 200 to give them without their knowledge.

Three weeks later, that woman came back and told: “Two days after having taken her remedy, my aunt has showed to me her obligingness, my husband after two days and my daughter alone five or six days afterwards. Now they are obliging to me.”

It will be noted that the effect was late in the young girl because her reason was less developed. It is for this reason the psychic treatment is less successful in many children than in adults.

(II) A father had an antipathy against his son whom he wanted to disinherit at least partially in favour of his daughter. The son asked me for a remedy to make this father equitable so as to partition his fortune (800,000 francs of 1893), in two equal parts between his two children. I gave him 4 to 5 doses of Calcarea carb, which the father took without his knowledge in 4 to 5 months, at the end of which, he become gradually well wishing, generous, and he partitioned his fortune in two equal parts between his children.

(III) A dying husband, having an antipathy against his wife; did not wish to make his will in her favour. I gave him without his knowledge a single dose of calcarea carbonica 30, which made him decide to make his will in the favour of his wife at the end of 12 hours.

(IV) One of my colleagues and friend asks a neighbor of the village a service which the latter refuse him under the pretext that his farmer has done wrong to him. By colleague has the change to give him on the tongue some globules of Calcarea carbonica 200 and two days afterwards, this recalcitrant neighbor came spontaneously to offer the service which she has refused.

(V) A rich peasant had a daughter to marry, who had found a good party. But the father, because of his egoism, and avarice, did not wish to give either his consent to this marriage, or the dowry to his daughter. I gave to the mother Calcarea carbonica 300 which her husband takes without his knowledge in his soup. Three weeks later. the mother informs me that her husband has given consent and dowry for the marriage of their daughter.

As you see, Calcarea carbonica cures the antipathies, renders well wishing, makes serviceable, generous, develops the sense of duty and the will to do it. One will be able to convince himself of its utility by giving it once every 60,35 or 21 days, rarely every 10 days. This remedy may often bring back the peace, the well wishing in the families, in the society, in communities civil and military or religious. This remedy would be able alone to prove the frequent opportunity of the psychic treatment. Some homoeopathic doctors whose mind is narrow-by the limits of the classical teaching-refuse of experiment this treatment exactly like the allopathic doctors having in the same way a narrow mind, refuse to experiment the homoeopathic treatment. All these doctors do not understand the wise advice of the apostle St. Paul, a man of genius among the evangelists:Et omnia probate et quod bonum tenete (Experiment everything and keep what is good). St. Paul is really the founder of the experimental method.



Adultery. Debauchery. Repulsion to marriage. Indocility of Children.

(I) In my polyclinic comes a women who tell me: “My husband meets me twice every two months; I think that he has mistresses.” I gave her a dose of Staphysagria 200, which she gave to her husband in his soup. Three weeks later she comes to tell me: “My husband now meets me as he used to at the beginning of our marriage, two to three times a week. U think that he has no more any mistress.”

(II) A young man had a mistress since 3 to 4 years. His mother wanted that her son should leave his mistress and decided to give his marriage, sent for me and asked a remedy. I gave a dose of Staphysagria 200, which he was given without his knowledge in a cup of coffee taken immediately after his meal of noon. Some days afterwards, this mistress and marry.” I repeated the same 200th dilution which caused still some more good intentions, some good words, but no action. Then I gave a dose of Staphysagria 10,000. Eight months afterwards, I was said that the young man has left his mistress since 5 months, but does not desire to marry. I gave him another dose that of 10,000 dilution which made him to leave anew his mistress and he decides to marry nor if he finds the occasions for it.

(III) In 1885, I believe, Dr. Burnett, professor of the Materia Medica at the homoeopathic hospital of London, sends me a gentleman who had the delirium of persecution and believed to be followed by women. He avoided them in the road believing that they were mocking at him. He came to consult me at Lyon where I gave him a single dose of Staphysagria 200. Some weeks afterwards, he met with a woman whom he married.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.