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Addison’s Disease

Dr. Dewey discusses the homeopathy treatment of Addison’s Disease in his bestselling book Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics….

Arsenicum. [Ars]

      This is the most homoeopathic of all remedies to this disease. Both the disease and drug have nerve depression, gastric irritation, general debility, feeble heart action and tendency to vomit. The skin symptoms have also a curious similarity; both the burning and the discoloration have been found in several cases of poisoning by *Arsenic.

**The disease, though considered an incurable one, may have its development arrested by the proper remedy. Among other remedies to be thought of are: **Thuja; Natrum muriaticum, which especially corresponds to the languor, muscular fatigue, indigestion, melancholia, etc., so often present at the onset of the disease; **Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Iodine and Phosphorus. Arsenicum iodatum is also especially worthy of a trial. Tuberculinum may also be well indicated.

**Boenninghausen gives **Antimonium crudum, Nitric acid, **Secale and Spigelia as remedies producing a bronzed skin. **Argentum nitricum is a promising remedy and has greatly benefited one case. It produces loss of appetite, chronic wasting and diarrhoea. The fact that it stains the skin by its chemical action is of no therapeutic value. Argyria is not Addison’s disease.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.