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NEURALGIA Indications for some of the Metals

In Metallic Silver (Argentum Met.)., the pains gradually increase and suddenly cease. They occur usually in very nervous people who are subject to vertigo. The Neuralgia is especially apt to occur in the joints….

AURUM is useful in Neuralgia after abuse of Mercury. The pains are of a stinging and tearing character, and are almost always associated with anxious and hasty movements. The circulation is certain to be involved, and you have that anxiety and dread and haste that belong to heart affections.

In Metallic Silver (Argentum Met.)., the pains gradually increase and suddenly cease. They occur usually in very nervous people who are subject to vertigo. The Neuralgia is especially apt to occur in the joints.

The pains of Nitrate of Silver (ArgentumNit),. have this character: They gradually increase until they reach their acme, and drive the patients almost mad. Then they radiate in all directions.

PLATINA has for its characteristic gradually increasing and gradually decreasing pains. We will see presently that Stannum also has gradually increasing and gradually decreasing pains. The distinction between the two remedies lies in the concomitant symptoms. With Platina, these pains are followed by numbness or cramp in the affected part. With Stannum, there is more pure nervousness, the muscles jerk, and the patient is low-spirited and sad.

PLUMBUM has neuralgic pains, and they are relieved by hard, firm pressure, and they are associated with emaciation of the affected part. You will find it indicated in Neuralgia of the abdomen, with pains that almost drive the patient crazy.

If these are relieved by pressure, Plumbum is usually the remedy, whether there is retraction of the abdomen or not.

CUPRUM METALLICUM is indicated in suddenly- appearing pains in the involuntary muscles, and usually, associated with a great deal of congestion and cramps.

The ARSENITE OF COPPER ( CUP.ARS.) is a very superior remedy in Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. I do not mean Neuralgia of the abdominal walls, but of the viscera themselves. The pains are periodical in their recurrence.

The FERRUM pains are usually relieved from slow motion: in fact, they compel the patient to get up and move about for relief, they are worse at night and are usually accompanied by false plethora.

MANGANUM is chemically similar to Ferrum, and suits similar cases. Like the latter remedy, it produces chlorosis and anaemia. But this Chlorosis and Anaemia are not so erethistic as in Ferrum. There is not so much ebullition of blood. In addition, Manganese seems to produce a sort of Periostitis, or if not Periostitis, periosteal pains which are worse at night and worse from touch.

KOBALTUM acts upon the spine and its nerves, particularly upon the lumbar spine, causing intense backache. Which is worse sitting than it is walking. Such backache usually follows sexual excesses and is associated with weakness of the legs. The legs tremble and the knees give out.

NICCOLUM.- I do not know much about. It promises very well, however. It is particularly indicated in tearing pains in the head, worse in the left eye and recurring every two weeks. This is a periodical remedy. It has hoarseness occurring every Spring. It also has a cough which, I would like to have you remember, is a dry, teasing cough compelling the patient to sit up, it jars the head so.

MERCURIUS is useful for Neuralgia of the face, extremities and back, especially when the pains are rendered intolerable by the warmth of the bed and are worse at night. It is especially indicated in facial Neuralgia, starting from decayed teeth.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.