345. Soft stool which, however, is evacuated with difficulty, on account of constriction of the anus, as in haemorrhoids. [Fz.]
Soft stool (aft. 49 h.). [Gn.]
He had frequent call to stool, without bellyache; each time the evacuation was very scanty and very hard, with a pain in the anus as if it would burst.
In the morning after cutting in the belly and nausea, diarrhoa comes on; the last stool is pure mucus. (The four following symptoms seemed to be caused by a too large dose, which makes almost every medicine a purgative; for the peculiar primary action of this drug seems to be: during the stool forcing bellyache, constipation, or else a very scanty, hard, or even (but more rarely) thin evacuation, as may also be seen in SS. 238 to 333.)
Cutting in the abdomen diarrhoeic stool, at the last slimy (aft. 42, 84 h.).
350. Along with the feeling as if flatus would be discharged, there occurs unnoticed a thin stool (aft. 3 h.).
Diarrhoeic stool mixed with flatus (aft. 3 h.).
For may successive days several ordinary thin stools.
After the completed stool a similar but fruitless urging in the rectum without evacuation.
Long after the stool a momentary sore pain in the rectum.
355. Great itching at the anus, with small lumps there.
Itching in the anus when sitting, independent of stool (aft. 7 h.). [Gn.]
The first day very scanty secretion of urine. (The urinary symptoms resemble those connected with the stool, as in also seen in the symptoms of my fellow provers.)
Frequent discharge of watery urine at first, but after some days dark-coloured urine. [Stf.]
Copious, very frequent micturition, for several days (aft. 24, 40 h.).
360. The first four days the urine is discharged every quarter of an hour in small quantities; the following days in sufficient quantity, but of a dark colour and every hour. [Gss.]
He must urinate frequently and the discharge is scanty, the second day not so frequently, but the quantity is greater. [Hrr.]
He urinates somewhat oftener than is usual with him, but passes little at a time (aft. 7 d.). [Hrr.]
Frequent call to urinate, when very little dark-coloured urine is discharged, for three days. [Gss.]
Copious red urine.
365. Frequent call to urinate with great discharge of urine (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]
When she coughed the urine was ejected involuntarily.
Call to urinate; scarcely a spoonful passes, mostly of reddish or dark yellow urine in a thin stream, sometimes by drops, and after he has passed it he always feels as if the bladder were not empty, for some urine continues to dribble away. [Gss.]
He urinates frequently, but always only scantily, about a cupful of dark urine (aft. 24 h.). [Hrr.]
On awaking from sleep pressure on the bladder; she must pass much urine, and yet an hour afterwards she had again a call to urinate with pressure.
370. He urinates less frequently than on the first day, but more frequently than in his normal state, and a little more in quantity than the first day (aft. 3 to 7 d.). [Hrr.]
Cutting while urinating and still worse afterwards.
Every time water is passed burning in the whole urethra, for many days.
Immediately after urinating a dislocative pain above the urethra behind the os pubis. [Lr.]
The urine is passed at night with stiff penis and at last only in drops, with burning at the neck of the bladder, and at the same time ineffectual urging to stool, lying doubled up gave relief. [Trn.]
375. A smarting and burning formication at the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating.
Only when not urinating, while sitting a burning deep back in the urethra.
A kind of burning in the middle of the urethra, when not urinating (aft. 6 h.). [Kr.]
When evacuating a hard stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.
All night long excessive stiffness of the penis, without seminal emission (aft. 16 h.). [Lr.]
380. All night stiffness of penis, without amorothoughts and without seminal emission. [Lr.]
At night amorous dream-pictures, with two seminal emissions. [Lr.]
At night a seminal emission without dreams. [Fz.]
A pollution in the afternoon siesta in an old man, to whom nothing similar had occurred for thirty years (aft. 12 h.).
Seminal emissions on three successive nights.
385. Seminal emissions on five successive nights, each time with lascivious dreams.
After a nocturnal pollution exhaustion and heaviness in both arms, as if he had lead in them.
In its primary action it excites strong sexual desire, but in the secondary action or reaction of the organism (aft. 5, 6 d.) there ensues indifference to, and persistent deficiency of, sexual desire, both in the genital organs and in the mind.
Violent drawing burning stitches out of the right inguinal ring as if in the spermatic cord as far as the right testicle (aft. which, however, is painless when touched). When sitting, standing, and walking, but most violent when stooping (aft. 33 h.). [Hnl.]
Aching drawing (tearing) in the right testicle, as though it were forcibly compressed. [Gss.]
390. Aching pain on the left testicle when walking, as also whenever it is rubbed; the pain is more violent on touching it (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]
An itching in the inside of the scrotum, which can only be somewhat removed by pressing and rubbing between the fingers.
Voluptuous itching (Removed by smelling at ambra.) about the scrotum, which is always increased by rubbing; on the surface it turns into a sore pain, whilst deeper the itching continues and at length causes a seminal emission (aft. 5, 6, 8 d.).
A painless gurgling in the scrotum.
Moisture on the corona glandis, beneath the prepuce.
395. Soft exuding growth in the groove behind the corona glandis and a similar growth in the corona itself, both of which itch from the friction of the shirt.
Shooting pain on the right side of the glans when standing and walking. [Lr.]
Painful sensibility of the female genitals; when she sits she has pain there.
Spasmodic pain in female genitals and vagina.
Pricking itching in the female genitals.
400. A smarting in the female genitals, even when not urinating.
Posteriorly, within the right labium majus, a blister, which causes smarting per se, but sore pain when touched (aft. 9 d.).
Appearance of the menses at new moon that had been absent for a year, with cutting in the abdomen and great rumbling.
Frequent sneezing without coryza (aft. 2 and 10 h.). [Lr.]
Sneezing with coryza.
405. (In the evening a stoppage in the nose so that she can get no air through it and it renders speech difficult.)
Coryza: at first he blows only thick mucus from the nose, afterwards thin discharge (aft. 4 d.). [Hrr.]
Quickly developed fluent coryza, with catarrhal speech, lasting a quarter of an hour (aft. 2 p.m.).
Severe coryza without cough.
Violent fluent coryza; one nostril is stopped up, the other not, with frequent sneezing, flow of tears from the eyes and chapped lips (aft. 3, 4 d.). [Kr.]
410. Violent coryza: along with tickling in the nose and sneezing there flows from the nose at one time a copious, bland, watery discharge, at another time thick mucus – later on only the thick mucous matter. [Stf.]
Coryza and cough, for several weeks.
Constant irritation to hacking cough, on account of viscid mucus in the larynx, which he cannot detach by coughing. [Gss.]
She feels her chest weak; something adheres in her windpipe, causing hacking cough.
Easy expectoration of a quantity of mucus by hacking cough. [Kr.]
415. Cough with mucous expectoration.
Severe cough which threatens to tear out the larynx, as from a persistent contraction of the windpipe, not preceded by any particular irritation (aft. 4 h.). [Fz.]
Cough caused by tickling irritation, only by day.
Immediately after eating severe irritation to cough in the larynx, but little cough (aft. 4 d.). [Fz.]
Adhesive mucus lies in his chest the first six to eight hour and on several mornings; later on and during the day, easy detachment of mucus from the chest.
240. Severe cough after lying down in the evening and at noon, with viscid mucous expectoration.
Shortly after every meal severe cough with collection of water in the mouth – it is as if this water were forcibly propelled through the oesophagus and caused cutting pain in it (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]
Expectoration of mucus each time with five to eight drops of blood, and always preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest.
Cough with yellow expectoration like pus, worst in the forenoon from 9 to 12 o’clock, little in the morning (aft. 5 d.).
When coughing pain behind the sternum as if festering.
425. In the chest a pressure and a heaviness in it when sitting, which was allayed by walking.
Pressure in the left side of the chest, breathing has no influence on it.
At the top of the sternum immediately beneath the pit of the throat, itching, fine, sharp pricks, which compel scratching. [Gss.]
Painful stitches in the chest, impeding expiration. [Lr.]
Obtuse stitch in the left side of the chest, recurring after several minutes. [Gn.]
430. In bending the upper part of the body towards the right side and forwards, a violent stitch in the right side of the chest, when sitting (aft. 2.1/4 h.). [Hnl.]