145. A tensive stitch in the left ear (aft. 8.1/2, 36 h.). [Gn.]
In the right meatus auditorious a feeling of cold streaming in like a cool breath, for some hours. [Stf.]
Ringing in the left ear (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Kr.]
On moving the head ringing in one or other ear, which went off when at rest (aft. 2.3/4 h.). [Lr.]
Sometimes a slight crack on both ears as if the wind suddenly rushed in- without diminution of the hearing. [Fz.]
150. Drawing in both malar bones (zygomatic arch). [Hrr.]
Aching tearing in the left zygomatic process involving the teeth (at. 1 h.). [Gss.]
Tearing and tugging from the head down through the cheeks into the teeth (aft. 36 h.). [Stf.]
Cutting drawing in the left zygoma (aft. 22 h.). [Gss.]
Burning stitch in the right malar bone (aft. ½ h.). [Gn.]
155. Obtuse stitch in the left zygoma (aft. 22 h.). [Gn.]
Burning sharp shooting in the left cheek, inciting him to scratch. [Gss.]
Itching on the cheeks.
Itching (eroding) needle-pricks on both cheeks, inciting him to scratch. [Gss.]
The left cheek is painful as if ulcerated, when yawning. [Fz.]
160. When yawning the right maxillary-joint in front of the ear tends to become dislocated, with shooting pain.
Pain in the maxillary-joint when yawning.
Swelling of the cheek over the lower jaw.
In the left nostril on the cartilage of the nasal septum there occurs a sore pain when it is touched, as if it would ulcerate. [Gss.]
Sore pain on one nostril as if it were much ulcerated.
165. Sore nose inwardly, with a scab deeply seated in the interior.
Itching in the left ala nasi, which went off on touching it (aft. 78 h.). [Gn.]
Sensation as of fine cuts in the lip, as if they were chapped. [Fz.]
In the middle of the upper lip a scabby ulcer.
A burning lasting a minute about the middle of the outer border of the upper lip. [Stf.]
170. On the red of the upper lip a pimple covered by a scab, with burning sensation.
A vesicle on the border of the red of the lower lip with shooting burning pain.
Pressive sharp stitches from within outwards in the upper lip. [Gss.]
An ulcer on the border of the red of the lower lip, of shining red appearance with obtuse shooting drawing pains per se, sometimes accompanied by not disagreeable itching, which induces scratching, whereupon an obtuse shooting ensues (aft. 6 h.). [Hrr.]
Lip ulcer with gnawing drawing pain in it (Aft. 37 h.). [Hrr.]
175. Lip ulcer, from which at first matter, then (aft. 3 d.) only greenish water comes. [Hrr.]
Anteriorly beneath the chin, under the border of the lower jaw, a tensive sensation, as if a pimple would come there. [Fz.]
Under the chin anteriorly at the symphysis of the lower jaw, it feels as if there were a swollen gland; there is something hard there, like cartilage, of the size of a hazel nut – when swallowing, as also when touched or rubbed with the neck-cloth, he feels there a hard pressive pain (aft. 26 h.). [Hrr.]
On bowing the head forwards it falls forward almost involuntarily, when sitting (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]
Heaviness of the head and weakness of the cervical muscles; he must lean the head either backwards or to one side or the other (aft. 12 h.). [Hnl.]
180. Down-pressing sensation in the nape. [Fz.]
Paralytic drawing posteriorly in the joint of the nape, at the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra. [Gss.]
Externally on the neck eruption of some pimples.
Jerking stitches at the side of the neck, almost behind the ear, in the evening. [Stf.]
Tensive stitch in the left cervical muscles. [Gn.]
185. Pressive drawing on the right side of the neck, irrespective of movement or touch (aft. 32 h.). [Hrr.]
Tensive aching in the side of the neck. [Fz.]
On bowing forward the neck a drawing aching (rheumatic) pain in the side of it. [Fz.]
Fine tearing in the muscles of the neck (aft. 5 m.). [Hrr.]
On bowing forward the neck where it joins on to the shoulder is the seat of rheumatic pains, drawing, aching, stiffness. [Fz.]
190. The submaxillary glands are painful when touched and also independently of touch.
The submaxillary glands are painful as if swollen and contused.
Swelling of the tonsils and submaxillary glands.
Compressive drawing pain in the right row of teeth, excited by cold water. [Fz.]
In the morning drawing pain only in a hollow tooth (aft. 72 h.). [Fz.]
195. Violent tearing in the roots of the teeth, whilst at the same time the facial muscles are drawn away, first to one side then to the other. [Hbg.]
The teeth soon became black; she must brush them twice a day and still they remain striped black transversely.
A tooth that had long remained but slightly decayed became rapidly more hollow, in eight days. [Fz.]
A piece of the posterior surface of an incisor tooth exfoliates (aft. 28 h.). [Hrr.]
Swelling of the gums with heat in the cheek.
200. The gums are painful to the touch.
The gums bleed when pressed on, and when brushing the teeth, for many days.
The gums become pale and white.
The inside of the gums is painful and swollen – it is also painful when swallowing.
A blister on the inside of the gums turns into an ulcer, with shooting drawing pains.
205. A lump on the gums is painful when pressed on by something had not otherwise (aft. 17 d.).
The gums are eaten away.
Painful drawing in the gum of the last molar and in its root. [Hrr.]
Painful drawing in the gum of the incisors and of the canine tooth, and in their roots, on the right side, which extends down into the muscles of the lower jaw (aft. 26 h.). [Hrr.]
The gums of the upper and lower teeth of the right side are painfully spasmodically drawn together, so that she cannot separate the teeth on account of the pain. [Hbg.]
210. While eating tearing in the gums and roots of the lower molars (aft. 72 h.). [Hrr.]
Tearing throughout both rows of teeth, with feeling of the teeth on edge when biting on them (aft. 40 h.). [Stf.]
Toothache excited by drawing air into the mouth.
Eroding pain in the four lower front teeth, especially at night.
Occasionally a painful tug in the teeth followeby throbbing in the gums.
215. Aching drawing pain in the front row of teeth, as from taking mercury, worst in the night towards morning.
A penetrating drawing in the tooth that is becoming hollow and in the corresponding tooth of the opposite side, in the morning.
Violent drawing toothache, with swelling of the cheek, aching pains in the same side of the head and heat in the face.
Toothache when eating; the teeth are not firm, but when touched waggle to and fro; he cannot masticate his food properly; when chewing he feels as if the teeth were pressed deeper into the gums, and it is the same when the two rows of teeth only touch one another; at the same time the gums are white (aft. 56 h.). [Hrr.]
The decayed teeth are sensitive to the slightest touch, and if the smallest portion of food remains in their cavities after eating, there occurs a violent pain extending into the roots, and the gums around the teeth are the seat of sore pain. [Htn.]
220. Immediately after eating and chewing, as also drinking anything cold, a tearing toothache, which went off in half an hour, but immediately recurred on again chewing; after drinking a liquid not cold and after partaking of fluid nourishment, it did not occur; it was not brought on by moving, but when already present in the open air. [Fz.]
When she drank something cold it darted into their teeth as if they were hollow. [Stf.]
Immediately after every meal, pain in a hollow tooth – an eroding drawing (but in the incisors, aching), which is immensely increased in the open air even when the mouth is kept shut, but it gradually leaves off in the room, for several days (aft. 5 d.). [Fz.]
Fine throbbing in the teeth even when chewing. [Fz.]
Tearing first in the root of the hollow tooth, then forwards into the crowns of the teeth, only immediately after eating and chewing, very much increased in the open air; at the same time a pressure on the crowns of the painful teeth also commence to ache (aft. 9 d.).[Fz.]
225. Tickling pricking in the right lower molars (aft. ¼ h.). [Gss.]
Whitish furred tongue (aft. 46 h.).[Stf.]
White furred tongue (aft. 27 h.). [Lr.]
Shooting in the tip of the tongue, when not touched by anything.
Pricking pain on the border of the tongue when he presses it against the palate, as if a thorn were sticking in it – it went off when eating.
230. Sore pain of the forepart of the tongue.
Painful drawing from the hyoid bone deep into the throat to below the lower jaw; aggravated by touching the side of their neck (aft. 48 h.). [Hrr.]
Swelling of the sublingual gland, which hinders him in swallowing for four hours (aft. 3 h.). [Trn.]
A blister in the mouth.
Shooting in the palate extending into the brain.
235. Burning scraping in the palate when swallowing and otherwise. [Hrr.]
Rough and scrapy but very moist on the palate. [Stf.]
Shooting on the palate, when it is dry, in the evening (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]
Aching soreness at the back of the palate, only when not swallowing (aft. 4, 5 h.). [Fz.]
Scrapy sensation in the fauces, behind the posterior nares, as though he had drawn snuff through them. [Gn.]
240. Dryness if the tongue and at the same time tenacious mucus in the posterior nares, by which they are stopped up. [Fz.]