Dull, painful, sometimes shooting pressure outwards, first in the whole forehead, then only in the left frontal protuberance, which went off during rest, but returned more violently during movement (aft. 4 h.). [Hnl.]
Occasional sharp pressure on the vertex. [Fz.]
Shooting pain in the head, all day (aft. 17 d.).
Aching stitch-like and drawing pain in the left side of the forehead (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]
50. Dull pinching pain in the forehead, with stitches on the temples, which went off by walking, but returned when sitting and standing (aft. 4 h.). [Trn.]
Quick stitches in the top of the frontal bone, making him start. [Fz.]
Boring stitch from within outwards in the vertex (aft. 56 h.). [Gn.]
Single coarse obtuse stitches from the skull into the brain, not far from the crown; at the same time the part is very painful externally, especially when touched.
Pressive boring stitch, lasting a minute, in the whole left half of the forehead, from within outwards, the violence of which wakes him up twice from sleep in the morning (aft. 22.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
55. Sharp burning needle-pricks in the left temple.
Transient burning stitches in the occiput, the first days from the right to the left side, the following days from below upwards. [Ctz.]
Shooting in the left temple.
Obtuse shooting in the right temple, outwardly and inwardly, as if the bone would be pressed out, more violent when touched. [Hrr.]
Drawing cutting tearing in the side of the forehead. [Lr.]
60. Burning shooting pains on the left parietal bone.[Hrr.]
On the frontal bone externally, burning stitches.[Fz.]
Itching over the hairy scalp.
Eroding itching all over the occiput, which compels scratching, by which, however, it is rather aggravated than ameliorated (aft. 14 d.). [Hnl.]
On the upper part of the occiput, an eroding itching, with sore pain, which returns at the same time of the evening and in the same place.[Hnl.]
65. Itching erosion on the hairy scalp, increased by rubbing, for several days. [Hnl.]
Itching on the hairy scalp, like needle-pricks, and eruption of small pimples on the forepart towards the forehead. [Fz.]
On the hairy scalp as also immediately above and behind the ear, an itching, scurfy eruption.
The hairy scalp itches much, is scurfy and exudes watery discharge.
Fine burning needle-pricks externally on the vertex. [Fz.]
70. Much hair can be drawn from the head without pain, by slightly pulling it (aft. 4 h.). [Gn.]
His hairs falls out very much.
Burning in-pressive pain in the left parietal bone, just above the ear (Aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
At the occiput from the occipital joint upwards, rheumatic aching drawing on bending the head forwards.[Fz.]
Painful drawing externally on several parts of the head, more violent when touched. [Hrr.]
75. Tearing externally on the head and in the teeth.
Drawing tearing shooting in the left temple, as if the bone, persisting in a pulsating manner (aft. 40 h.); the following day it returned occasionally with less violence, now in the left, now in the right temple, soon also in the left frontal protuberance, lasting several days. [Hnl.]
Painful drawing on an below the occipital protuberance, at every movement of the head (aft. 10 m.). [Hrr.]
Feeling of excoriation on the right parietal bone, only when touched; on account of the pain he cannot lie at night on the right side (aft. 80 h.). [Gss.]
In the depression behind the ear-lobe, a large but painless lump, with some white papules on the top of it.
80. A stretching pain on the left side of the nape and occiput, only at night, which often wakes him from sleep, and owing to which he cannot lie on either the left or right side.[Lr.]
Itching papules in the nape.
Face as if bloated by catarrh. [Stf.]
He looks so hollow-eyed and big-eyed and so suffering and pinched in his features as if he had been raking over night, or as if after a disagreeable emotional shock. [Stf.]
On the face eruption of small (itching?) discrete pimples.
85. On the face eruption of small pimples, on the forehead, cheeks, and near the commissures of the mouth, which cause pricking itching, and when touched are painful as if festering (aft. 9 h.). [Fz.]
On the face, on the forehead, cheeks, and around the mouth and wrists, eruption of pimples which cause drawing itching, which is removed for only a short time by scratching, but then returns of a pricking character. [Fz.]
The eruption of pimples on the face sometimes causes tensive sore pain of itself; on being touched it pains as if festering. [Fz.]
Throbbing and aching pain in the whole face from the teeth into the eye, for sixteen days.
Very fine needle-pricks in the face and the rest of the body. [Fz.]
90. Burning aching tearing in the right temple, close to the eye (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]
Burning pressive sensation round about the eye (aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]
Contracted pupils (aft. ½, 1 h.). [Lr.]
The pupils are contracted after half a hour, after which they become much dilated. [Trn.]
Dilation of the pupils.
95. Dilated pupils, the first days. [Stf.]
Dilated pupils (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]
Very dilated pupils, for many hours. [Stf.]
A contractive sensation in the upper eyelid, which presses out tears.
Pressure on the upper eyelid all day – more severe on the shutting the eye.
100. Severe sharp cutting pain under the left upper eyelid (aft. 75 h.). [Gn.]
Under the left upper eyelid pain as if a hard body lay beneath it (aft. 13 h.). [Gn.]
Itching on the border of the upper eyelid in the open air (aft. ¾ h.).; two hours afterwards also in the other eye- it went off by rubbing. [Kr.]
Itching on the borders of the eyelids (aft. 2 h.).
A pain pressing the eye from within outwards, on the upper border of the right orbit, just behind the eye, persisting for a long time and frequently recurring (aft. 10 d.). [Hnl.]
105. Aching pain in the upper part of the right eyeball (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
Aching in the eye; she must wink frequently.
Hard pressure in the inner canthus of the right eye. [Hrr.]
Tensive stitch in the outer canthus of the right eye (aft. 3.3/4 h.). [Gn.]
The eyes are very dry in the evening, and ache.
110. The eyes, in the morning on waking, are very dry; they ache so that she cannot open them unless they are moistened.
Dryness of the eyes, lasting all day (aft. 13 h.). [Hnl.]
A smarting sore pain in the inner canthi.(In a man who had never had anything the matter with his eyes in his life.)
In the left inner canthus a pain rather smarting than itching.
Smarting water runs out of the eyes, in the morning.
115. In the inner canthus a severe itching, worst in the open air – he must rub it.
A not disagreeable burning in the outer canthus of the right eye, which extends to a considerable distance behind the eye towards the ear, and recurs paroxysmally (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Stf.]
Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pains.
Pimples around the inflamed eye.
The eyes soon begin to pain when writing (especially in the afternoon), a smarting and burning, and then some drops escape which smart; he must avoid the light, as that brings on the pain sooner.
120. On strainthe eyes, coarse stitches in them. [Fz.]
Shooting thrusts in the eyeball, as if it would burst (Aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Fz.]
The eyes are excessively deeply sunk, with blue raised borders, as in a person who had been raking much, for four days. [Stf.]
The right eye is much larger (more expanded, more open) than usual (aft. 78 h.). [Fz.]
On looking at an object a white veil comes before it, making it invisible.
125. When reading small black flashes seemed to come before the letters, and then whole lines disappeared.
Also when looking in the open air sometimes black flashes came before the eyes, like a kind of flickering.
In the dark night, in bed, he sees a pillar of fire before the eyes.
The sight is dim and the eyes so hot that the spectacle glass becomes covered with condensed vapour.
Dimness of sight, as if the eyes were full of water, with itching and pricking in the inner canthi; he must rub the place.
130. Dimness of sight in near and distant vision (aft. 10 h.). [Hnl.]
Illusion of vision: when he stands up from his seat he appears to himself much larger than usual and all below him seems to be much lower down (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]
A halo round the candle flame in the evening.
Tearing pressure in the outer canthus in the region of the lachrymal gland (ft. 72 h.). [Fz.]
Feeling in the eyes as if they were full of sleep.
135. The eyes sometimes close, although he is not sleepy. [Fz.]
At night dry matter is deposited on the eyelashes and on the outer canthus; in the open air the eye gum also hardens and causes stiffness.
In the inner canthus there is always an accumulation of dry matter, which he must rub away frequently during the day.
The eyes are sealed up in the morning in their inner canthus.
On the concha of the left ear posteriorly, a cramp-like burning aching pain (aft. 8 h.). [Htn]
140. (A drawing pain on the ear.)
A pinching and nipping in the left ear.
A stitch in the left ear (aft. 31 h.). [Gn.]
Blunt, but deep stitches in the interior first of the left, then of the right ear.
Deep in the right ear a dull painful stitch, in the evening(aft. 48 h.). [Kr.]