Painful drawing in the phalanges of the fingers of the right hand (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]
Fine twitching tearing in the muscles of the thumb, especially severe at this tip (aft. 45 h.). [Hrr.]
Tearing pain in the muscles of the ball of the left thumb, which went off on moving the thumb. [Lr.]
Fine twitching tearing in the muscles of several fingers, especially in their tips. [Hrr.]
520. When he extends the fingers freely they make convulsive movements up and down. [Gss.]
Formication in the fingers, as though they would go to sleep (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Hnl.]
Pressive cramp-like pain on the ball of the right little finger, on moving the hand. [Lr.]
Persistent pressive pain from the middle joint of the right middle finger spreading forwards, continuing also during movement (aft. 77 h.). [Gn.]
Deep, itching burning, sharp needle-pricks in the left thumb, which incite to scratch. [Gss.]
525. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left thumb (aft. 52 h.). [Gn.]
Needle-prick-like pain in the middle joint of the right index and the joint next it, continuing during movement (aft. 54 h.). [Gn.]
Cramp in the fingers and various parts of the extremities. [Gss.]
Feeling as if a hard skin were drawn over the fingertips of the left hand; he has little feeling in them and cannot distinguish anything well by touch. [Hrr.]
Rather a feeling of heat than actual heat of the right hand, which also redder than the other, with fine tearing in the middle joints of all the four fingers of that hand. [Hnl.]
530. Tickling sharp pricks in the palm (aft. 1 h.). [Gss.]
After sitting for a little while the nates are painful.
Burning itching erosion on the nates, as when a woolen material is drawn over the skin, in the evening in bed; on scratching it went off in one place and came on another. [Trn.]
Boring pain in the muscles of the buttock, when sitting (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]
Pricking itching in the muscles of the buttocks and several other parts of the body. [Hrr.]
535. When standing a numb feeling in the left hip, extending to the abdomen.
About the hip-joint an aching pain when walking and sitting.
When lying a pain of fatigue across the thighs and as if they were bruised; at the same time sensation of excessive stiffness in the joints of something trembling and restless in them, so that he cannot keep them still.[Fz.]
Pain as of dislocation in the middle of the left thigh, especially when walking (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]
Tension in the large muscles of the outer side of the thigh, when walking. [Fz.]
540. Bruised pain of all the muscles of the thighs, on walking quickly, for two days.
Paralytic pain, like drawing, in the middle of the front of the thigh, when at rest and when moving. [Gss.]
Sore pain on the upper and inner part of the thigh.
Burning sharp shooting on the posterior surface of the left thigh. [Gss.]
Deeply penetrating obtuse stitch in the middle of the left thigh, towards its outer side. [Gss.]
545. Extremely painful, penetrating pricks on the inner side of the left thigh just above the knee (aft. 38 h.). [Hnl.]
Itching pricking on the inner sides of the thighs, which compels scratching (aft. 3 h.). [Gss.]
Tetters on the thighs and legs.
A formication on the thighs and legs which for many years had been the seat of the hard elastic swelling, with feeling as if the parts were inwardly hot, pressed asunder, and very heavy.
A kind of goose-skin, without chilliness, over both thighs and legs, many red and white papulaes on them, which contain whitish pus in their apices, without the slightest sensation (aft. 10 d.). [Hnl.]
550. Weakness of the thigh and leg, especially in the knee-joint, for several days – he must drag the leg; at the same time shooting tearing in the calf and pains in the sacrum (aft. 10 h.). [Kr.]
A coarse shooting almost scraping sensation on the right thigh on its inner side above the knee-joint (aft. 8 h.). [Fz.]
On the outer side of the knee an aching shooting pain when treading and on touching it.
Stitch-like pain on the inner border of the knee. [Lr.]
Twitching above the right patella (aft. 9 h.). [Hnl.]
555. Under the left patella a drawing tearing which does not go off by movement (aft. 54 h.). [Htn.]
When walking, pain in the thighs (worst in the left), which she must almost drag along (aft. 51 h.). [Stf.]
Drawing shooting in the right knee-joint aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]
Obtuse stitches on the knee-joint near the patella; on touching the stitches changed into an aching pain. [Hrr.]
In the morning immediately after rising, obtuse stitches in the right knee-joint, aggravated by movement (aft. 5 d.). [Hrr.]
560. In the right knee-joint and the heads of the calf muscles when walking a paralytic drawing, like a weakness, which after walking and also when seated, continues for a long time before gradually going off. [Gss.]
In the right knee a pain (as from making a false step?) lasting a minute, when walking and when moving the leg. [Stf.]
On rising from a seat a sensation as if the limbs would knuckle together in the hough – a tremolous, over-irritated drawing up in the hough. [Fz.]
As soon as he lies down there occurs a sensation of drawing up in the hough – a kind of over-irritation and voluptuous restlessness in them, so that he cannot remain lying, but must get up. [Fz.]
Drawing shooting in the left knee-joint when sitting; sometimes twitching in it. [Hnl.]
565. Burning shooting under the left knee, on its outer side, sometimes in paroxysms. [Gss.]
Boring stitch in the right tibia, when at rest (aft. ½, 35 h.). [Gn.]
Itching on the right tibia above the outer ankle, which did not go off by rubbing (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Gn.]
On the leg pimples with burning itching pain.
Itching in the evening in bed, on the leg; after rubbing flat ulcers appear which are very painful.
570. Paralytic pressure outwards on the calf-muscles of the right leg; aggravated by touching. [Hrr.]
Tearing pain in the muscles of one or the other leg, when standing and sitting (aft. some m.). [Lr.]
Heaviness and tension in the calf.
Shooting tearing under and in the right calf and above the left heel (aft. 1, 10 h.). [Kr.]
A continual itching pricking in the right calf when standing and walking, which went away by scratching (aft. 78 h.). [Gn.]
575. A intolerable cramp in the calf and sole of the foot of the leg he is lying on, wakes him out of his afternoon sleep (aft. 24 h.).
Cramp, especially in the upper and lower part of the calf, on waking from sleep, which is not allayed either by stretching or by bending the leg; on directing the thoughts to this pain when it has become allayed, it immediately increases and becomes more painful (aft. 6 h.).
On the tibia pressive drawing when sitting (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]
Transversely across the tarsus a drawing aching, especially when moving. [Fz.]
Aching tearing in the bones of the left foot, close to the tarsus (aft. 5.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
580. Contractive heavy sensation in the bones of the left foot, close to the ankle-joint (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
Pricking itching just above the right outer ankle; it compels him to scratch, and then leaves behind it no particular sensation. [Hrr.]
Burning itching on the right inner ankle (aft. 4 d.). [Hrr.]
Itching above the heel on the tendo Achillis. [Fz.]
Bony swelling of the metatarsal bone of the right little toe, painful when touched.
585. Painless swelling of the dorsum of both feet, long-continued (aft. 13 d.).
Pricking itching on the right big toe. [Hrr.]
Aching burning in the tip of the right big toe, when at rest (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Gn.]
In the interior of two toes a burning painful itching, just as though they had been frost-bitten (aft. 4 h.).
In the evening burning itching of the little toes, as if they were frost-bitten; they are painful when touched and the painful parts are red, for four days (aft. 12 h.). [Kr.]
590. In the evening itching burning on the right little toe, as if it were frost-bitten and it was also painful when slightly pressed. [Hnl.]
Formication on the under surface of the toes, which does not induce scratching; they feel as if they had gone to sleep. [Gss.]
Pressive pain on the inner side of the left sole when at rest (aft. 29 h.). [Gn.]
Formication and prickling in the sole of the foot of the leg that is crossed over the other when sitting, as if gone to sleep (aft. 17 h.). [Hnl.]
Drawing tearing pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting (aft. 8.1/2, 34 h.). (Though no name is attached to this symptom, it occurs among the “observations of others,” therefore is not to be credited to HAHNEMANN.)
595. In the joints of the shoulders, elbows, hand, fingers, back, knees, a drawing (?) pain on moving the parts, less when at rest, especially in the evening. [Stf.]
In the morning inward trembling in the limbs, when he keeps them long in one position (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
Paralytic drawing on various parts of the body, especially in the joints, when he lets the limbs lie for some time in an unusual and uncomfortable position. [Gss.]
Itching over the head and the whole body, especially in the morning, a running itching and crawling, like the creeping of a flea, which goes from one part to another.