Tensive stitches in the left side of the chest, when lying and moving, more violent wen expiring than when inspiring, worst when going upstairs, when at last a persistent stitch ensues which almost stops the breath (aft. 16 h.). [Gn.]
A persistent boring obtuse stitch in the left side of the chest (aft. 37 h.). [Gn.]
Obtuse stitches on both sides on the intercostal muscles, when sitting, worse when leaning backward, and continuing during inspiration and expiration (aft. ½ h.). [Gn.]
Uneasiness in the chest.
435. Feeling of soreness behind the sternum. [Gss.]
In the afternoon an oppression on the chest and a feeling of restlessness that drives him from one place to another and does not allow him to remain in any one place.
Towards the end of coitus, tightness of the chest.
Oppression of the chest, like contraction of it, causing slow and difficult inspiration; expiration affords relief; at the same time restlessness and anxiety, worst when sitting, easier when walking, lasting five hours (aft. 6 h.). [Ctz.]
Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as if something sore (ulcerated) were there, worst when raising up and stretching out the body, also more painful when touched, like tension and pressure, so that the breath is sometimes taken away.
440. Pressure above the scrobiculus cordis, like soreness, with nausea there. [Gss.]
Shooting cutting on the cartilages of the ribs of the left side; it feels as if an incision were made into it, accompanied by stitches. [Hrr.]
Sharp stitches which commence at the posterior part of the right ribs and meander forwards to the cartilages. [Hrr.]
Pricking itching betwixt the cartilages of the ribs. [Hrr.]
Sharp stitches in the region of the fourth costal cartilages of the right and left sides, intermitting in pauses of several seconds, and lasting longer than usual; they penetrate slowly from within outwards, without relation to inspiration or expiration (aft. 14 h.). [Hrr.]
445. Pain as if bruised in the pectoral muscles, in the morning, when she moves in bed, and during the day when she lays the arms together; on touching the parts themselves she feels nothing, nor yet when breathing.
The chest is outwardly painful when touched.
On stooping, an obtuse pressive pain on the cartilages of the last ribs, also, when touching, a sore pain.
Miliary rash on the chest; when he becomes warm it gets red and itches.
On the lower ribs a tettery eruption, consisting of small, thick, red pimples, with burning itching pricking as from stinging nettles; after rubbing the part is painful; at the same time a chilliness running over this part and the upper part of the abdomen.
450. Palpitation of the heart when walking and when listening to music.
Trembling palpitation of the heart on slight movement.
He wakes from his afternoon sleep with the most violent palpitation of the heart.
Stiffness in the n.
Itching in the nape.
455. Pressure and tension in the nape and left shoulder muscles (aft. ½ h.).
In the morning rheumatic pain in the nape and between the scapulae; like drawing; on rising up from bed she could not move her arms not turn her neck for pain, all the forenoon, for several successive mornings, with exhaustion of the whole body till noon.
In the sacrum stitches and pain as from a strain, when at rest, which goes off on walking.
In the morning in bed pain the scrum, as if all were broken; on rising from bed she could not lift anything from the floor, until 8 or 9 o’clock; then came on hunger, then, with cutting in the abdomen, diarrhoea, which at last was slimy.
A down-drawing pain in the sacrum, more when stooping than when standing upright, least when sitting.
460. The whole night a pressing in the sacrum as if bruised; she woke up from the pain, which was worst at 4 a.m.; when she got up it went off.
Sacral pain hindering her less in walking than on rising from a sat, turning the body in bed, and at every sideward movement persisting many days (aft. 10 h.). [Kr.]
Externally on the lower part of the os sacrum a violent burning (aft. ½ h.). [Hnl.]
When sitting, drawing shooting, sometimes twitching in the os sacrum. [Hnl.]
(Pain in the back at night, from the evening until 5 a.m., like blows and jerks, which took away his breath, with slumber.)
465. Severe stitches up the back (aft. 7 d.).
Hard pressure on the left near the spine on the dorsal muscles (aft. 4 d.). [Hrr.]
In the two first dorsal vertebrae a drawing pressure, with a sore sensation at the same time (aft. 1.3/4 h.). [Fz.]
Burning aching pain under the right scapula, close to the spine, with a painful feeling of weight on the right side of the chest (aft. 2 h.). [Htn.]
Betwixt the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae, a pain as if stabbed with a knife. [Fz.]
470. Stitches in the left axilla. [Gn.]
Itching needle-pricks in the right axilla (aft. 3 m.). [Hrr.]
Itching pricks in both axillae (aft. 5 m.). [Hrr.]
In the right axilla an obtuse pressive pain. [Stf.]
In the left shoulder-joint a drawing shooting, especially on moving the arm to the chest. [Hnl.]
475. Pressive stitch in the right shoulder from below upwards (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Gn.]
Loose pressure on the shoulder, which is painful to the touch, as if the flesh were detached, when walking. [Fz.]
A pressing-down of the shoulder, as if a weight lay on it, when sitting, [Fz.]
Pain like dislocation in the right shoulder-joint, only on moving. [Hrr.]
Obtuse shooting pains on the right shoulder-joint, more severe when moving and when touched. [Hrr.]
480. Aching drawing in the shoulder-joints, in the morning in bed and immediately after getting up; more severe when moving (aft. 5 d.). [Hrr.]
Violent aching pain in the left shoulder-joint. Not removed by any motion (aft. 36 h.). [Htn.]
Fine tearing on the head of the left humerous, more severe when moving. [Hrr.]
Paralytic drawing in the shoulder-joint, sometimes also in the whole arm when as he lies in bed he lays it under his head (aft. 90 h.). [Gss.]
Pain on the bones of the arm; not spontaneously when at rest, also not when touched, but only when moving.
485. Pain on the right humerous, an intolerable aching in the periosteum, when at rest and when moving; on touching it the part is still more painful (aft. 36 h.).
In the right upper arm an aching drawing, in the evening in bed.
Tearing pain in the left upper arm, in the deltoid muscle, when sitting, which goes off by movement. [Fz.]
Tearing pain in the muscles of the left upper arm close to the elbow. [Lr.]
Stitch-like tearing in the muscles of the right upper arm, near the elbow-joint. [Lr.]
490. Paralytic aching pain on the left upper arm, aggravated by touching (aft. 72 h.). [Hrr.]
Hard pressure inwards on the right upper arm, aggravated by touching (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]
Paralytic aching pain on the left upper arm, aggravated by touching and motion; the arm is weakened (aft. 36 h.). [Hrr.]
Aching drawing here and there on the upper extremities, aggravated by touching (aft. 7 h.). [Hrr.]
Paralytic pressure on both upper and forearms; aggravated by motion and touch (aft. 5 d.). [Hrr.]
495. Aching drawing in the deltoid muscle. [Fz.]
Slow, blunt stitches, like pressure, in the middle of the forearm. [Gss.]
Eruption of itching pimples on the elbow and towards the hand.
Paralytic weakness about the elbow-joint (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]
Near the bend of the elbow, more towards the forearm, a sensation as if a cutaneous eruption had broken out, or on being scratched by a needle – a kind of goose-skin feeling, rather burning; and yet nothing is to be seen on the part, which is especially painful when touched. [Stf.]
500. Below the left elbow on the outer side of the radius, aching drawing, like a squeezing. [Gss.]
Drawing tearing pain in the forearm, especially when moving the arm and hand.
On the forearm a red elevation, in the centre of which is a pustule, with burning pain when at rest and per se, but with pain more like a boil when touched.
Shooting tearing in the left forearm (aft. 1 h.). [Kr.]
Aching drawing in the muscles of the forearm and on the back of hand. [Fz.]
505. Twitching in the left forearm when at rest (aft. 75 h.). [Gn.]
Cramp-like pain about the right wrist-joint, which goes off on extending the fingers, but returns on flexing them, and this causes at the same time also a tearing stitch through the whole arm up into the shoulder (aft. 24.1/2 h.). [Htn.]
In the wrist a pressure extending across it, especially on movement. [Fz.]
Shooting tearing in the left wrist-joint (aft. 1 h.). [Kr.]
Tetters on the hands, which itch in the evening, and burn after scratching.
510. Drawing pain through the bones of the back of hand, especially during movement. [Fz.]
Tickling itching on the left palm, exciting scratching. [Lr.]
Painful drawing in the middle joint of the right index. [Hrr.]
Paralytic drawing pain in the proximal joints of the fingers where they are united to the metacarpal bones – aggravated by movement. [Hrr.]
Hard pressure on the metacarpal bone of the left index, aggravated by touch and by moving the finger (aft. 4 m.) [Hrr.]
515. Intermittent pressive pain on the metacarpal bone of the left thumb, aggravated by touch. [Hrr.]