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Tearing pain in the ulcer.

(The ichor of an ulcer stains the linen blackish.)

The ulcer feels chilly, and is painful, as if exposed to excessive cold.

620. In the morning, after rising, a smarting pain in the region of the scab (of the ulcer), which increases when he stands, is relieved when sitting, and disappears during moderate exercise.

In the region of the scab a throbbing, which is nearly shooting (after dinner).

He disliked the open air, though he was formerly fond of it. [Fr. H-n.]

In the room he felt too anxious, but better in the open air. [Fr. H-n.]

General weakness. [Hbg.]

625. Weakness in the lower extremities, which compelled him to sit down. [Hrr.]

Weak, lazy, tired and sleepy. [Fr. H-n.]

She is weak, the arms and legs are painful; when she works a little, the arms are like to sink down, and when she goes upstairs she can scarcely get on.

When walking, especially after rising from a seat and on commencing to walk, want of firmness in all parts of the body, as though all the muscles had lost their power; on walking further this is relieved (aft. 48 h.).

She feels weakest when walking in the open air.

630. When walking in the open air he feels qualmish and sick, the legs are so feeble and he is so weak in the head, that he feels as if he would fall; he pants and there comes a warmth into the chest which goes to the head; in the room this went off, but returned in the open air.

During a walk in the open air she was not tired, but as soon as she came into the room she was immediately so tired that she must sit or lie down.

On the slightest exertion the strength is immediately gone.

Heaviness and weariness in all the limbs; she can scarcely move her feet from heaviness, when walking.

Weariness of the feet, as if she had been running a great way.

635. On rising after a meal his feet feel enormously heavy.


Very feeble when sitting, less so when he walks.

He thinks be is better when he is lying.

In the morning he cannot get out of bed, and (without being exhausted) would like to remain long in bed.

640. Great exhaustion on awaking from sleep.

Soon after waking from his (mid-day) sleep he feels more poorly, all his morbid symptoms are in increased degree, and he is out of spirits.

One night he sleeps soundly till the morning, and remains sleepy all day, the next he sleeps uneasily, and the following day is wide awake.

On rising from bed he has an attack of faintness, with cold sweat and rattling in the abdomen.

Very much disposed to yawn (gapish); frequent yawning all day.

645. Frequent yawning. [Hbg.]

Constant yawning before dinner, with great thirst. [Rkt.]

Stretching and extending the limbs (in the afternoon). [Rkt.]

Drowsiness immediately after eating. [Hbg.]

Great drowsiness, also by day, for several successive days. [Fr.H-n.]

650. Constant inclination to sleep for three days. [Fr. H-n.]

So sleepy, he would like to sleep all day, for thirteen successive days. [Fr. H-n.]

Great drowsiness by day and great desire for the mid-day sleep; and when he woke from this all his limbs were as if asleep.

By day, when alone, great drowsiness.

(Tired, and yet he cannot sleep; when he wants to go to sleep he loses his breath.)

655. She tosses about with her hands and feet till 1 a.m., as from anxiety; she lies as if deprived of reason, with cold sweat on the forehead, and groans; thereupon exhaustion came on.

He cannot lie in bed in the morning, everything he lies on hurts him.

At night in bed restlessness; he is late of falling asleep, and does not sleep soundly.

She tosses about in bed at night till 1 a.m., she cannot fall asleep on account of anxious feeling of heat, and yet she has no heat perceptible externally.

Sleeplessness on account of agitation in the blood and anxiety (he must get up out of bed); the thoughts crowded on one another, without heat, sweat, or thirst.

660. Immediately after lying down in the evening in bed sensation of heat and external heat all over, without thirst, all night long; he turns from one side to the other, but cannot expose any part without immediately getting violent bellyache, a pinching shooting, or a shooting pinching, such as occurs from flatulent spasm here and there, with sleeplessness on account of a great flow of thoughts; in the morning this condition is allayed, but no flatulence is observed.

Sleeplessness at night on account of agitation in the blood; he tosses about in bed.

For several nights he cannot sleep for heat; the bed-clothes are too hot for him, and on throwing them off he becomes too cool, but without thirst and almost without sweat.

He could not go to sleep rightly, a warmth and agitation in the blood kept him awake till 12 o’clock.

He cannot get to sleep at night before 2 a.m., and must toss about in bed like a child that has become restless; in the morning after awaking he is still very sleepy.

665. She does not get to sleep until about 4 a.m., and then dreams of dead people.

The child cannot go to sleep in the evening, cannot get any rest; it gets out of bed.

Sleeplessness before midnight.

He cannot get to sleep before midnight on account of a frequent shuddering sensation that runs over one leg or arm, followed by some perspiration.

In the evening in bed, after a short sleep, she wakes up; she has a twisting about in the scrobiculus cordis, she becomes sick and like to be suffocated, she must sit up.

670. Moaning in sleep about 3 a.m.

In the evening before going to sleep she starts up in affright.

Starting on going to sleep in bed every evening.

Starting up in sleep so as to wake.

He starts up from an anxious dream and howls aloud.

675. On awaking he cannot get rid of his dream; he continues to dream though awake.

She awakes every hour during the night, and remembers what she has dreamt, and when she falls asleep again she dreams another equally vivid dream which she remembers equally well on awaking.

Very restless at night; about 3 a.m. anxious dreams; she cries out aloud in sleep.

Dreams causing anxiety.

He dreams when awake that he wishes to smash some one’s windows.

680. Restless sleep with confused dreams; he tosses from one side to the other. [Hbg.].

Restless sleep full of thoughts. [Mch.]

Somnambulic state, sleep-walking. [NICOLAI…]

Stool passes involuntarily at night in sleep. [Fr.H-n.]

Dreams full of quarrelling and vaxatious, things.

685. Dreams all night very vividly of anxious and careful attention to his business.

In his dreams he is occupied with household affairs.

In her dream at night she gets up and goes to the door as if she would go out.

(He makes motions of his mouth in his sleep as though he were chewing.)

Wakened up out of sleep he talks nonsense.

690. Nocturnal delirious talking.

In the morning, at break of day, delirious chattering of business to be done, which ceases when the pain commences.

Before midnight (about 10 p.m.), along with great heat of the body and perspiration (without thirst), a delirious, frightful delusion, as if attacked by soldiers, so that he was on the point of running away (by throwing off the clothes and getting cool the delirium was allayed).

Towards evening, in sleep, the mouth was drawn to and fro, the eyes were opened and distorted, and she talked nonsense, as though she were awake, she spoke distinctly, but hurriedly, as if she imagined that strange persons were about her; she looked freely about her, talked as to strange children, and wanted to go home.

Waking up early at night.

695. He sleeps only before midnight, and then no longer, remains wide awake, but feels great weariness when lying, which increases in the legs after getting up, but then soon goes off again.

Sleep does not refresh him; on awaking in the morning he is still quite tired; the weariness goes off in getting up and dressing.

She sleeps all day, with dry intense heat, without eating or drinking, with twitching in the face; she passes her stools involuntarily six times under her; they are brown and very fetid.

In the afternoon shivering, then heat, at the same time with chilliness; the chilliness was in the chest and arms (and yet the arms and chest were warmer than usual), the heat was in the head, with pulsating throbbing pain in the temples, which was worse in the evening; shivering, heat and chilliness were unaccompanied by thirst.

After the midday siesta he is chilly and dazed in the head.

700. He must drink frequently at night (aft. 30 h.).

In the morning on awaking, headache.

On awaking, chilliness.

(At night the hands and feet are as if dead (insensible), asleep, icy cold, and cannot be warmed.)

He feels cold all down his right side.

705. Chilliness in the arms.

Chilliness all over, all the first day.

Chilliness in the open air. [Fr. H-n.]

Violent rigor throughout the body, as in ague, which compels her to lie down, with shooting pain in the left side, above the hip, as if a suppurating ulcer there would contract, but without thirst or subsequent heat (aft. 48 h.). [Stf.]

Rigor all over the skin.

710. Rigor towards evening.

In the evening, after lying down, chilliness in bed.

Chilliness in the evening before lying down.

Much shivering.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.