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300. Pressure in the stomach when walking. [Hbg.]

Pinching in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 12 h.). [Mch.]

Sensation in the scrobiculus cordis as if it were swollen. [Hbg.]

Under the scrobiculus cordis a very disagreeable feeling, like swelling. [Hbg.]

Heat in the abdomen (and all the interior of the body). [Hbg.]

305. Aching and pinching in the hypogastrium. [Hrr.]

Loud rumbling in the abdomen for fourteen days. [Fr. H-n.]

Loud rattling to the abdomen, especially in the evening in bed, for eighteen days. [Fr. H-n.]

A squeezing and aching in the abdomen in the umbilical region, when walking and standing.

Contractive pain in the stomach, some hours after eating.

310. After a meal contractive pain in the stomach, then cutting in and over the scrobiculus cordis, eructation, heat rising up, nausea and vomiting only of the food that has been eaten (aft. 48 h.).

Hard swelling about the navel and under the hypochondria.

Sudden ascites; he cannot get his breath and must sit down (aft. 18 h.).

Excoriation in the overlapping folds of the abdomen, in the iliac region.

tensive pain in the hepatic region.

315. Burning pain in the abdomen, in the hepatic region (aft. 8 h.).

Pain in the abdomen as though he would vomit (aft. 5 d.)

Pain in both sides of the abdomen like stitches in the spleen.

First tearing and drawing in the abdomen, especially on moving, then shooting. especially during an evacuation of the bowels, and chiefly in the evening.

Violent cutting stitches in the abdomen from below upwards, as high as the stomach (after drinking a cup of warm milk, in the afternoon); the pain compelled him to bend double, and disappeared after a motion of the bowels.

320. Around the navel a painful twisting with stitches.

Bellyache combined with anxiety, that impedes his breathing; it wag relieved by walking.

Flatus passes in the night, not without previous loud rumbling and noise.

After the (evening) meal, flatulent colic with a pressure in the region of the caecum.

Pains in the abdomen as if he had been purged, or as if haemorrhoids would come on.

325. After dinner spasmodic pains in the abdomen.

Rumbling in the bowels and sensation as if he would be purged.

Bellyache as if diarrhoea was about to come on, for an hour and a half (aft. 5 m.). [Fr. H-n.]

Horrible cutting in the bowels (in the forenoon) as if she would have dysentery, without evacuation of the bowels.

When walking in the open air a pressure on the navel, as from a button.

330. (Sensation as if a lump lay deep in the abdomen.)

In the abdomen and in the umbilical region a griping and pinching as after a chill, for several days, and (aft. 3 d.) after the bellyache a copious thin evacuation by stool.

Very ill-smelling, frequent stools, preceded by cutting in the abdomen.

Distended abdomen; there is always a rumbling in the abdomen and bellyache (cutting in the bowels), and yet constant constipation; sensation as if something stuck in his abdomen.

Bellyache during the stool, as from constriction and pinching together with the hand.

335. Causes open bowels.

Stool twice daily; after some days constipation. (bryonia seems more frequently in its primary action to keep back the stool, and its secondary action, in which it does the opposite is rarer; hence, when its other symptoms indicate it, it can cure constipation permanently, which few medicines besides nux-vomica and opium can do.)

Brown, frequent, thin stools in an infant at the breast.

Frequent stools (aft. 48 h.).

Very big formed faeces passing with difficulty.

340. Diarrhoea (aft. 3 d.).

Diarrhoeic stool (aft. 28 h.). [Hbg.]

Loose evacuations without suffering (aft. 24. 30 h.). [Mch.]

Diarrhoea for four successive days, once every three hours, so quick that he cannot retain it; the following twelve days the ordinary stool passed with equally unexpected rapidity. [Fr. H-n.]

Diarrhoea for two days, which made her so weak that she had to keep her bed (aft. 3 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

345. Diarrhoea mostly in the morning. [Fr. H-n.]

Diarrhoea, especially at night, and with every evacuation burning in the anus (aft.7 d.).[Fr.H-n]

Diarrhoea which smelt strongly of decayed cheese.[Fr.H-n.]

Thin bloody stool (aft.24h.). [Fr.H-n.]

Diarrhoea preceded by cutting in the abdomen (aft. 44, 72 h.).

350. After hard stool long-continued burning in the rectum.

Very costive motion, with pressing out of the rectum, which, however, soon returned of itself; thereafter diarrhoeic stool with fermentation in the abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Very hard stool.

Soft stool, with burning sharp pain in the anus.

Itching, jerk-like, coarse stitches from the anus up into the rectum.

355. (Nocturnal diarrhoea.)

Burning and cutting before the urine comes (aft. 3 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

The urine is hot as it passes. [Fr. H-n]

Pain in the abdomen when urinating.

Sensation when urinating as if the urinary passages were too narrow.

360. He must get up several times at night to pass water.

He had great urging to urinate; he must get up at night to urinate.

Although the bladder was not full he had such urging to make water that he was hardly able to retain it for an instant (aft. 12 h.).

When he has urinated the neck of the bladder contracts, and yet he feels as if some more urine wanted to pass.

He cannot retain his urine long; when he has the desire to urinate and does not immediately respond to it, he feels as if the urine passed involuntarily (and yet when he looks he finds that none has come away.)

365. When moving there often pass unconsciously some drops of hot urine.

After urinating he feels in the bladder as if he had not passed all the urine, and some drops pass away involuntarily.

Urging to urinate and frequent discharge of urine when walking in the open air (aft. 6 h.).

A pain compounded of itching, burning, and shooting in the anterior part of the urethra, when not urinating.

Burning in the urethra.

370. (An aching pain in the urethra.)

(A drawing and tearing in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating.)

Some stitches in the testicles (immediately) when sitting.

On the border of the prepuce a shooting, burning itching.

The glans penis is covered with miliary rash which itches.

375. Swelling of the left labium majus, on which a black, hard pustule comes, resembling a small button, without pain and without inflammation.

Very distended abdomen; she has great uneasiness there, and such pinching as though the catamenia were coming on.

The menses come on eight days too early. [Fr. H-n.]

The menses come on fourteen days too early. [Fr. H-n.]

The menses appeared slightly three weeks too soon. [Fr. H-n.]

380. The menses occur within a few hours. sometimes eight days too soon. (This is primary action, hence bryonia will often be a powerful stopper of metrorrhagia.)

(Increase of the leucorrhoea.) [Fr. H-n.]

In the morning, violent sneezing (aft. 18 h.).

In the morning violent sneezing and yawning (aft. 48 h.).

Frequent sneezing, especially when he passes his hand over the forehead.

385. Some hoarseness and only one tone of the voice when walking in the open air.

A kind of hoarseness, and at the same time disposition to perspire.

Vice rough and hoarse (aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]

Hoarseness for twenty-one days. [Fr. H-n.]

Fluent coryza for eight days. [Fr. H-n.]

390. Severe fluent coryza, so that he talked through his nose, at the same time continual chilliness, for eight days. [Fr. H-n.]

Severe fluent coryza with much sneezing, for eight days (aft. 48 h.). [Fr. H-n]

Severe coryza with pain in the forehead. [Fr. H-n.]

Severe coryza without cough (aft. 36 h.).

Violent, rather stuffed coryza (aft. 48 h.).

395. Severe coryza, with shooting headache, as though all would come our at the forehead, especially on stooping. (Comp. 54; 55.) (aft. 70 h.).

Viscid phlegm in the fauces that was detached by hawking. [Hbg.]

Dry cough.

Dry cough as it were from the stomach, preceded by a crawling and tickling in the scrobiculus cordis.

Cough from a constant crawling up in the throat; phlegm is then ejected.

400. Cough with expectoration (immediately). [Fr. H-n.]

Cough with expectoration, in the forenoon, for four successive days (aft. 34 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Continual, dry cough, especially in the morning, during which water runs out of his mouth, like water-brash. (Comp. 282.)

(Nausea excites him to cough.)

When coughing vomiting of food.

405. When coughing a long-continued stitch deep in the brain on the left side.

A dry, hacking cough; single, spasmodic severe blows against the upper part of the wind-pipe, which seems to be covered with dry, firm mucus; even tobacco-smoke excites it.

Irritation to hacking cough; it seems as if some mucus were in the wind-pipe; when he has coughed for some time he feels a pain there compounded of soreness and pressure; the pain becomes more violent by speaking and smoking tobacco (aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]

When he comes from the open air into the warm room he has a feeling as if vapour were in the wind-pipe, which compels him to cough; he feels as if he could not breathe in air enough (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Viscid phlegm in the wind-pipe that is detached by frequent hacking cough. [Hrr.]

410. In the morning in bed a severe cough, that lasted a quarter of an hour, and brought away much mucous expectoration.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.