A pain comes by jerks like cramp into the sacrum when sitting and lying.

The sacrum pains as if bruised when lying on it.

Pain in the hip-joint, like jerks or blows, when she lies or sits; it is better when walking.

When walking bent forwards shooting pain from the hip-joint into the knee.

520. pain in the trochanter, startling shooting on making a false step; when at rest throbbing therein; the part hurts very much when touched. (Comp. 601, 602.)

Unsteadiness in the thighs and legs, and staggering when going downstairs (aft. 20 h.).

In the hips obtuse shooting pain. [Hbg.]

Itching on the hips and thighs (aft. 48 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Tearing pain in the right thigh when moving. [Fr. H-n.]

525. Great weakness in the thighs; he can hardly go upstairs; less when going downstairs. [Rkt.]

Vacillation of the thighs, especially on going up and downstairs (aft. 2 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

Great weakness in the thighs, observable even when sitting (aft.8 h.). [Rkt.]

Drawing in the thighs as if the catamenia were about to come on.

In the morning, in bed, the thigh becomes stiff, like cramp.

A stitch in the upper and anterior part of the thigh.

530. Bruised pain in the middle of the thigh, and beating as with a hammer on the same spot when sitting.

When sitting and at night when lying cramp in the knee and sole of the foot.

On going downstairs pain as if the patellae would break.

On going upstairs the legs are weak.

Tensive, painful stiffness of the knees.

535. Under the knee a pustule, which only hurts and shoots when touched.

A (tearing and) burning in the right knee.

The patellae are painful as if they had been beaten loose.

An itching, as if something were healing, in the hough, and sweat on that part at night.

Stitches in the knees when walking. [Hbg.]

540. Fine, flying stitches in the knee-joints only when moving. [Rkt.]

Dry eruption on and in the houghs, which itches in the evening, looks red, and after scratching causes stinging pain. [Fr. H-n.]

Weakness, especially in the knee-joints. [Hbg.]

Weakness, especially in the knee-joint (immediately). [Mch.]

The knees totter and bend under him when walking. [Hbg.]

545.The legs are so weak that they can scarcely support him on beginning to walk, and even when standing. [Hbg.]

Swelling of both legs (aft. 40 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

On the outside of the left calf bruised pain on moving and turning the foot, as also on touching; when quite at rest numb feeling on the part for many days (aft. 12 h.). [Hbg.]

Swelling without redness of the lower half of the legs, with the exception of the feet; which are not swollen. [Hbg.]

Violent drawing pain in the leg, especially the calf, for an hour, followed by sweat (aft. 4 d.).

550. Drawing pain in the shafts of the bones of the legs.

(Eruption exuding moisture on the thighs.)

A tearing, twitching pain in the upper half of the tibia

A twitching in the leg at night; by day a twitching like an electric shock.

Sudden swelling, of the legs.

555. In the morning cramp in the left calf (aft. 12 h.).

At night, when lying in bed, cramp in the feet, in the dorsum of the feet and heels (aft. 6 h.)

At night cramp in the calf (a contractive tension) which went off by movement.

Stitch-like tearing from the feet up to the houghs, less when at rest than when moving. [Hbg.]

Pressure on the inner border of the left foot (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

560. Tearing in the dorsum of the right foot the first night. [Fr. H-n.]

Hot swelling of the foot (aft. 8 h.).

Hot swelling of the instep, with bruised pain when the foot is stretched out; the foot feels tense on treading, and on touching it pains as if gathering and as if ulcerated.

(White pustules on the foot, with pain in them like a bad ulcer, the foot became red, and he could not walk for pain.)

Along with the swelling of the feet tearing in the tibiae and heaviness in the arms.

565. In the evening the feet feel tense and swollen.

In the ankle-joint tension on moving.

In the dorsum of the foot tensive pain, even when sitting.

On two nights, immediately after lying down, felling as if a hook penetrated the heel; obtuse stitches rapidly following one another, for a quarter of an hour.

In the morning, in bed, needle-pricks in both heels, which went off after rising.

570. Pain in the feet as if sprained.

Shooting in the feet. [Hbg.]

In both soles such violent shooting that she could not tread, with tension in the ankle-joints; neither could she lie on account of tension and shooting. [Fr. H-n.]

Single stitches into the toes. [Hbg.]

In the hollow part of the sole stitches on treading.

575. Knife-stabs in the left sole.

In the hollow of the soles when treading pain as though they were numb(Comp. 505.) and tense.

Sensation of heaviness in the feet and numb feeling in them, as if they were swollen.

Shooting and aching in the ball of the big toe, also pain there as if frost-bitten.

The corn, hitherto painless, aches and pains, worst when treading, but also when at rest.

580. Corns pain as if sore on the slightest touch, even of the bedclothes.

In the right toe-ball a shooting pain, more when sitting, less when walking.

In the toe-balls of both feet a shooting, with great feeling of heat towards evening; he must take off his shoes.

The (hitherto painless) corn has burning shooting pain when touched ever so gently; but this pain ceased immediately on applying strong pressure.

Pain on the left toe-ball as if bruised.

585. Bruised pain of the arms and legs, even when lying, and worse when sitting than when walking; when lying he must always change the position of the limbs on account of this pain; but wherever he placed them it appeared to him better to lay them somewhere else.

Every part of the body when grasped pains as if bruised or gathering, especially in the scrobiculus cordis, and particularly in the morning.

All the body is painful, as if the flesh were loose, for sixteen days.[Fr. H-n.]

All the limbs are as if bruised and paralysed (in evening), as if he had lain on a hard couch (aft. 4 h.).

A painless drawing to and fro in the affected part.

590. Uneasy aching drawing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as in the commencement of intermittent fever, in the forenoon (aft. 24 h.).

A pressing in the whole body, especially on the chest.

Severe drawing through all the limbs.

It is intolerable to him to keep the affected part still, he moves it up and down.

A visible twitching in the arms and legs when sitting, by day.

595. When the pain declines the part trembles and the face becomes cold.

Stitches in the affected part.

Pricks all over the body, as with pins.

On a slight mental emotion (on laughing) there suddenly occurs a shooting (itching) burning all over the body as if he had been whipped with nettles or had nettlerash, though nothing is to be seen on the skin; this burning came on afterwards by merely thinking of it, or when he got heated.

Burning itching and persistent stitches on various parts, in the evening after lying down in bed (aft. 2 h.)

600. Stitches in the joints when moving and touching them.

Stitches that make her start in the affected part. (Comp. 520.)

Shooting in the affected parts when pressing on them. (Comp, 418, 448, 512, 535.)

(A painful beating in the arteries throughout the body.)

(Itch-like eruption only on the joints-on the inside of the wrists, on the bend of the elbow and on the outer side of the olecranon process, also on the outer side of the knee more than on the hough.)

605. Miliary rash on the arms, on the anterior part of the chest, and above the knees, which becomes red in the evening, itches and burns before she lies down in bed; in bed, however, when she becomes warm, the rash and itching disappear.

Papules comes on the abdomen and hips, which burn and itch, and when she scratches they feel sore.

Yellowness of the skin of the whole body, also of the face (aft. 12 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

Red elevated miliary eruption all over the body, in a mother and her sucking infant; in the latter it appeared after two days, in the mother after three days. [Fr. H-n.]

Eruption on the abdomen and on the back up to the nape and on the forearms, which burns and smarts before midnight and in the morning. [Fr. H-n.]

610. Eruption all over the body, especially on the back to over the throat, itching so violently that he would like to scratch all to pieces.

In the evening griping and itching on the legs, about the knees and on the thigh; after scratching or rubbing there appear small, red, elevated papules, which cause a burning pain; when the papules are developed all the itching ceases.

Immediately before going to sleep, by day or in the evening, on various places of the soft parts of the body, a tearing itching, or, rather, digging, itching-burning stitches.

A tickling itching (by day) on the arms, hands, and feet, with miliary papules.

Red round spots, like lentils and larger, on the skin of the arms, without sensation, which do not disappear by pressing on them.

615. Red, small spots on the skin of the arms and legs, which cause pain as from stinging nettles; when pressed they disappear for an instant.

An excoriated, painless part commences to burn violently.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.