Drawing pain in the molars of the upper and lower jaw (aft. 24 h.).[Hrr.]

Looseness of all the teeth observable when touching them and biting.

Pain in a molar tooth only when chewing.

180. When at rest, and especially in bed, a horrible toothache, which is alleviated by chewing. [Hbg.]

Toothache on taking something warm into the mouth.

While eating there occurs a tearing shooting toothache (that extends down into the cervical muscles), which is especially aggravated by warmth.

Pain as if the tooth were screwed in and then raised up (which is only relieved for an instant by cold water, but is better by walking in the open air); at the same time tearing in the cheek and pinching in the ears, at night until 6 a.m.

Toothache; on opening the mouth the air entering causes pain.

185. Toothache after midnight (about 3 a.m.) as if an exposed nerve in a hollow tooth were painfully affected by cold air penetrating to it; the pain is increased to an intolerable degree by lying on the unaffected side, and only goes off when lying on the cheek of the affected side.

On drinking cool liquid a sore pain comes into the tooth. (This symptom is given here as it stands in the 2nd edit. In the 3rd the transcriber has introduced a superfluous “not” that destroys the sense of the symptom.)

The gums are painful as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth.

In the morning after waking sensation as if all the molars were too long; they could be moved to and fro by the fingers so loose were they; she could bite nothing with them, and when she bit with them there was pain as if the teeth fell out, for fifteen hours (aft. 48 h.). [Stf.]

The teeth appear to him to be too long. [Fr. H-n.]

190. Spongy gums.

Simple pain of one of the submaxillary glands. as if from being pinched (aft. 12 h.).

Painful stiffness of all the cervical muscles on movement, and roughness in the throat on swallowing.

Sensation on the lower jaw as if there were a node on the bone, with tensive pain on turning the head (aft. 61 h.). [Stf.]

Red miliary eruption on the neck. [Fr. H-n.]

195. Rough scrapy feeling in the throat (aft. 5 h.). [Hbg.]

He feels as if swollen at the back of the throat, and as if he had a severe catarrh, which makes talking difficult. [Hbg.]

Round the neck a smarting itching eruption, especially after the sweat.

In the inside of the throat shooting on pressing it from the outside and on turning the head.

Shooting in the throat when swallowing.

200. Pressure in the oesophagus as if he had swallowed a hard angular body.

She cannot get the food and drink down; she has a choking in the oesophagus.

(Sensation when swallowing, as if the throat were swollen internally or were full of mucus, which cannot be got rid of by hawking.)

Sore-throat: dry and raw in the throat during empty swallowing; on drinking this sensation goes off for a short time, but soon recurs; it is worst in the warm room.

In the evening dry feeling at the back and upper part of the throat (aft. 48 h.).

205. Dry feeling, not on the tongue, but above on the palate.

Blisters on the border of the tongue anteriorly, which smart and burn. [Fr. H-n.]

Dryness in the mouth, so that the tongue sticks to the palate.[Fr. H-n]

Dryness in the mouth without thirst. [Hbg.]

In the morning dry feeling in the mouth (aft. 48 h.). [Mch.]

210. The interior of the mouth feels to him dry, without thirst.

Dry feeling only inside the upper teeth.

Much thirst by day, without heat.

Violent thirst for twenty two days. [Fr. H-n]

Thirst, especially in the morning. [Fr. H-n.]

215. Violent thirst, day and night. [Fr. H-n.]

After eating great thirst, for sixteen days. [Fr. H-n.]

The saliva runs out at the corners of the mouth involuntarily

Spitting much saliva. [Fr. H-n.]

Collection of much soapy frothy saliva in the mouth. [Hbg.]

220. Tongue furred very white.

Insipid, disgusting taste in the mouth (aft. 5 d). [Mch.]

Sweetish, disgusting taste in the mouth. [Fr. H-n.]

Insipid, sickly taste in the mouth: he has almost no taste.

Insipid taste and sickly feeling in the mouth.

225. Sweetish, qualmish taste in the mouth.

She has no taste of the food; but when not eating her mouth is bitter.

Everything tastes bitter, he cannot get down the food.

After dinner a bitter taste remained constantly at the back of the palate.

In the morning sickly, bitter taste in the mouth.

230. In the morning when fasting taste in the mouth as from decayed teeth or putrid flesh (aft. 12 h.).

With tolerably clean tongue a nasty taste in the throat, as when one’s breath smells; the taste is like the smell of stinking flesh; whilst eating she feels nothing of it.

He has a foetid smell from the mouth.

Late in the evening there comes a rancid, smoky taste in the throat.

Anorexia without bad taste (aft. 3 h.).

235. Spoilt appetite. [Hbg.]

Want of appetite (for 10 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

The stomach is empty; he has hunger without appetite. [Hrr.]

In the morning when fasting voracious hunger, with want of appetite. [Hbg.]

Hunger, with anorexia. [Mch.]

240. Constant nausea, and immediately afterwards voracious hunger (aft. some h.). [Fr. H-n.]

In the morning voracious hunger, with thirst and flying heat (aft. 30, 72 h.). [Mch.]

Great hunger for fourteen days. [Fr. H-n.]

Excessive hunger for six days. [Fr. H-n.]

Voracious hunger, without appetite.

245. Voracious hunger, lasting into the night.

He has hunger, and eats, but he does not relish food.

He has no appetite for milk; but when he takes it the appetite for it comes, and he commences to relish it.

He longs for many things which he cannot relish.

The food smells good, but on commencing to eat her appetite goes off.

250. Appetite for wine.

Appetite for coffee.

Great longing for coffee (aft. 5 h.). [Fr. H-n.] [Mch.]

Frequent eructation of nothing but air.

After eructation hiccup, without having previously taken any food.

255. After eructation hiccup for a quarter of an hour (aft. 48 h.).

Violent hiccup.

Violent eructation after a meal, from morning till evening.

Eructation, with taste of food.

Drinks do not cause eructation, but the smallest quantity of food does, but only of air, without bad taste.

260. (Eructation, with burnt taste in the mouth and mucus in the throat.)

With every eructation a shooting pain.

(A burning almost uninterrupted eructation, which makes his mouth rough and prevents his tasting of food.)

After eating an acrid dry taste, with persistent dryness in the front part of the mouth, without thirst; the lips are dry and chapped.

In the evening after lying down bitter taste in the mouth.

265. Eructation after eating, at last bitter eructation.

After a meal bitter eructation.

Without eructation there comes a bitterness up into the mouth with sickness.

He eructates acidity, and sourish water collects in the mouth.

In the morning, after an anxious dream, sickness without being able to vomit, and frequent empty eructation.

270. Nausea in the evening before going to sleep.

Frequent, sometimes sourish eructation after eating. [Hrr.]

Nausea, lasting 24 hours, with running of much water from the mouth (aft. 5 m.). [Fr. H-n.]

Nausea, especially when smoking tobacco (in one accustomed to it). [Hbg.]

Sickness (immediately). [Mch.]

275. Several times vomiting of yellow and green mucus. [Fr. H-n.]

Immediately after midnight he wakes with nausea; he must vomit food and bile.

She has rising of food which comes into the mouth by a kind of belching.

Eructation of the contents of the stomach, with hardly any effort to vomit.

After eating food that he relished sickness and loathing.

280. She vomits solid food but not fluids.

Early every morning, two hours after rising, nausea for half an hour, with accumulation of water in the mouth.

In the evening nausea, and then flow of a quantity of water from the mouth (water-brash). (comp. 402)

Nausea, sickness, without having eaten anything (aft. 1 h.).

In the morning, on awaking, nausea, sickness.

285. (Vomiting of blood and lying down.)

In the morning (about 6 a.m.) vomiting of a bitter, musty, and putrid fluid, the taste of which remains in her mouth.

After drinking(in the afternoon) qualmish and sick.

In the evening vomiting of mucus (aft. 5 h.).

In the evening (6 p.m.) retching of water and mucus, like water-brash; it rose up in his chest, and at the same time the whole body was cold.

290. Painful sensation in the oesophagus, rather low down, as if it were constricted there.

In the morning she brings mucus up from the stomach by a kind of belching.

(Cough, especially after eating.)

(A quarter of an hour after each meal headache, which then goes off gradually but is renewed after the next meal.)

After every meal distension of the abdomen.

295. Cutting, as with knives, in the region of the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 1 h.).

Immediately after the (evening) meal violent aching in the scrobiculus cordis when walking, at last pressure on the bladder and perinaeum to an intolerable degree; it went off on sitting (aft. 12 h.).

Stomachache as soon as he has eaten anything, and even while eating.

After eating pressure in the stomach; it was as if a stone lay there and made him cross.

After eating pressure in the stomach. [Hbg.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.