Frequent aching in the larynx, when swallowing. A violent, titillating scraping in the trachea, below the larynx. Dry feeling in the larynx. Hoarseness. The voice is feeble and husky. The chest feels oppressed. Rattling in the chest. Chronic catarrh. Grippe. Short and hacking cough, from titillation in the throat. Irritation with cough, caused by deep breathing. Short and hacking cough, with sore pain along the larynx. Night- cough and hoarseness, with sore pain in the chest. Nightly cough, almost without any intermission. Dry cough, with wheezing. Dry cough, day and night. Expectoration of salt mucus. Cough, with gray salt expectoration. Cough with expectoration and great weakness of the stomach. Morning-cough, with green expectoration, after violent pain in the chest. Thick, white, yellowish expectoration, with violent cough. Expectoration of yellowish pus, with raw and sore feeling in the chest, after long dry cough. Ulcerous phthisis. Cough, with bloody expectoration. Haemorrhage, in a female affected with pulmonary phthisis.


Tightness of the chest, especially during motion, with aching in the pit of the stomach. Oppression of the chest, with shortness of breath when doing anything. Asthma. Tension of the chest. Pressure in the chest. Slight anguish in the chest. Cutting pain in the right side of the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest, also during an inspiration. Pain, as from a sprain, in the left side, in paroxysms. Pain of the chest as if bruised. Burning rising in the chest, like heartburn. Violent palpitation of the heart. Sudden violent palpitation of the heart, after having become wearied, with yawning. Tremulous palpitation of the heart. Anxious palpitation of the heart. Itching on the chest. Painful eruption on the chest. Hepatic spots.


Pain in the small of the back, with pressure of the stomach and constriction of the abdomen. Stiffness or aching in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, as if, flesh were loose. Chilliness in the small of the back. Large swelling in the psoas-muscle, very painful when moving the body. Pain in the back, extending to the shoulders and the small of the back. Pressure in the region of the kidneys. Rheumatic tension in the back, and the right side of the chest, more violent during an inspiration. Pinching in the back. Drawing pain in the back. Continual beating in the back. Burning as of red-hot coal between the scapulae. Burning in the back. Itching of the back. Large pimples between the scapulae and on the nape of the neck, with a burning sensation. Painful stiffness of the neck. A sort of paralysis of the cervical muscles. Swelling of the external and internal cervical muscles. Swelling of the cervical glands. Goitre. Painful eruption on the neck.


Swelling of the axillary glands. Lacerating in the shoulder and elbow-joints, when at rest, not during motion. Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint. Pain as if from bruises in the shoulder joint, scapula, and upper arm. Nightly bone-pain in the arm. Spasmodic startings of the arms. The arms feel paralyzed. Itching of the upper arms. Nightly bone-pain in the elbow. Arthritic stiffness. large inflamed swelling, like erysipelas, on the fore- arm below the elbow, passing into suppuration like a boil. Lacerating in the arms and hands. Arthritic stiffness of the wrist-joint. Continually cold hands. Numbness of the hands. Great dryness of the skin of the hands. Itching pimples on the hands. Involuntary twitching of the fingers, while asleep. Arthritic lacerating in the joints with redness and swelling. The fingers become rigid during work. Stiffness of the fingers, from arthritic nodosities. Redness, inflammation, and swelling of all the joints of the fingers. Itching of the fingers.


Pressure on the hips, proceeding from the small of the back. Rheumatic tension in the hip. Paralytic pain in the hip-joint. Pain as from a sprain, in the hip, towards the small of the back, when rising. Drawing in the limbs from top to bottom, when at rest. Nightly lacerating in the lower limbs. Cold and heavy limbs. Phlegmasia-alba-dolens. Drawing and burning in the thigh. Pain as from a bruise, in the thigh, just above the knee-point. Tension around the knees. Lacerating in the knees and ankles, with pain, even when touching them. Unusual lassitude in the knees. Sore pain in the knees and other parts of the limbs. Pain, as form a sprain, in the knee-joint. Swelling of the knees. Itching in the bend of the knee, also burning and biting. Cramp in the calf. Contractive pain in the calves when walking. Sensation as if the legs were swollen and heavy. Burning on the legs. Swelling of the legs extending beyond the knees, with large, red, hot, hot patches, painful and burning, especially on the knee and ankle. Old ulcers on the legs, with nightly lacerating itching and burning. The ankles are painful at night. Cramp in the feet. Pain as form subcutaneous ulceration, in the soles of the feet. Burning in the feet. Pain of the soles when walking. Great weight of the feet. Swelling around the ankles, and of the ankles. Swelling of the soles. The swelling of the feet increases to ascites, with swelling of the genital organs oppressed breathing, and scanty micturition with pressing. Cold feet constantly. Cold, sweaty feet. Profuse sweat on the feet until they become sore. Cramp in the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.