LYCOPODIUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LYCOPODIUM…



Lycopodium Clavatum. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Disease,” IV. Duration of Action from forty to fifty days.


Ambr., Am., Am-mur., Arsenicum, Bryonia, Calcarea, Cantharis, Caps., Crab-v., Causticum, Chamomilla, China, Cie., Con-m., Graphites, Ipecac., Led-p., Mag., Magnet-p-arct., Mag-mur., Mang., Mercurius, Mur-ac., Natr., Natr- mur., Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Petrol., Platina, Phosph., Phosph-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Rhus., Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum, Lye is frequently suitable after Calcarea, Silicea, after Lye are frequently suitable Graphites, Led-p., Phosph., Pulsatilla, Silicea


Camph generally moderates the violent effected of Lye. Pals subdues the violent feverish feeling from Lye, the ill-humor readiness to find fault prevents and completely neutralizes the action of Lye.


All the limbs and all the soft parts of the body are painful when touched or pressed. Intermitting, cramp-like drawing in the fore-arms, hands and fingers. Lacerating in the arms and lower limbs or in the feet and fingers. Drawing, with pressure, in all the joints, especially the knees. Drawing and lacerating in the limbs in windy, rainy weather, relieved by external warmth. Pinching pains in different parts of the body. Violent stitches in the thoracic cavity and the umbilical region, arresting the breath. Stiffness of all the joints. Stiffness of the limbs and the small of the back. Stiffness of the arms and lower limbs insensibility and numbness. Paralysis. Desire to go into the open air. Feverish sensitiveness to cold air. Deficiency of animal heat. Weariness of the feet and burning of the soles after walking in the open air. Disposed to take cold. Appears to favor the Ramolissement and curvature of the bones. the whole body feels bruised, especially in the evening. Drawing and stretching in all his limbs. Uncomfortableness in the whole body. Great agitation of the blood, in the evening, increasing until it becomes a sensation of trembling. Seething of the blood, agitation in the whole circulatory apparatus. Sensations as if the circulation of the blood were arrested. Contraction of the fingers and toes. Cramp in the fingers and calves. Jerking and twitching of single limbs, or of the whole body, sleeping or waking. Epileptic fit, screaming, foam at the mouth, loss of consciousness. Epileptic fit, visible twitching of the muscles of the lower limbs; the pit of the stomach became affected, he began to scream, without consciousness, threw his arms and legs about, had foam at the mouth. The limbs (arms, hands, lower limbs) go to sleep, day and night. Insensibility of the arm and foot. p73 Fainting fits when lying down, with vanishing of the senses and obscuration of sight, without any desire to move. Total relaxation of the nervous system. Sudden failing of strength. Tremor of the limbs. Great thinness. Great emaciation, also of children. Weariness. Extreme weakness. Internal weakness.


The skin of the whole body is hot and dry, hot hands. Tendency of the skin to crack. Itching, as if caused by fleas. Itching of the skin, when heated. Smarting and burning itching over the whole body. Corrosive itching of the arms and lower limbs. Painful eruption on the neck and chest. Itching hepatic spots. Violent itching of a herpetic eruption on the tibia. Freckles. Insensible, yellow-brown, shrivelled herpes. Humid, suppurating herpes, full of deep rhagades, and covered with thick crusts. Boils, returning periodically. Fistulous ulcers, with hard, shining red everted edges, and inflammatory swelling of the affected part. Mercurial ulcers. Carious ulcers. Chafing of children. Warts. Chilblains. Varices of pregnant females. Glandular swellings. Arthritic nodes. Dropsical swelling. Chlorosis. Aneurysms.


Drowsiness in the daytime. Drowsiness in the afternoon. Early drowsiness in the evening. Restless sleep full of dreams. Light sleep, at night. Sleep full of fancies. Unable to lie on the left side, owing to palpitation of the heart and stitches. Loud talking while asleep. Anxious, frightful, or lascivious dreams. Starting when falling asleep. Startings and jerkings of the limbs, with restless sleep. Weeping at night, while asleep. Palpitation of the heart almost every evening, when in bed. Seething of the blood, early in the morning, when waking. Troublesome pressure in the stomach. Cutting in the region of the stomach, at night. Cough and pain in the chest, at night. Uneasiness and twitching of the feet during sleep. Seething of the blood, early in the morning, when waking. Unrefreshing sleep.


Spasmodic shaking from chilliness, as if caused by a mental commotion, with throbbing in the fore part of the head, in the evening. Internal chilliness, early in the morning. Violent chilliness in the evening, hindering sleep, with nausea. Fever every afternoon. Fever at seven o’clock in the evening, chills, and great coldness, even when in bed. Chilliness every day. Evening fever, every day, chilliness followed by heat. In the evening, alternate chilliness and heat, with aching of the whole head, and coryza. fever, with great weakness, heat predominant, afterwards chilliness. Fever, every evening, burning heat. Tertian fever, with sour vomiting after the chilliness, and bloated face and hands. Hectic fever, with clammy night-sweats. Typhoid fever, with constipation, waking with a peevish mood, scolding, scream- ing, nervous irritation. Feverish day-sweats. Flushes of heat. Burning heat short breath, pale face, and starting while asleep.


Desponding. grieving mood. Melancholy, in the evening. Weeping mood, with chilliness. Great oppressive anxiety in the pit of the stomach. From vexation. She is afraid of being alone. Despairing and disconsolate. Internal uneasiness. Nervousness. Extremely sensitive. Great tendency to start. Headstrong, vehement, angry.


Weakness of memory. Complaints arising from mental labor. Dullness of the head. Stupefaction towards evening, with heat of the temple and ears. Vertigo like dullness of the head. Vertigo when rising from seat. Incipient paralysis of the brain.


Simple headache, more violent when at rest, less when walking in the open air. Violent headache, at night, as if caused by a wrong position. Headache from chagrin. Headache with faintishness and great uneasiness. Headache over the eyes, immediately after breakfast. Pain in both temples at every step. Dull pain in the forehead, as if the head were being compressed. Rheumatic headache. Paralytic aching in the temple. Aching, with contractive sensation in the head. Tensive-aching pain in the head.

The headache increases when lying down. Headache, as if the bones of the skull were being driven asunder, and as if the brain were vacillating. Heaviness in the head. Lacerating in the occiput. Lacerating in the head. Lacerating in the forehead, every afternoon. Aching, with lacerating close over the eyes and into them, early in the morning. Darting headache, apparently in the bones of the skull. Throbbing pain near the orbits from within outwards. Violent beating in the head. Continual throbbing headache. Beating in the brain, with heat about the head. Rush of blood to the head early in the morning, on waking, also on raising the head in bed, with subsequent headache. Excessive sensitiveness of the externally. Quickly-passing lacerating in the integuments of the head. Nightly lacerating, boring, and scraping about the head. Contractive sensation in the hairy scalp. The bones of the head are painful. Excessive falling off of the hair. Baldness. Itching of the hairy scalp. Eruption on the head, with swelling of the cervical glands. Eruptions on the head, suppurating profusely, also fetid.


Painful pressure in the eyes, as if dust had got in. Pain in the eyes as if they had been bruised. Tensive pain in the left eye. Lacerating around the eyes, extending into the forehead and the cheeks. Stitches in the eyes, without any redness. Itching in the canthi. Smarting of the eyes. Burning in the eyes, also smarting. Red, inflamed eyes, with sticking pain, in the evening. Inflammation of the eye-lids, with aching, and nightly agglutination in the outer canthi. Inflammation of the eyes, with redness and dimness of the white, redness and swelling of the lids, burning; profuse lachrymation and nightly agglutination. Inflammation of the eyes, with itching both canthi, redness and swelling of the lids. Styes on the eye-lids. Ulceration and redness of the eyes- lids. Agglutination of the eyes, especially at night. A quantity of purulent gum in the eyes, with smarting pain. Mucus in the eyes. Dryness of the eyes in the evening. Dim, hot eyes. Spasmodic twitching of the lower eye-lid. Weakness of sight. Uncertain sight and frequent twinkling before the eyes. Dim-sightedness. Short-sightedness. Black spots hover before his eyes at a short distance. Twinkling before the eye, when going to bed. Sensation of vibration before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark. Blackness before the eyes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.