An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Lycopodium from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Best suited to persons intellectually keen, but of weak muscular power; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi- dropsical; lean and predisposed to lung and hepatic affections.Deep-seated progressing chronic diseases.

Pains, chiefly aching-pressure, drawing, right-sided.

Dread of men; of solitude; fear of being left alone.

Red sand in urine; on child’s diaper; child cries before urinating; pain in back relieved by urinating.

Gastric affections; excessive accumulation of flatulence; constant sensation of satiety; good appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat.

Complexion pale, dirty, unhealthy; fan-like motion of alae nasi.

Affects right side, or goes from right to left; throat, chest, abdomen, ovaries.

Sad mood, weeps all day.

Speaks wrong words and syllables.

Becomes confused about everyday things.

Vertigo in the morning, when and after rising from bed, so that he reels back and forth.

Throbbing in the brain, on leaning the head backward during the day.

Throbbing headache, after every paroxysm of coughing.

With the cough, shattering as from a shock in the temples, and at the same time in the chest.

distressing pain in the eyes, as if they were dry, with nightly aggravation.

Ulceration and redness of the eyelids.

Styes on the lids.

The evening light blinds him very much; he cannot see anything upon the table.

violent catarrh, with swelling of the nose.

Stopped catarrh, so that he cannot get his breath at night on account of it.

Complete stoppage of the nose.

Yellowish-gray color of the face.

The teeth are painful when chewing and when touched.

Numerous blisters on the tongue.

Feeling as if a ball rose from below up into the throat.

Feeling in the throat as if too tight, on swallowing; food and drink regurgitate through the nose.

Feeling of contraction in the throat, nothing goes down.

Excessive appetite, followed by distention of the abdomen.

Hunger remains immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense.

She cannot eat at all; is constantly satiated and without appetite, and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting.

Sudden satiety, and great thirst.

A sour eructation, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws the stomach.

Incomplete burning eructations, which only rise into the pharynx, where they cause a burning for several hours.

Discomfort in the stomach after eating a little.

Pain in the epigastric region, caused by coughing.

Cramp in the stomach, which is much distended.

Pressure in the stomach as if over distended, in the evening, after eating a little.

She dares not eat to satiety, because if she does she has an unpleasant and distressed feeling in the hepatic region.

Pressive pain in the hepatic region, on breathing.

Sore, pressive pain as from a blow in the right hypochondriac region, aggravated by touch.

Sensation as though something heavy were lying in the left of the abdomen, not affecting the breathing, but constantly felt while walking, sitting, and lying.

Distention of the abdomen from gases.

Much flatus seems to accumulate here and there in the abdomen, in the hypochondria, even in the back in the region of the ribs and chest causing tension and bubbling which is always relieved by empty eructations.

Tension of the abdomen, with incarceration of flatus.

The rectum is frequently so contracted that it protrudes during a hard stool.

Anus painfully closed.

the haemorrhoids in the anus are painful to touch.

The first part of the stool is lumpy, the second soft.

Stools: thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid.

Some red sediment in the urine.

Reddish-yellow sand in the urine.

Red sand in the urine.

Night cough affecting the stomach and diaphragm, mostly before sunset.

Tickling cough, as from sulphur fumes in the larynx.

Gray salt tasting expectoration.

Shortness of breath.

Dyspnoea, as if the chest were constricted by cramp.

Burning as from glowing coals between the scapulae.

Menses too profuse and of too short duration.

Chronic suppression of the menses; suppression from fright.

bearing down pain, as it the menses would reappear.

Obstinate dryness of the vagina.

Leucorrhoea, attended with cutting pain across the abdomen, from right to left.

Corroding leucorrhoea.

Itching of the vulva.

Discharge of flatus from the vagina.

Desire to go into the open air.

Twitchings through the body.

All symptoms are aggravated from 4 to 8. P.M.

Shaking chill, commencing in the back, with numb, icy cold hands and feet; she cannot get warm in bed.

Shaking chill, with icy coldness even in bed, as if she were lying on ice.

Profuse perspiration all over, with great thirst after the sweat.

Chill on left side of the body.

Sour vomiting between chill and heat.

After eating, heat of the head and a red spot on the left cheek.

Nausea after cold drinks; warm drinks are grateful.

Profuse sour-smelling perspiration on the body.

Sweat cold, sour, offensive, bloody, or smelling like onions.

Perspiration immediately after the chill, without intervening heat.

Thirst after sweating stage.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.