Otalgia in the open air. Sensation as of pressing towards the ears. Lacerating about the ear. Darting in the internal ear. Continuous lacerating pinching stitches in the ear. Throbbing and tension in the ears. Rush of blood to the ears. Itching in the ear. Humid scurf on and behind the ears. Ulceration and running of the ears. Sensitiveness to noise in walking. Music and sounds affect the hearing painfully. Diminution of hearing. Roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears.


Corrosive pain in the nostril. Itching of the nostrils. Swelling of the tip of the nose, with pain to the touch. Heat in the nose, and burning of the eyes. Scurf on the nose. Nightly closing of the nostril by pus. Ulceration nostrils. The smell is excessively sensitive. Discharge of a blood mucus or of coagulated blood from the nose. Sneezing without coryza. Obstruction of the nose, high up. Dry coryza, he cannot breath at night. Dry coryza with burning in the forehead and dullness of the head. Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose; catarrhal headache; acrid discharge. Fluent coryza.


Pale, wretched complexion. Blue margins around the eyes, with livid face, deep wrinkles, and blue lips. Yellow face. Frequent flushes of heat. Circumscribed redness of the face. Burning in the face. Red, bloated face, full of dark-red spots covered with pustules. Swelling of the cheeks. Eruption on the face. Itching, scaly herpes in the face and the corners of the mouth, with bleeding. Lacerating in the cheeks, in the malar bone. Spasmodic twitching in the muscles of the cheeks. Ulcerative pain of the corners of the mouth. Eruption around the mouth. Itching pimples around the chin.


Lacerating in the upper jaw. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Drawing in the jaws. Jerking lacerating, at times in the right, at times in the left lower jaw. Boring pain in the swollen submaxillary glands. Involuntary clashing and grinding of the teeth. Dull ache of the upper and lower teeth, with swelling of the gums. Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. The teeth are excessively painful when touching them, or when chewing, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Toothache only at night. Spasmodic pain in the teeth. Drawing pain in the right lower molars. Throbbing toothache. Beating in a tooth, with swelling of the gums. All the teeth, as if they were too dull. Great looseness of the teeth. The teeth become yellow. Heat and pain in the gums. p73 Swelling of the gums over the front teeth, with swelling of the upper lip. Gum-boil.


Small tumors in the mouth, in various place. Coated tongue. Scraping sensation in the mouth. Fetid smell from the mouth. Numbness of the inner mouth and tongue. The tongue is painful and swollen. Tubercles on the tongue. Ulcer under the tongue. Dryness in the mouth and throat, early in the morning, with tension, difficulty of moving the tongue, and-indistinct speech. Feeling of dryness in the throat and mouth, without thirst. Dry and bitter or sourish mouth.


Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Sore throat, when swallowing or coughing. The pharynx feels contracted. Glandular swelling inside and outside of the throat, with stinging pains in the glands when swallowing and in the ear. Chronic sore throat. Lacerating pains in the pharynx from below upwards. Stinging and dryness in the throat. Continual stinging or prickling in the throat. Inflammation of the throat. with hoarseness and stitches. Suppuration of the tonsil, with stinging pain when swallowing. Ulcers of the tonsils, resembling chancre. Ulceration of the tonsils. Burning in the faces, with thirst at night.


At dinner, excessive nausea unto fainting. Nausea in the pharynx and stomach after a meal, unto vomiting, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Frequent eructation after a meal. Immediately after a meal, the abdomen is full, bloated, distended. Fullness and heaviness after a meal. Colic; pressure in the stomach; pinching in the abdomen after a meal. Tremor and throbbing through the whole body, after a meal. Palpitation of the heart during digestion. Diarrhoea from milk. Heavy food is not digest- ed. Violent eructation in the afternoon. Sour eructations, with colic. Burning eructation, like a sort of heartburn. Heartburn from the stomach, acidity rising into the mouth. Hiccough. Nau- sea, every morning, before breakfast. Constant nausea. Nausea when riding in a carriage. Nausea in the afternoon, with sour eructations. Loathing at the sight of food. Water-brash every other day, griping in the pit of the stomach, nausea. Qualmishness, in the stomach, early in the morning. Inclination to vomit, with hawking up of phlegm. Nightly vomiting of food and bile, preceded by nausea and anguish about the heart. Vomiting of coagulated blood, and acrid acidity.


Pain in the stomach, increased by stooping. Intense pain of the pit of the stomach. when pressing on it, also with swelling. Violent pain in the stomach after a meal, and after taking a slight cold, with chilliness and deadness of the hands. Fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Violent pressure in the stomach and abdomen, with pain to the touch and when breathing. Contusive pain in the stomach. Contraction and spasms of the stomach, as far as the chest. Lacerating and drawing pain in the stomach, p73 with nausea and colic. Gnawing and griping sensation in the region of the stomach. Cancer of the stomach.


Tension around the hypochondria as from a hoop. Pain of the liver to the touch. Pain in the liver after eating a good meal. Pressure in the region of the liver. Sore aching in the right hypochondrium. Tension in the lower part of the region of the liver, with pressure. Grasping, as if with the hand, in the region of the liver. Violent cramp-pain in the region of the liver. Chronic hepatitis.


Colic, early in the morning, after rising. Pain above the umbilicus, when touching the part. Aching in the epigastrium, as if caused by flatulence. Pressure in the abdomen, with drawing pain. Pressure and cutting in the abdomen, before dinner. Weight in the abdomen, as from a load. Full, distended abdomen, and cold feet. Tension in the hypogastrium. Spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. Griping and pinching around the umbilicus. Griping lacerating in the hypogastrium, with arrest of breath. Sticking pinching from the bladder to the urethra, in the evening, in bed. Cutting colic, previous to stool. Cutting in the abdomen, about midnight, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Cutting in the epigastrium every forenoon. Lacerating in both sides of the abdomen and in the groins, extending into the thighs. Drawing pain in the abdomen also with pressure. Drawing colic. Induration in the abdomen.

Burning in the abdomen. Lacerating stitches in the hernial region. Red swelling in the groin, painful during motion, and when touching it, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Inguinal hernia. Small glandular swelling in the groins. Grumbling and gurgling in the abdomen.


Sluggish stool. Ineffectual urging, with hard stool. Desire for stool only in the evening, with distended abdomen. Little stool, with sensation as if much remained behind, followed by excessive and painful accumulation of flatulence. Inaction of the rectum at stool. Difficulty in passing stool. Tenesmus in the morning; diarrhoea in the afternoon. Diarrhoea, with colic, generally early in the morning. Pale fetid stool. Blood with stool. Haemorrhage from the rectum, even with soft stool. Burning at the rectum during stool. Violent contractive pain in the perinaeum for many hours, after scanty, hard stool. Stool is followed by abdominal and uterine spasms across the abdomen. After stool, heat and pressing sensation in the head, and lassitude of the thighs. Distention and protrusion of the varices. Aching, with pressure on the rectum, with cramp-pain in the abdomen. Cutting in the rectum and bladder. Stitches in the rectum. Tension in the anus. Itching eruption of the anus, painful to the touch. Ascarides.


Urging to urinate. Frequent, foamy urine. Urine with yellow or red sediment like sand. Dark urine, with burning. Haemorrhage p73 from the urethra, without pain, also with lameness of the lower limbs and constipation. Burning in the female urethra during micturition. Itching in the urethra during and after micturition. Violent, but short drawing pain in the fore part of the urethra. Stitches in the bladder. Cutting in the bladder and rectum.


Dropsical swelling of the genital organs. Drawing and cutting in the glans. Chronic orchitis. Soreness between the scrotum and thigh. Great weakness in the genital organs and the neighboring parts, with pain in the perinaeum when sitting. Diminution of the sexual instinct. Male impotence for several years. The penis is small, cold, and remains relaxed. Feeble eruptions, or entire absence of erection. Excessive sexual desire. Exhausting pollution.


Lacerating stitches in the organs of generation. Violent burning in the vagina, during and after an embrace. Drawing in the groin, as if the menses would come on, in an aged female. Chronic dryness of the vagina. Itching, burning, and gnawing of the vagina. Pressing through the vagina on stooping. Darting pain in the labia on lying down. Discharge of wind from the vagina. Menses too early and too scanty. Menses too long and too profuse. Chronic suppression of the menses, also by fright. Previous to the menses bloatedness of the abdomen; great heaviness of the lower limbs; cold feet; violent chilliness. During the menses, headache; nausea, swelling of the feet. Profuse leucorrhoea, at intervals. Milky leucorrhoea. Discharge of blood-red leucorrhoea. Cutting in the hypogastrium, previous to the leucorrhoea. Disposition to miscarriage, with varices on the pudendum. Varices, diarrhoea, or constipation of pregnant females. Hard, burning nodosity in the mammae. Soreness of the nipple, or spreading scurf on them. Stinging in the nipples. Chafing or constipation of new-born infants.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.