Aphorisms & Precepts

In advanced Phthisis with pathological symptoms, if you prescribe for the old symptoms which should have prescribed for some years before, you kill your patient.

A Sycotic is never cured unless a discharge is brought back.

All things that change the aspect of a case should be avoided.

When a case comes back in a few days with all the symptoms changed, unless they are old symptoms, the prescription was inaccurate and unfortunate.

We are told that the afterbirth must be removed, and scraped off if necessary; these are insane acts and jeopardize life.

The body is covered on the outside and inside by a membrane that protects it from all noxious influences except violence. It is the same with the parturient, so long as you do not denude the uterus with officious interfering, there is no danger of blood poisoning. But if the placenta does not come away by gentle traction and abdominal pressure let it alone. Treat the cause and not the effects of disease.

There are degrees of fineness of the Vital Force. We may think of internal man as possessing infinite degrees and of external man as possessing finite degrees.

We see the difference between short and long acting remedies from this. Short acting remedies are only capable of corresponding to the outermost degree of man.

It is known that old fashioned medicine of all sorts fails to recognize that there are principles of plain and intelligible governing the practice of medicine. They regard it as a mere matter of “experience.”

In vaccination when a new disease comes on, the former is suspended during the time, and comes on again even though the crust had not formed. This is related as most wonderful, but this the Homoeopath understands. Syphilis makes symptoms of Scrofula to disappear in the same way and after Mercury subdues the Syphilis, then the Scrofula comes back. One occupies some hidden precinct in the economy while the other is active.

The knowledge of complementary remedies is necessary of the nearest remedy in its nature and not in a few symptoms. Thus in a series of complementary remedies, the conditions must be there as well as the symptoms.

Keep in a series of complementary remedies. We can never cure if we select a remedy for a part of the symptoms, and as others come up, give a remedy that is not the complement.

In regard to nosodes, when prescribed upon the symptoms which they produce upon the healthy, they will cure the same as other remedies. But to use these things indiscriminately is an outrage.

Structural changes are not the basis for a prescription, but the symptoms which existed before the structural changes appeared.

The mind symptoms, if you can know them, are the most important. If the pathological symptoms seem to contraindicate a remedy, and the mental symptoms to indicate it, these are to be taken.

In cases without symptoms, the patient must be kept on Sac. Lac. until you can discern some general, such as aggravation of symptoms in the morning, or at midnight. If the patient is only “tired,” without guiding symptoms, you may know that it is liable to terminate in some grave disorder Consumption, Bright’s Disease, Cancer, or the like.

A copious discharge protects many an individual from changes in organs.

When derangement localizes itself upon one particular place it is for the purpose of tearing that organ all to pieces. If it sets up a discharge, that is a sort of safety valve and the other organs are protected.

Hahnemann did not mean simply Scabies when he said Itch, but all skin diseases as a class.

No applications which are capable of doing anything can be used without injury. If so simple that they do not change the symptoms they are of course useless.

The healthier the patient becomes the more likelihood there is for an eruption upon the skin. The vital energies must be sufficient for this. A cure progresses from within outward.

All susceptible provers will bring out the image of the remedy. The prover catches the drug disease from one or two doses just as people do the Scarlet Fever or the Grippe.

There are degrees within degrees to infinity. All may be made sensitive or become so to certain things and with differing degrees of susceptibility; hence what folly to lay down the rule for a fixed dose beyond which the result would be fatal, and beyond which if a physician should go he would be responsible in case of death.

The expressions by which we know that he has been sick for a long time we know by our study of pathology and anatomy. These are the results of disease, but the primitive disease is evidenced by the symptoms, the morbid sensations.

Never leave.a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency if it has benefited the patient.

Higher means interior in quality.

The interior man is superior to the external man. Through this outer instrument everything is reflected or rather conducted.

The physician cultivates his eye for everything that it is possible to pass judgment upon and must write down everything that is unnatural, everything that is expressive of illness.

One remedy must be more similar than the other. It is true that one not conversant with the subject will be unable to see the finer shades of difference. Some are colour blind, yet others can pick out colours.

The Homoeopathic physician must continue to study in the science and in the art before he can become expert. This will grow in him until he becomes increasingly astute and he will grow stronger and wiser in his selections for sick people.

The wisest will make mistakes in perception, but the aim must ever be to find the most similar of any medicines proved, and to recognize that there is one most similar of all.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.