Preface to Lesser Writings
Preface of Kents New Remedies, Clinical Cases, Lesser Writings, Aphorisms & Precepts by W.W Sherwood. M.D….
The Philosophy part of the Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts by J.T. Kent (1849-1916). These writings have been condensed from letters, published articles, and lectures. A short Materia Medica with work on philosophy and application of homoeopathy. Originally published in 1926.
This volume is published at the request of many of Dr Kent’s admirers from all parts of the world. It contains remedies which have never before appeared in book form. They published in medical journals several years ago and are all verified by Dr Kent himself. The various articles appearing are addresses and papers delivered by Dr Kent at meetings both National and State, to student in classes at college covering, a period of many years of his life. The clinical cases published within are only a few of those reported by Dr Kent and have been carefully selected. All are considered of great value to the student of homeopathy.
Preface of Kents New Remedies, Clinical Cases, Lesser Writings, Aphorisms & Precepts by W.W Sherwood. M.D….
Criticism Of Dr Holmes. Dr. Kent raised question mark on Dr. Holmes for his prescription without referring the required text books. …
Dr. Kent describe how many remedies comes in our mind when we here each symptom during case….
Dr. Kent said that perfection in prescription comes with experience. He further added importance of organon of medicine, materia medica and potency selection…….
Dr. Kent was addressing the people members of International Hahnemannian Association, expianing the goals of organisation….
Dr. Kent’s advise on the treatment of chronic disease. Mental state right from childhood must be taken into account to reach the similimum….
Dr. Kent’s observation on cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, Bright’s disease, and many organic conditions of the body that how to take the case in such diseases and how to prescribe the remedy in such difficult cases. He further states that take the whole history of the patient since childhood, not prescribe on the current symptom picture because this picture is the end result of the previous childhood actions have been forgotten…
Dr. Kent’s advice on re- proving of the homeopathic medicine. Here he advised that drug reproving should be genuine as per the direction given by Dr. Hahnemann, only then we can add the symptoms of drugs in original text of our materia medica….
Definition of Homoeopathic Physician. Dr. Kent want to differentiate the quality of Homeopathy and allopathy physician. A homeopath who ignore the knowledge of Hahnemann’s ORGANON, PURE MATERIA MEDICA, and the Homeopathic repertory, is not a true Homeopathic physician….
How the knowledge of a homeopath and homeopathy prescribing is differ from allopathy school of medicine. What extra knowledge should a homeopath have?…
Every practitioner who claimed himself a Homeopath should have deeper knowledge of Homeopathy principles and Hahnemann’s ORGANON….
Criticism of Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book. Question mark on the idea of grand generalization….
Dr. Kent’s advice on the treatment of Typhoid fever. Instead of treating with the group of therapeutically indicated medicine physician must focus on the individual character of the patient in the disease state….
The investigation of sickness must be in a order, right from the disturbance in desire aversion, memory, intelligence to the end presentation of symptoms….
Use of Repertory makes prescribing more accurate and less laboring. By the use of repertory symptoms can be arranged as per their importance in case of disease. …
Explanation on the dose and potency. Effect of increasing potency or dosage in pathway of cure….
The silent, heartfelt thankfulness that Hahnemann was born and lived his life and left us the results of his discoveries in the ORGANON, CHRONIC DISEASES and MATERIA MEDICA PURA, is the best way to celebrate this wonderful man’s birthday….
Discussion on the remedies, complimentary medicine, acute and chronic prescription. Dr. Kent’s advice to investigate the case completely before prescribing and he also warn not to prescribe just on the fixed ideas for the particular remedy….
Classification is necessary to the proper study of diseases, pathological conditions, and diagnosis, but every case of sickness in an individual is so dissimilar to another case that each and every patient must be examined and measured by the symptoms that represent his disordered economy and prescription should be based on that peculiar symptoms….
Discussion on Hering law of cure. Mental, intellectual faculties, will plays important role in prescribing. A remedy prescribed on the basis of mental symptoms is able improve not only mental and intellectual faculties but the physical disease also….
Find out the uncommon symptoms of the case. Be confident when examine the patient at bedside. The characteristics of a fatal case of this disease are as follows: 1st. No individualizing symptoms. 2nd. An ignorant physician, and this is the commonest cause of failure. …
Distinction between Similar and Similimum. Similar medicine is capable to change in symptom set and complimentary medicine complete the cure of case of disease. On the other hand similimum medicine that cures the symptoms present, eradicates them completely….
Do not hesitate when prescribing in great suffering, for immediate relief. Take the symptoms of each individual case and select the remedy capable of producing similar symptoms, rather than giving Morphine and other stupefying agents or leaveing the suffering patient….
Gall Stone or Kidney Colic Discussion. The constitutional remedy is the best thing for the patient. It will set the kidneys to manufacturing healthy urine….
Specialists must have deep knowledge of materia medica and Organon. They must try to treat the patient with medicine. Should not hurry to do surgery, because it is not the curative treatment of the case of disease….
Discussion on the fundamental laws of homeopathy given by Dr. Hahnemann. Principles that governs the whole system of homeopathy medicine explained by Dr. Kent…….
Changes in the symptoms does not always need the another remedy, …
Guidelines to read and use of repertory. Repertory is the tool by which prescriber can reach to the similimum without much efforts. A prescriber who does not use this method has not right to call himself a homeopath. …
How to Use the Repertory. Ever since the appearance of my Homeopathy Repertory in print many of my friends who …
Idiosyncrasy a special hypersensitive state always present in a particular patient. Helps in drug proving as well as in selection of remedy….
Homeopathy is an art and science. Science part of the system is neglected which should taught before the a student learn the artistic part of homeopathy system.
Discussion on the therapeutic of malaria fever with differentiation of remedies. Advise on the repetition of remedies….
Understanding an individual case to prescribe a remedy is not always occurs in first consultation. It may take several sitting to open up the patient….
Murex – Sepia. Editor Medical Advance:
Please ask Dr. Kent where he got the symptoms of Murex. p. 478 of Advance, “pains in Murex aggravated whi…
Observations Regarding Selection of Potency…
Potencies Discussion. Question: What is the explanation of antidoting high potencies by using low ones? In tuberculosis, for instance, Sulphur is occa…
Pure Homoeopathy Defended.
“What can be more astonishing than that professed homoeopathic physicians should deny the efficacy of their own remedies?”
“What …
Dr. Kent’s criticism on cyclopedia based on the pathogenetic symptoms of the crude substance. He called this cyclopedia is just toxicology book not a materia medica….
Dr. Kents observation and clinical experience on using the potencies. He advise to go higher potency if the previous potency has done best….
Sycosis, a miasm. Direction for the treatment of the cases having sycosis miasm in their history. Discussion on the remedies indicated in such cases….
Dr. Kent’s direction for the treatment of syphilis. Guidelines about the expression of syphilis after the suppression with allopathic drugs….
Taking of the Case in Discussion of A Paper. We should examine a case in exactly the same way as we would examine a prover for the image expressed in the provings…
Dr. Kent’s comments on using temperaments as a differentiating symptom for selection of remedy. He suggest that temperament has noting to do with pathology of the patient, it remains same in heath and disease state of the patient, then what we suppose to treat? …
Discussion on the drug action, primary and secondary action in reference to the aphorisms written in organon of medicine….
Kent’s discussion on the Hahnemann’s guidelines for selection of potency and repetition of dosage. He further added that repetition should be guided by the demand of the patient….
Symptoms are the only manifestation by which disease can make itself known to an intelligent physician. Disease beings in an individual prior to the development the pathology or something that can be find by the pathologist….
Healing Principle. The vital principle that pervades all simple and complex organisms and substances manifests itself, through various media and under varying ……
Direction to use the repertory. With help of repertory symptoms can be arranged on the basis of their importance, that can not be explained through pathology. This helps the physician to find the similimum….
The highest aim of man is to become wise, and the only way to attain wisdom is to do for the good of others….
Infection is not the cause of disease. Cause is prior to the infection. It lies in the simple substance. Mere killing of the bacteria from the body fluid is not the cure of the disease….
Homeopathy rests not upon theory nor opinion, but upon facts. Hypotheses and reasonings have no place in treatise on that upon which human life depends. The whole system is based on the fixed principles mentioned in the ORGANON and CHRONIC DISEASE and materia medica is based on proving on the human being….
Evaluation of the patient after first prescription. Kent’s advise what should be kept in mind before making a second prescription?…
Changes in symptom does not always call for a newer remedy. It may the older set of symptoms on its way to final departure. Make a prescription if they persist for long duration….
Hurry in prescription is an error, many a life has been saved by waiting and waiting. haste is a common error, more frequently with the second prescription than the first….
Advise on the repetition of medicine. Dr. Kent says never change the remedy unless you are very sure that the remedy is no longer acting. …
The complaints of patient or friends constitute no ground for a second prescription. Knowledge of medicine as well as knowledge of disease both are necessary to make a second prescription….
Prescription made in acute and chronic state are complimentary to each other. One follow the another and complete the work of cure….
Case notes help the physician to make a second prescription. Also helps to recall the whole case when the patient has been cured….
A homeopath should be master in the Materia medica by heart. Another warning to the beginner, that he may not be too hasty in giving medicine to sensitive, nervous patients….
Lachesis Case. Mrs. H. W. A.- Proving of Lachesis 10m. Beginning February 14, 1887. A very nervous little woman who has never been very sick, but always ve…
Study of Provings. It is nearly useless to cram students with the language of provings. If they cannot be made to see the clinical image to be met, th……
Dr. Kent’s criticism on the Boenninghausen idea of grand generalization and concomitant. He says that this is apart from the guidelines given by Dr. Hahnemann…….
A experienced homoeopathic observers know very well that the burning, stinging, enlarged glands, infiltration, hardness of the part, weakness, loss of flesh, in a scirrhus of a mamma will not lead to a remedy that will act curatively. Generals and particulars of the patient must be consider….
Rational Use of Curative Agents…
Drug proving gives the knowledge of effect of a drug substance on a human being, as a whole, not on the parts. Similarly when drug is prescribed should be given on totality of symptoms not for the isolated organ. …
Dr. Kent’s criticism to the Homeopath who does not follow the laws of homeopathy and still call himself a Homeopath….
Successful Prescribing is typically based on what we see in patient. Strange rare symptoms defines the patient and his reaction to the suffering, these symptom forms the base of successful prescription….
Discussion on the principles and laws that forms the foundation of the Homeopathy system of medicine. …
“When we have to do with an art whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thoroughly masters of it, becomes a crime.” …
The people should not expect to obtain homoeopathic results from a physician whose methods are not in accordance with the homoeopathic art of healing….
The Homoeopathic physician must continue to study in the science and in the art before he can become expert. This will grow in him until he becomes increasingly astute and he will grow stronger and wiser in his selections for sick people….