Aphorisms & Precepts

The Homoeopathic physician must continue to study in the science and in the art before he can become expert. This will grow in him until he becomes increasingly astute and he will grow stronger and wiser in his selections for sick people….

It is no proof of man’s undertaking to be able to confirm what he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and what is false is false, this is the mark and character of intelligence. EMANUEL SWEDENBORG


Truth, on every plane, is a sword, chat wounds deeply; and blood flows freely.

The more idols a man has the less able is he to receive truth. He is sick.

You cannot divorce Medicine and Theology. Man exists all the way down, from his innermost Spiritual, to his outermost Natural.

A truth, on any plane, presented to different men, is accepted or rejected by each according to the good or evil of his mind.

The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of the internal sickness.

Everything is harmoniously working in the well man. Consider the man, heal the sick.

Hahnemann’s was an unusual life. He was as circumspect as a woman, and that is saying a great deal. He had a duty to perform, and could do it. Clean, honorable, noble; a man of integrity to himself and his family.

The person who loves crime lives in it. It becomes a part of his nature, and shows itself in the external man. The man who loves truth and humanity, lives in that idea, and it become a part of his nature, and can be seen in his looks and his life.

An immense amount of hardness of heart and lack of charity is engendered by trying to accumulate a large number of “Grand Operations” without asking, “Is this for the good of the patient?”.

If you lose the attitude of mind which seeks the good of the patient you will lose your Homoeopathy.

If Homoeopathy does not cure sick people you are to despise it.

Those who say they have tested Homoeopathy and it is a failure have only exposed their own ignorance.

So long as a man relies upon the senses to settle what is scientific and what is not, and does not use his understanding, so long will he be in confusion, and Sciences will oppose each other.

The Old School must know Pathology before they can treat disease, and they must have a post mortem before they can know pathology.

So long as man is capable of believing that Diabetes is disease, and that Bright’s Disease is a disease, so long will man be insane in Medicine. His mind is only directed toward the results of disease.

It is not Homoeopathic to say “Can you cure a cancer?” or “Can you cure Epilepsy?”

Technicalities are condemned in Homoeopathy. Only frame in your mind that you have seen a species of Scarlet Fever, a species of Measles, or a species of Tuberculosis, or Diabetes, and speak of them as such; that the speech may be a true outward representation of the internal thought.

A physician’s attitude in performing his duty to the sick, is different from that of any other person. He has a different sphere from that of the ordinary man. This is a thousand times amplified in Homoeopathy. One who has entertained that peculiar “circumcision of the heart,” always looking to the good of his patient, never thinking of the criticism of man, acquires an ability to say what is right to do. He establishes a garment of righteousness.

There is a state of insanity in the Sciences of the present day. They put all laws aside, in order to accept, for instance the, Molecular theory, because they want something that in its aggregate will be large enough to be felt with the fingers.

If there were no Idiosyncrasy there would be no Homoeopathy. Every individual is susceptible to certain things; is susceptible to sickness, and equally susceptible to cure.

Cure rests in the degree of susceptibiliness.

Remedies operate as by contagion. He caught the disease, and catches the cure.

Dynamic wrongs are corrected from the interior by dynamic agencies.

Principle teaches you to avoid suppression. A Homoeopath cannot temporize. Those sufferings are necessary sometimes to show forth sickness in order that a remedy may be found.

The affections make the man.

You must see and feel the internal nature of your patient as the artist sees and feels the picture he is painting. He feels it. Study to feel the economy, the life, the soul.

You cannot depend on lucky shots and guess work, everything depends on long study of each individual case.

This opens a field of tedious labor, and many failures, but if once in a while you succeed in curing one of these lost ones it is well.

Memorizers have no perception; they can only remember what they see, and they see only the surface.

Memory is not knowledge until it is comprehended and used; then grows the ability to perceive.

Understand the remedy first, the keynotes last.

Every ignorant man thinks that what he knows is the end of knowledge.

The physician who violates his conscience, destroys his ability to perceive.

What appears to be intuition comes from using that which is in the understanding.

It is the imperfect machine that causes death. The Vital Force is of the Soul, and cannot be destroyed or weakened. It can be disordered, but it is all there.

Man cannot be made sick or be cured except by some substance as ethereal in quality as the Vital Force.

It is unthinkable to speak of Motion or Force without a simple, primitive substance. Force, or action of a nothing is unthinkable.

It is a serious matter to allow the mind to drift into thinking of anything but quality when speaking of force.

There is nothing in the world which does not exist by something prior to itself. With the grossest materialistic ideas man can demonstrate this.

There is at the present time, a continual discussion of Force as an energy having nothing prior to it. This is confusion.

There is an Innermost to everything that is, or else the outermost could not be.

The Simple Substance is the substance of substances, and all things are from it. It is really first, in which rests all power.

Weight cannot be predicated of the Simple Substance, neither time, nor space.

No power known to man exists in the concrete substance, but all power exists in the Primitive Substance.

The Primitive Substance, or Radiant form of matter, is just as much matter as matter in its aggregate form.

The real holding together of the things in this world is by Simple Substance.

Every individual with whom you converse, has his own ideas and theories. When he questions you about Homoeopathy, you hesitate because he has not the beginnings.

When he questions you about Homoeopathic facts, if you tell him what your opinion about it is he will listen to you; but when you say it is so and so, he looks at you in wonder and doubt.

Your enemy on the ground of common sense can say so much more than you can that many individuals can be reasoned away from you.

Anything which looks away from exactitude is unscientific. The physician must be classical; everything must be methodical. Science ceases to be scientific when disorderly application of law is made.

Eternal Principles, themselves, are authority. The Law of Similars is a Divine Law. So soon as you have accepted the Law of Similars, so soon have you accepted Providence, which is law and order.

If you do not use your Homoeopathy you will lose it. This is a responsibility so great that where one has gone into the Truth and does not make use of his knowledge, he will become like Egypt of old.

The sick are entitled to exact knowledge, not to guess work,

Leave names out when prescribing. They are only for the foolish and for the boards of health.

The disease is not to be named but to be perceived; not to be classified but to be viewed, that the very nature of it may be discovered.

Throw aside all theories, and matters of belief and opinion, and dwell in simple fact.

The human mind should not be burdened with technicalities. They destroy description, and close the understanding.

You must be able to recognize every ambassador of the internal man.

A profane man can have no more idea of the sentiments of a gentle, highly religious woman, than can a lobster.

The physician must see and feel, as the artist does his picture. He must perceive, by his knowledge of the human heart, that good woman’s state whose religious melancholy he could not otherwise understand.

Every scientific man today is trying to find something he can claim as his own. Such a man cannot understand Homoeopathy. He worships himself. Has dwelt on the externals so long that it is impossible for him to think rationally.

Whenever a, man settles all things by his eyes, and fingers, pseudo-science and theories, he reasons from lasts to firsts; in other words, from himself, and is insane.

Man’s unbelief and opinion do not effect truth. The experience which the Homoeopath has, is experience under law and confirms the law and by this order is maintained.

What matters it what people think of a just man? His reputation will take care of itself.

A man, whose services are worth having, can starve in the gutter, in order that he may do good, for the love of his neighbor; and he will acquire this power, this perception. Such a physician may realize what it is to have a duty to perform.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.