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Aphorisms & Precepts

There is not one law for contagion and another one for proving. They are both one.

The remedy pervades the economy silently and completely with its prodromal period; then comes the evolution of the disease which runs its course.

If morbid anatomy has taken the place of symptoms there is not much chance of cure. When organs are destroyed little guiding symptoms seem to pass into the shade and the prehistoric (before the pathological changes) symptoms are forgotten. The guide has disappeared. There is no other way of making it known.

If the Vital Force has not that extra susceptibility that allows a breath of the similar remedy to cure, repeated doses may suppress the symptoms but will not cure; you are getting only the primary action, the curative action is not at work. The reactive energy of the Vital Force is not brought into play.

You know that the infant at the mother’s breast becomes as thoroughly medicated as the mother. Do not think, however, that if not indicated in the mother, it will reach the infant. It is not done through a funnel. The mother must be susceptible to it and thus vitalize it.

It is inconsistent to say “I gave a Homoeopathic remedy and it did not cure.” The administration of Homoeopathic remedies is an applied Science.

Simple Substances combine and help each other to flow in the direction of the least resistance as much in things invisible as in things visible.

If we were to undertake to study with the microscope what susceptibility is or what affinity is, we would not succeed.

The microscope, then, only furnishes us a field of results, and, beautiful as they are, the cause is not visible, we see only the results.

There is a plane of nutrition and a plane of dynamis. Common salt is appropriated by the normal individual who receives it on the plane of nutrition, but the sick one who needs it eats it constantly and it does not make him well because he needs it on a higher plane.

Now when man reasoned falsely he created such a change in himself, in his Primitive Substance, that the body became changed, then he became susceptible to outer influences.

The body became corrupt because man’s interior will was corrupt.

Today no eruption is allowed to show its head. Everything is hushed as soon as it gives evidence of being. If this goes on long enough the human race will be swept from the earth.

Confusion comes from losing one’s head, prescribing on few indications and giving medicine when no medicine should be given.

The increase of conditions shows increase of sickness; the increase of symptoms often shows diminution of disease.

When Hahnemann speaks of disease it would seem to be limited to disease activities.

It is worse than useless to give a second dose until the effects of the first dose have ceased.

Do not apply externally the indicated remedy. If it does no good there is no use in using it. If it cures it does so by healing up the external disease before the internal one is cured and thereby leaving no opportunity for the internal disease to come out.

Never, under any circumstances, make use of local applications for an internal derangement. It is the highest order of medical profanity!

The most natural thing to do is to remove external obstruction, but anything that comes from within must be treated from within.

It is a very Superficial view to take of Homoeopathy to see that the symptoms correspond.

There are general, common, and peculiar symptoms. The general is used in the sense of the general of an army, and the generals command all other symptoms and really control the patient.

The modern provers note down only the common symptoms and the morbid anatomy which the remedy produces, and have left out the generals and peculiar symptoms.

Often you may think a patient has all the symptoms in the Materia Medica when in reality there is not a general or guiding symptom on which to prescribe. Such lack of symptoms is due to feeble vitality.

If you see that a patient must go in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and suffering, it is a delightful part of Homoeopathy to administer Euthanasia to arouse vital action suddenly and permit the patient to go.

If you can feel in your old age that the well proved remedies are all your friends, you should feel a state of humility that you are an instrument of such service.

There is much more to be learned about disease from the medicines, because disease is more obscured by the culminations.

The limit of drug action is symptomatology.

It is only after a careful and complete study of the finer provings of drug and the same of the finer features of disease that a law can be demonstrated.

The finest degrees of sensation are to be perceived for these changes constitute the nature of the disease. If drugs could not produce these changes they could not cure. This is the foundation. If you would discover whether the law of similar is the law of cure you would need to draw upon this store of finer symptoms.

Pathology has no place in an effort to select a medicine for the sick.

The microscope is only suitable to demonstrate the most concrete of matter. When the third potency of Gold cures it is because some portions of it are finer.

There never was a genuine Homoeopath who discouraged the real genuine study of anatomy and physiology.

As soon as you begin to prescribe on peculiar symptoms you prescribe on keynotes, and will not do good work. When you have three symptoms–keynotes–it is true you may possibly get the right remedy, but what do you know of your patient, or of the image? You will never have the case in hand, or grasp the true nature of the case in this way.

When a remedy has benefited a patient satisfactorily, never on your life, change your remedy, but repeat that remedy so long as you can benefit the patient. Do not regard the symptoms that have come up.

The remedy has actually led to a change. Don’t reason that if you had given a certain remedy in the beginning you could have cured your patient. The masked symptoms come out as a result of the remedy.

The more you cultivate Homoeopathic methods, and the finer you discriminate, the better you see. and the more you can understand.

Positive principles should govern every physician when he goes to the bedside of the sick. The sick have a right to this if it can be had.

The most villainous doctors are always hunting for something strange and peculiar. Those out of the way symptoms and strange pains are not what we prescribe on and will seldom serve you. The generals are the ruling symptoms and are what the patient says, the individual himself.

Never prescribe for a chronic case when you are in a hurry; take time. Never give a dose of medicine until you have duly considered the whole case.

You cannot count twenty five decent provings since Hahnemann. They leave out what they call imagination and put in morbid anatomy.

Just so sure as you prescribe a one sided remedy for an Hysterical case, just so sure will she leave you after a while because you do not cure.

The physician must be possessed of a knowledge of the human desires, must be a reader of human nature, not only as it relates to the sick room but in health.

If you place your trust in the Vital Force you will not hammer away with remedies. You must have confidence enough in the economy so that when you have started a commotion you can rest. There is a very quiet change going on.

A keynote prescriber is but a memory prescriber; he has memorized only and has not made it a part of his understanding. Such prescribers are almost useless and it is among them that we find “falling from grace.”

The Psoric condition will result, in one, in brain disease, in another in organic liver disease, or structural change in the kidneys. The symptoms which present themselves after organic changes have occurred are far less important though not to be ignored.

When we recognize the fact of the long years of existence of chronic cases, also that they are often inherited for several generations, if a cure is made in the course of two or three years it is indeed a speedy cure. It takes from two to five years to cure chronic diseases.

We must remember that Vital Force is Simple Substance, and that which cures must be Simple Substance,

The greatest comfort on earth to man in incurable diseases is Homoeopathy.

In incurable cases where there are extensive structural changes, use short acting remedies and such antipsorics as do not relate to the case as it was in the beginning. The remedy that fits the previous condition will tear the case down.

In old incurable cases when we give a remedy that fits the whole condition, the result is one of three things: first, aggravation of the symptoms with advance of the disease; second, no action, and third, Euthanasia.

Unless the inner nature of the remedy corresponds with the inner nature of the disease the remedy will not cure the disease but simply remove the symptoms which it covers; that is, suppress them.

Such antipsorics as do not relate to the constitutional condition of the patient are comforting and palliative and act as short acting remedies.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.