
One-sided, tearing pains — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Open fontanelles; head enlarged; much perspiration, wets the pillowCALCAREA CARBONICA.

Open fontanelles — SEPIA.

Opening and shutting sensation, especially in occiput — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Orbital neuralgia over right eye — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Orbital right neuralgia, with profuse lachrymation — APHIS CHENOPODII GLAUCI.


Outward drawing from glabella — ICTODES FOETIDA.

Over-irritabilitySTRYCHNINUM PURUM. Oversensitive of hearing — NATRIUM CARBONICUM. Oversensitive — ANGUSTURA VERA.

Over-sensitiveness to odors — SABADILLA.

Oversensitiveness — NUX VOMICA.

Ozæna; frontal pain — TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM.


Pain above margin of right orbit — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain across the brain from left to right — CEREUS BONPLANDII.

Pain across top of head from ear to ear; worse after an evening’s entertainment, with irritability and sour eructations — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Pain aggravated by breathing cold air through nose — CORALLIUM RUBRUM.

Pain along right malar bone running to  temple — CEREUS BONPLANDII.

Pain and pressure in maxillæ — ASTRAGALUS MOLLISSIMUS.

Pain and stiffness in nape of neck — MYRICA CERIFERA.

Pain as from a band tightly across  forehead — MERCURIALIS PERENNIS.

Pain as from a nail; after excessive intoxicating drinks — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Pain as if a ball rose from throat to brain — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Pain as if a band around head (Carbol ac; Cact; Gels) — SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA.

Pain as if a nail were driven in left side of  vertex — PARAFFINUM.

Pain as if brain were crushed — MURIATICUM ACIDUM.

Pain as if pierced by a nail (Coff; Ign) — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Pain as if temples were crushed together — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Pain at root of nose; feels swollen — PARTHENIUM HYSTEROPHORUS.

Pain at root of nose — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Pain beginning in right ear, extending round back of head to left ear — HELODERMA.

Pain begins at occiput, and spreads over head and settles over eyes — SILICEA TERRA.

Pain begins in forehead to occiput, in morning on  rising — LAC VACCINUM DEFLORATUM.

Pain behind left eye-ball — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Pain beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes (Onos) — SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA.

Pain better lying down and sleep — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Pain between left eye and frontal eminence — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Pain comes down bone of nose — SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE.

Pain extends to teeth and root of tongue — IPECACUANHA. Pain first one side, then the other — LAC CANINUM.

Pain from forehead to root of nose; pressing-outward  pain — PTELEA TRIFOLIATA.

Pain from frontal region backward — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Pain from left shoulder to occiput — EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.

Pain from nape of neck; cannot hold head  up — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Pain from nape over whole brain; better, stooping, sitting; worse, going upstairs — MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.

Pain from occiput to back of neck — CODEINUM.

Pain from temple to temple across eyes — CEDRON.

Pain in articulation of jaw, in masseter muscles, as if fatigued by chewing  too much — ANGUSTURA VERA.

Pain in back of head and neck — GALLICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in back of head, with roaring in neck — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Pain in back of head; great weight there (Gels) — OPIUM.

Pain in bones extending to face — AURUM METALLICUM.

Pain in bones of head — SYPHILINUM.

Pain in brain, as if head would burst — OLEANDER.

Pain in cervical region with tendency for head to draw backward with nervousness — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.

Pain in ears — ELAPS CORALLINUS.


Pain in eyeballs, running back to brain; worse, moving eyes — GRINDELIA ROBUSTA.

Pain in eyeballs; supraorbital pains,  photophobia — JOANESIA ASOCA.

Pain in eyeballs — MENTHOLUM.

Pain in eyes as if torn out of head — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Pain in eyes before a storm — RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM.

Pain in eyes, flickering — ALUMINA SILICATA.

Pain in face above zygoma with numbness — MENTHOLUM.

Pain in facial bones — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Pain in facial muscles — ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS.

Pain in forehead and over eyebrows, beginning at 9 am; worse until noon — STRAMONIUM.

Pain in forehead and proceeds thence  backward — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Pain in forehead and temple, extending to eyeballs, worse in  afternoon — BADIAGA.

Pain in forehead and temples, increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin, with vertigo and pulsation — CHININUM SULPHURICUM.

Pain in forehead over right eye, sensitive to touch; from superior molars to forehead — COCCINELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA.

Pain in forehead; worse, noise — TRILLIUM PENDULUM.

Pain in front and temporal region from head to nape and to teeth; from cardiac origin — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Pain in head better by lying on painful sideCALCAREA ARSENICOSA.

Pain in head when straining at stoolINDIUM METALLICUM.

Pain in head when using eyes — CINA MARITIMA.

Pain in head, better heat, perspires — ALUMINA SILICATA.

Pain in heart; extends to head — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain in left frontal protuberance — CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA.

Pain in left side of head and in forehead above left  eye — TELLURIUM METALLICUM.

Pain in left temple and in left orbital region, extending to occiput, with nausea and vomitingNAJA TRIPUDIANS.

Pain in maxillary bones and masseter  muscles — OXYTROPIS LAMBERTI.

Pain in muscles of neck when lifting head from pillow — X-RAY.

Pain in neck to back of head — LATRODECTUS MACTANS.

Pain in occiput, extends to right ciliary  region — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Pain in occiput, top and forehead; changing places — SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE.

Pain in occiput — VARIOLINUM.

Pain in right eyeball, as if it would burstPRUNUS SPINOSA.

Pain in right frontal eminence — CAUSTICUM.

Pain in right side of neck — CALENDULA OFFICINALIS.

Pain in right trifacial nerve from periphery inwards — ARANEA DIADEMA.

Pain in small spot over upper left parietal  bone — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Pain in temple, extending into ear and wing of nose, chin — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Pain in temples and mastoid (Capsic) — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Pain in temples, as if they were screwed toward each other — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Pain in temples — SENEGA.

Pain in temporal muscles, when opening the jaws — ANGUSTURA VERA.

Pain in the back of head “like a flash of lightning” — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Pain in zygoma; face  pale — LECITHINUM.

Pain intense over eyes and root of noseKALIUM IODATUM.

Pain of outer parts, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration; painful to  touch — SULPHURICUM ACIDUM.

Pain on top as from a nail — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.

Pain over eyebrows — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.

Pain over eyes, throbbing pressure over nose, pressure in forehead; head seems divided; ringing in ears — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Pain over left eye; worse walking in sun, strong odors and teaSELENIUM METALLICUM.

Pain over left eyebrow — ASTRAGALUS MOLLISSIMUS.

Pain over orbits; cannot bear to raise  eyelidsPHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM.

Pain over right eye extending back through the head — EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREA.

Pain over right eye, dull, constant, worse in warm  room — HIPPURICUM ACIDUM.

Pain over whole right side of face, coming on about 9 am — CEDRON.

Pain runs up from nose and centers in  forehead — SABAL SERRULATA.

Pain through head on awaking — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Pain through sides of head — KALIUM IODATUM.

Pain under right frontal bone — CIMEX LECTULARIUS.

Pain worse anyone walking over floor — THERIDION CURASSAVICUM.

Pain worse from any bright object; better,  sleep — COCCINELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA.

Pain worse light, noise, jar, lying down and in afternoon; better by pressure and semi-erect posture — BELLADONNA.

Pain worse motion; gradually increasing and decreasing as if constricted by a band; forehead feels pressed inwards — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Pain; fullness, especially in forehead, also occiput, and temples — BELLADONNA.

Painful facial bones — ASTRAGALUS MOLLISSIMUS.

Painful pressure above the root of nose — ONISCUS ASELLUS. Painful pulsation in forehead — EUPIONUM.

Painless throbbing — PYROGENIUM.

Pains (better pressure and heat), with soreness of scalpCOLOCYNTHIS.

Pains all over head, dizzy — OENANTHE CROCATA.


Pains deep in head, with upward pressureFAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Pains from below upward — BENZOLUM.

Pains from occiput to eyesSARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Pains in eyes and ears — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Pains often end in a stitch, especially in  head — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Pains often end in a stitch, especially in  head — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Pains pierce brain like pointed arrows; worse in afternoon — ANANTHERUM MURICATUM.

Palpitation reverberating in head with labored breathing — BELLADONNA.

Paralysis of brain — OPIUM.

Passive cerebral hyperæmia (use ALUMENth) — CHLORALUM HYDRATUM.

Passive, congestive pain (rises from back of head), with pale  face — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Perfectly rational periods, alternate with manifestations of insanity of a somber character — NATRIUM SALICYLICUM.

Periodic bilious headaches (Sanguin) — AMMONIUM PICRICUM.

Periodic headaches, occipital pain, extending down to spine, worse lying on back; sore pain in eyes — NICCOLUM SULPHURICUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.