
Cranial bones soft and thin — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Cranium swells up in hard lump — KALIUM IODATUM.

Crazy feeling from pain across forehead; worse, working on black — CEDRON.

Creaking noise in head — CALCAREA FLUORICA.

Creeping sensation in scalp — RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS.

Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; green, fetid pusTUBERCULINUM.

Crushing feeling in vertex — PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM.

Crushing headache — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Crustalactea beginning in face — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.



Cutting or pressure above right orbit extending to occiput — BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.

Dandruff and scaldhead — KALIUM SULPHURICUM.

Dandruff; scalp sore, dry, tetter-like — BADIAGA.


Darting pains running up into head — CHININUM ARSENICOSUM.

Deafness from cold — VISCUM ALBUM.

Deafness — VARIOLINUM.

Deep  furrows  on  forehead — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Deep seated pain in sides of head — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Deep, right-sided frontal headache — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Deep-seated frontal headache with severe pain back of eyeballs — CORALLIUM RUBRUM.

Defective hearing — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Delirious on falling asleep — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Delirium alternating with colic — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Delirium tremens; cursing and raving; vicious — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Delirium where excitement and violence predominate — CHLOROFORMIUM.

Delirium, stupor — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Delirium — OPIUM.

Depressed and irritable — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Depressed; energetic; feeling of fidgets; cannot sleep from thinking — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Depression and headache (frontal) — TRINITROTOLUENUM.

Depression, with nervous restlessness, anxiety — FRAXINUS AMERICANA.

Depression, with weeping desire to be  alone — CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM.

Desire for exercise — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.



Difficult concentration of thought — IRIDIUM METALLICUM.

Difficult hearing — SABADILLA.

Difficult to remember names, confused with heat of face, rush of blood to face, worse when meditating — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Dilated pupils — APOMORPHINUM.




Disagreeable, metallic taste — YOHIMBINUM.

Discharge from nose stringy, tough — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Discusses her symptoms with every one — POPULUS CANDICANS.

Disinclined for mental work — UPAS TIEUT.

Disinclined to mental work — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.


Distensive headache; worse early morning, open air, lying — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Distensive pressure — STRONTIUM CARBONICUM.

Distortion and twitching of left facial muscles; when speaking left angle of mouth drawn upwards and to left — TELLURIUM METALLICUM.

Distress from cinders lodged in eye — COCCUS CACTI.

Distress from cinders lodged in eye — COCCUS CACTI.

Distress when head is covered — LEDUM PALUSTRE.

Disturbed sense of equilibrium — TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Disturbed sleep — CITRUS VULGARIS.

Dizziness after heat and hot perspiration — TARENTULA CUBENSIS.

Dizziness; worse on stopping or moving — OREODAPHNE CALIFORNICA.

Dizzy full feeling — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Dizzy states with ringing in ears — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Dizzy when crossing stream of water — BROMIUM.

Dizzy when walking — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Dizzy, contents of head feel lighter; mist before eyes — MOMORDICA BALSAMICA.

Dizzy, feels intoxicated — ERIODYCTION CALIFORNICUM.


Double vision; heavy look about eyes; tinnitus, aphasia; tongue as if paralyzed — SULFONALUM.

Double vision; ptosis; tinnitus; dysphagia, difficult speech — SULFONALUM.

Double vision — VISCUM ALBUM.

Drawing and twitching in every muscle — LUPULUS HUMULUS.

Drawing in bones towards  zygoma — BRYONIA ALBA.

Drawing in facial muscles — ANGUSTURA VERA.

Drawing pain in periosteum of skull — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Drawing pains in malar bones and orbits — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Drawing pains in masseter muscles — SABINA.

Drawn back by spasmodic twitchings — ARTEMISIA VULGARIS.

Dread of downward motion (Borax) — SANICULA AQUA.

Dreams of running water — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.


Dropsy, stupid; pain on attempting to raise head — SULFONALUM.

Dryness of mouth — PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI.

Dull ache on top of head — TARENTULA CUBENSIS.

Dull aching in frontal region (left), extending backwards and over forehead — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Dull congestive headache — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Dull frontal and supra-orbital headache; worse moving eyes, cold air; better, warmth — ICHTHYOLUM.

Dull frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples, worse stooping, motion, jar — CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA.

Dull frontal headache; from suppressed hæmorrhoids — COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.

Dull frontal pain; vertigo, drowsiness, and depression — LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA.

Dull headache after coition; from eye-strain (Nat m) — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Dull headache and confusion — NATRIUM SALICYLICUM.

Dull headache deep in brain — UPAS TIEUT.

Dull headache, especially in young people, face stupid, heavy; vertigo, Meniere’s disease — AMMONIUM IODATUM.

Dull headache, with dull heavy pressure in forehead and root of  nose — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Dull heavy occipital pain, on right side and right eye — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Dull heavy, stupid, with foul tongue — CARDUUS MARIANUS.

Dull in morning, clear in evening — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Dull occipital and frontal headache in afternoon — INDOLUM.

Dull occipital pain on rising in morning — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Dull pain in both temples; better pressure, but worse  afterwards — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Dull pain in left temple — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Dull pain in occiput, with sensation of water swashing inside — HELLEBORUS NIGER.

Dull pain in right upper jaw — X-RAY.

Dull pain like from a band around the head (Carb ac) — TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Dull pain over right eye in morning — COCCUS CACTI.

Dull pain over right eye in morning — COCCUS CACTI.

Dull pain, as from a board pressing against  forehead — KREOSOTUM.

Dull pains in temples and forehead, with nausea, weakness,  sleepinessINDIUM METALLICUM.

Dull paroxysmal neuralgia over left side, gradually increasing and ceasing suddenly — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Dull sensation over eyes — INDOLUM.

Dull, aching; better cold, pressure — ICHTHYOLUM.


Dull, dizzy feeling in head — BADIAGA.

Dull, frontal headache, passes to occiput and back again, with throbbing, worse right side and motion — COPAIVA OFFICINALIS.

Dull, frontal headache; worse in morning and left side with  sleepiness — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Dull, frontal headacheSCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA.

Dull, full head — JUGLANS CINEREA.

Dull, hazy ache of head — BUTYRICUM ACIDUM.

Dull, heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids; bruised sensation; better, compression and lying with head high — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Dull, heavy aching in temples and forehead on waking in the morningMYRICA CERIFERA.

Dull, heavy feeling in morning — HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES.

Dull, heavy headache with dizziness — LUPULUS HUMULUS.

Dull, heavy headache, frontal and occipital — CHININUM ARSENICOSUM.

Dull, heavy pain — LOBELIA INFLATA.

Dull, heavy sensation in occiput, as from a blow, extending to neck (better on pressure), accompanied with sexual  excitement — APIS MELLIFICA.

Dull, heavy, confused, dizzy — LACTUCA VIROSA.

Dull, heavy, dizzy, pressing upward in occiput — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Dull, heavy, stupid — OPIUM.

Dull, pressing frontal pain, especially connected with constipation — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Dull, pressive pain in occiput — PSORINUM.

Dull, stupefying headache — SENECIO AUREUS.

Dull, throbbing, frontal pain; worse, motion and reading — ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA.

Dull, unable to think — OLEANDER.


Dullness and oppression — SABADILLA.

Dullness in anterior brain — TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE.

Dullness, with pressure and weakness of eyes — SENEGA.

Early deafness in typhoid conditions — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Ears feel obstructed — CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM.

Ears hyperæmic — AMYLENUM NITROSUM.

Ears sensitive to least noise — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Eczema behind ear — SCROPHULARIA NODOSA.

Eczema of eyelids — BACILLINUM BURNETT.

Eczema of scalp, with swollen glands — VIOLA TRICOLOR.

Eczema on forehead along line of hair — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Eczema; moist oozing behind ears — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Effects of sunstroke; heat on head, as in type-setters and workers under gas and electric light — GLONOINUM.

Emotion and bad news aggravate; also, thinking of fluids — LYSSINUM.

Emotional and fidgety — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Emotional disturbances cause appearance of hemi-cranial attacks — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Empty feeling — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Empty retching and headache; heartburn; pain between shoulder-blades — APOMORPHINUM.


Epistaxis with flushed face and pain in forehead, better, nosebleed — BUFO RANA.

Epistaxis, especially in the morning — AMBRA GRISEA.


Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.