
Headache, better, by green tea; while smoking — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Headache, brain feels tender and sore — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Headache, dull pressure, worse morning, with heated face and bitter taste; alternating with diarrhœa — PODOPHYLLINUM.

Headache, lachrymation, sneezing — SUCCINUM.

Headache, must hold temples to relieve; provoked by shaking while coughing — PETROLEUM.

Headache, red face — GUACO.

Headache, stupefying, with nausea and vomiting of mucus, with a feeling as of foreign body under the skull — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Headache,  with  abdominal  flatulence — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Headache, with affections of respiratory  organs — LACTUCA VIROSA.

Headache, with backward and forward motion of headLAMIUM ALBUM.

Headache, with cold hands and feet — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Headache, with drowsiness; yellow sclerotica; aching in eyeballs — MYRICA CERIFERA.

Headache, with heat of face — ANGUSTURA VERA.

Headache, with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Headache, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhœa, pale  face — VERATRUM ALBUM.

Headache, with vertigo, as if falling to right side and backwards; worse, stooping — KALIUM NITRICUM.

Headache, with vomiting — KALIUM MURIATICUM.

Headache, with weary, empty, gone feeling at stomach (Ign; Sep) — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Headache, worse from lying on back, better with the head  high — COCCUS CACTI.

Headache, worse from lying on back, better with the head  high — COCCUS CACTI.

Headache, worse near the region of sutures, from change of weather, of school children about puberty — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Headache; better eating — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Headache; confusion in head on rising suddenly — SALICYLICUM ACIDUM.

Headache; must walk on tip-toe to avoid jarring — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Headache; worse from talking — MEZEREUM.

Headache; worse heat of sun and by rapid motion — BROMIUM.

Headache; worse on motion, even of  eyeballs — BRYONIA ALBA.

Headache; worse pressure and tobacco smoke — NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Headache; worse, wine, wind, cold and wet weather — RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM.

Headaches and mental states of  smokers — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Headaches are relieved by gentle motion — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Headaches from nerve tire caused by mental or physical exhaustion, preceded by hungerEPIPHEGUS VIRGINIANA.

Headaches of elderly people and during  climacteric — CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS.

Headaches of high altitudesCOCA-ERYTHROXYLON COCA.

Headaches over eyes in severe colds; better, uncovering (Sulph) — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Headaches relieves by cold, other symptoms  worse — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Headaches return at climacteric; every seventh day (Sulph; Sabad) — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Headaches with return of hot weather — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Hearing confused; cannot tell direction of soundCARBO ANIMALIS. Hearing greatly increased — COCAINUM HYDROCHLORICUM.

Hearing impairedAMBRA GRISEA. Hears voices — CHLORALUM HYDRATUM.

Heat and flickering in eyes; worse in damp  weather — ARANEA DIADEMA.

Heat at vertex; stitches from vertex down limbs into abdomen and  genitals — EUPIONUM.

Heat comes from spinePHOSPHORUS.

Heat in eyes when using them — RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM.

Heat in head, especially in vertex — DAPHNE INDICA.

Heat of face and headache, with general  coldness — LACTUCA VIROSA.

Heat, throbbing, distensive pains, better on pressure, and worse on motion — APIS MELLIFICA.

Heaviness and difficulty in moving  tongue — GUACO.

Heaviness and fullness, pressure in  temples — SULPHUR.

Heaviness in forehead with vertigo; nausea, and nosebleed — ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Heaviness of head, with sensation as if it would fall  backward — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Heaviness of head, with sensation of weakness in muscles of nape of neck — VIOLA ODORATA.

Heaviness of head; band-feeling around and occipital  headache — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.


Heavy bruised sensation; better from pressure — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Heavy frontal headache — EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREA.


Heavy headache, as if temples were pressed in; pressure in nasal and facial bones — PIPER NIGRUM.

Heavy, dull, confused — TANACETUM VULGARE.

Heavy, frontal headache; worse, walking or  stooping — RHUS VENENATA.

Heavy, lethargic; drowsiness very marked, with general numbness; vertigo, associated with hepatic disturbance — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Heavy, oppressed; frontal, throbbing, undulating sensation in brain — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.

Heavy, pressing-outward pain — VIOLA TRICOLOR.


Heavy, with inertia, and drowsiness — GAMBOGIA.


Heavy; feels as if touched by an icy cold  handHYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Heavy; shooting pain in ears, aching pain behind right ear — ARUM DRACONTIUM.

Hemicrania, with icy feeling of scalp and great weakness — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Hemi-crania; bones of head feel as if  separated — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Hemicrania; sudden glimmering before eyes; feels confused and empty — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.

Herpes, ulcers, and tumors on scalp — ANANTHERUM MURICATUM.

Highly excited — LUPULUS HUMULUS.

Hippocratic face — VERATRUM VIRIDE.


Hot feeling all over body, especially head — APOMORPHINUM.

Hot feeling on top of head — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Hot feeling on top of head — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Hot head with cold extremities — POPULUS CANDICANS.

Hot head, bloodshot eyes — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Hot lachrymationEUGENIA JAMBOS.

Hot spot on top of head — FRAXINUS AMERICANA.

Hot, clammy sweat on forehead and scalp — CHAMOMILLA.

Hot, dull, heavy — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Hot, flushed face — IBERIS AMARA.

Hot, with cold body; confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains — ARNICA MONTANA.

Humid eruption on scalp; hair matted — PSORINUM.

Humid eruptions on scalp; itching greatly — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Humid scald-head itching and burning — HEPAR SULPHUR.

Humid, fetid spots behind ears (Graph; Petrol) and occiput, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front — OLEANDER.

Humid, itching eruption on hairy scalp, emitting a fetid odor — GRAPHITES.

Hydrocephalus — CYTISUS LABURNUM.

Hydrocephalus — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Hypersensitiveness of all sensesLYSSINUM.

Hysterical attacks in tuberculous patients — VIOLA ODORATA.

Icy coldness in, and on the head, especially right  side — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Icy coldness of occiput from the nape of neck; feels heavy as leadCHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Ill effects of sun-heat — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Ill-effects of falls and injuries to the head, and mental troubles arising therefrom — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Ill-humored — THEA CHINENSIS.

Ill-tempered; dull, heavy pain — URANIUM NITRICUM.

Imagines he must starve — KALIUM MURIATICUM.

Impaired hearing — COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA.

Impossible to stand with eyes shut, tendency to fall backwards — DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDES.

In fractured skull, bone splinters — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Inability to concentrate mind — STACHYS BETONICA.

Inability to remain standing — CHININUM SULPHURICUM.

Inability to study or remember — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Inability to walk except with eyes open — ALUMINA.

Incipient coryza — SALICYLICUM ACIDUM.

Inclination to fall forward — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Inclination to turn in a circle — CARBONEUM OXYGENISATUM.

Inclined to bend head backward — CHAMOMILLA.

Inclined to gape and cry — CUPRUM ACETICUM.

Indisposed to mental and bodily exertion — NATRIUM NITRICUM.

Indolence — OLEANDER.

Inflamed and red lids — VACCININUM.

Inflamed eyelids — VARIOLINUM.

Inflammation of brain, with unconsciousness; head is shaken to and fro — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Inflammation of inferior maxillary bone, hard, red,  swelling — SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE.

Influenza, with aching pains all over, and heat in the limbs — TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM.

Influenza; headache, with catarrhal symptoms, sneezing, etc — CAMPHORA.

Influenza — BADIAGA.


Intellectual excitement — GUARANA.

Intense aching, with pressure at inner angle of either orbit, generally left, extending through brain and across scalp to the base of the occiput; worse  light, noise; better, closing eyes and perfect quiet — OREODAPHNE CALIFORNICA.

Intense pain, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain — TARENTULA HISPANICA.

Intense pain, as of an iron band around  head — TUBERCULINUM.

Intense throbbing of head and carotids — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Intense throbbing, with nausea, vomiting, blindness, and obstinate constipation; worse, noise, light, motion, during menses, with great prostration, and better   by pressure and bandaging head tightly — LAC VACCINUM DEFLORATUM.

Intoxicated feeling; worse, morning, mental exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, open air — NUX VOMICA.

Involuntary shaking of head — CANNABIS INDICA.

Inward pressing in malar bones — NATRIUM NITRICUM.

Irresistible desire to scratch — VINCA MINOR.

Irritable and nervous — TORULA CEREVISIAE.

Irritable, depressed — BACILLINUM BURNETT.

Irritable, pains in forehead and eyeballs — RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS.

Irritable, sensitive to external impressions; hot, full and heavy head; lachrymation, with coryza, profuse, fluent, with constant sneezing; loss of smell and  taste; coryza with coughJUSTICIA ADHATODA.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.