
Irritable; complains of her troubles; sensitive — ASAFOETIDA.

Irritable — UPAS TIEUT.


Itching and burning in eyes; lids stick together, with sneezingGAMBOGIA.

Itching and dryness of nasal cavities, better in open  air — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Itching and little boils on scalp — ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.

Itching and smarting in inner canthus of left  eye — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Itching around scalp and over back, worse from hot bath and bed — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Itching eruption above and behind ears  (Oleand) — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Itching in and around eyes and ears — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Itching in eyes — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Itching of eyelids — CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA.

Itching of eyes and ears — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Itching of hairy scalp and beard — COBALTUM METALLICUM. Itching of noseSANTONINUM.

Itching of occiput — IODOFORMIUM.

Itching of scalp and nape — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Itching of scalp worse in damp  weather — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches — PHOSPHORUS.

Itching of scalp; dandruff — MEDORRHINUM.

Itching of scalp; red spots — TELLURIUM METALLICUM.

Itching of scalp — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Itching of the scalp — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Itching, burning vesicles; better, friction — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Itching, redness and burning of nose — STRONTIUM CARBONICUM.

Itching; falling off of hair; roots of hair  painful — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Itching; scratching causes burningSULPHUR.

Jarring of walking resounds painfully in  head — STANNUM METALLICUM.


Jerking of head backwards and forwards — SEPIA.

Jerking of head forwards — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Lacerated scalp wounds — CALENDULA OFFICINALIS.

Lachrymation in cold air or from cold  application — SANICULA AQUA.


Lancinating pain in upper jaw — KALIUM IODATUM.

Lancinating pains all over head — CURARE.

Lassitude, indisposition to work — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Lateral cutting headache, with nausea, vomiting — COLOCYNTHIS.

Lectophobia — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Left side of head and face suffer most; pains stinging and twisting — PARAFFINUM.

Left-sided brow ague — CUPRUM ACETICUM.

Left-sided headache up to eyes and into  ears — ARSENICUM METALLICUM.

Left-sided headache with vertigoEUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.

Left-sided headache — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Left-sided trigeminal neuralgia, especially supraorbital — SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS.

Lightheaded — CALCAREA IODATA.

Like a band across forehead — COCA-ERYTHROXYLON COCA.

Linear pains from temple across, or from eyes backward; cause sleeplessness and delirium at night — SYPHILINUM.

Lips dry and cracked — PIPER NIGRUM.

Listless, apathetic, indifferent — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Listless, apathetic — CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA.

Loose feeling in head — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Loses consciousness; head reels when in high-ceiled roomCUPRUM ACETICUM.

Loss of consciousness — XEROPHYLLUM.



Loss of sense of smell — JOANESIA ASOCA.

Low  spirited,  memory  weak — ARSENICUM METALLICUM.

Lying as if stupefied by a narcotic — NAPHTHALINUM.

Lyssophobia; fear of becoming mad — LYSSINUM.

Malar bones feel pulled forcibly upward — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Megrim of left side; worse stooping, especially after drinking  milk — BROMIUM.

Megrim, with great coldness in head and sour  taste — CALCAREA ACETICA.

Melancholic-quiet; burning at vertex; vertigo and slight headache — FICUS RELIGIOSA.


Meningitis — GLONOINUM.


Meningitis — TUBERCULINUM.


Menstrual headache — KREOSOTUM.

Mental confusion — DULCAMARA.

Mental confusion — MENTHOLUM.

Mental depression — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Mental depression — URANIUM NITRICUM.

Mental dullness conjunctival irritation nasal discharges — CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA.

Mental failure, loss of memory — TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE.

Migraine attack preceded by unusual excitement with loquacity — CANNABIS INDICA.

Migraine with polyuria — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Migraine; first on left side — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.

Migraine; worse, over right eye; aching in eyeballsSCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA.

Migrainious morning headache with  scotoma — ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS.

Mistakes in writing and adding — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Moist eruption on scalp; worse, back and ears — PETROLEUM.

Moist eruption on scalp — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Morbid fear of small-pox — VARIOLINUM.

Morbid vigilance — LUPULUS HUMULUS.

Morning headache; worse in forehead, also in occiput, on motion; better in open air — CHLORALUM HYDRATUM.

Mouth and lips cracked — THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS.

Mouth and nose dry — OXYTROPIS LAMBERTI.

Mouth drawn to left — ARTEMISIA VULGARIS.

Much fatty perspiration on head and violent itching — HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM.

Much sneezing, with fluent coryza — TILIA EUROPAEA.

Much sweating of head (Calc, Sil) — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Much throbbing and heat — BELLADONNA.

Much yawning — OENANTHE CROCATA.

Mucus in posterior nares — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Must be wrapped up with warm cloths — ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM.


Must take down the hair — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Myalgic pain in scalp and muscles of neck  (Cimicif) — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.


Nasal catarrh, discharge bloody, excoriating, offensive nose, swollen, ulcerated — KALIUM SILICICUM.

Nasal catarrh, profuse, watery discharge — JOANESIA ASOCA.

Nasal polypiFORMICA RUFA.

Nausea and eructation — YOHIMBINUM.

Nausea and vomitingAPOMORPHINUM.

Neck muscles stiff and sore — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Neck too weak to hold head up — VERATRUM ALBUM.

Neglectful and forgetful — TELLURIUM METALLICUM.

Nervous deafness — TABACUM.

Nervous headache at menstrual period, with burning at top of head — AVENA SATIVA.

Nervous headache from menstrual  irregularities — USTILAGO MAYDIS.

Nervous headache, after suppressed perspiration, followed by increased urine, with increase of specific gravityASCLEPIAS CORNUTI.

Nervous sick headaches, worse noise, odor light, better night; rest, 5 drops of tincture — SCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA.

Nervous, uneasy, depressed — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Nervous, uneasy, desire to recline, tired, cannot settle down to any occupation — — NICCOLUM SULPHURICUM.


Neuralgia (first right, then left side), with veil before eyesTILIA EUROPAEA.

Neuralgia around and over right side of head and  neck — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.

Neuralgia from tea (Selen) — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Neuralgia in feeble patients — SABAL SERRULATA.

Neuralgia of head and face — GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS.

Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek-bone and right ear,  with excessive lachrymation, preceded by pain in  liver — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Neuralgia with heaviness of head, burning, stinging and stitching in temples and forehead — CUPRUM ACETICUM.

Neuralgia; parts must be kept warm — PHOSPHORUS.

Neuralgic pain, as if torn by pincers; involves face and teeth; worse, eating; better, cold; alternate with gastralgia — BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.

Neuralgic pains, commencing in right temporal region, with scalding lachrymation of affected side — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.


Night terrors — SOLANUM NIGRUM.

Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened — TUBERCULINUM.


Noises when swallowing — BENZOICUM ACIDUM.

Numb feeling in headKALIUM BROMATUM.

Numb feeling on left side of head — PARIS QUADRIFOLIA.

Numb feeling — OLEANDER.

Numbness of brain — BUFO RANA.

Numbness over frontal bone — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA. Numbness, with headachePLATINUM METALLICUM.

Objects appear too large — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.

Obstinate acute coryza and influenza with  cough — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Occipital and vertex pain, accompanying severe lumbar aching — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Occipital headache and pain through the globe of the eyes and orbits  (Cedron;


Occipital headache, with a feeling of weight — PARIS QUADRIFOLIA.

Occipital headache, with chromatic hallucinationsSANTONINUM.

Occipital headache, with phosphatic  urine — AVENA SATIVA.

Occipital headache; better, after rising — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Occipital headache — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Occipital headache — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Occipital pain (Gels; Zinc pic) — KREOSOTUM.

Occipital pain after lying down, with sense of weightEUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM.

Occipital pain ascending from nape of  neck — DULCAMARA.

Occipital pain, with nausea on rising, followed by vomiting — TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM.

Occipital pain, with shooting extending to  forehead — LAC CANINUM.

Occipital pain, with weight on vertex — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Occipital pain; worse, slightest mental exertion — PICRICUM ACIDUM.



Occipital sharp pain — JUGLANS REGIA.

Occipital throbbing, synchronous with the  pulseCAMPHORA.

Occipito-frontal pain in morning on waking, chiefly left sideONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Occiput feels full — GLYCERINUM.

Œdema of lower eyelids — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Œdematous swelling of forehead — ARSENICUM METALLICUM.

One-sided headache — CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.