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Only that the artificial or drug-disease is vastly superior as a curative agent, to any natural disease : since natural disease are uncertain in action and leave many persons unaffected….

Hahnemann shows that disease of like symptoms annihilate or as we may say antidote one another : and he instances, inter alia, cow-pox and small -pox.

In the same way ( he contends) an artificial or drug disease will antidote a natural disease of like symptoms.

Only that the artificial or drug-disease is vastly superior as a curative agent, to any natural disease : since natural disease are uncertain in action and leave many persons unaffected : whereas medicinal agents (take arsenic for instance) ” act at all times, and under all circumstances on all living beings and have this great advantage, that they can be diluted divided potentised to the verge of infinity at the will of the physician till the result of treatment is seen only as a gentle imperceptible but rapid transition from suffering to health.”

This uncertainty in the employment of natural disease for the cure of disease is exemplified in the use of malaria for the cure of general paralysis of the insane. A plaintive tale in this regard was voiced recently by Menninger and Fellows in the Journal of the Kansas Medical Society.

It is a tale of difficulty and uncertainty of the damage to certain organs – liver and spleen; of the risk of spreading malaria by patients under, treatment; and of enhanced mortality.

John Weir
Sir John Weir (1879 – 1971), FFHom 1943. John Weir was the first modern homeopath by Royal appointment, from 1918 onwards. John Weir was Consultant Physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1910, and he was appointed the Compton Burnett Professor of Materia Medica in 1911. He was President of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1923.
Weir received his medical education first at Glasgow University MB ChB 1907, and then on a sabbatical year in Chicago under the tutelage of Dr James Tyler Kent of Hering Medical College during 1908-9. Weir reputedly first learned of homeopathy through his contact with Dr Robert Gibson Miller.
John Weir wrote- Some of the Outstanding Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Conditions with Margaret Tyler, Homeopathy and its Importance in Treatment of Chronic Disease, The Trend of Modern Medicine, The Science and Art of Homeopathy, Brit Homeo Jnl, The Present Day Attitude of the Medical Profession Towards Homeopathy, Brit Homeo Jnl XVI, 1926, p.212ff, Homeopathy: a System of Therapeutics, The Hahnemann Convalescent Home, Bournemouth, Brit Homeo Jnl 20, 1931, 200-201, Homeopathy an Explanation of its Principles, British Homeopathy During the Last 100 Years, Brit Homeo Jnl 23, 1932: etc